Animals oor Akan


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Dogs are loyal animals.
Ɔyɛ obiɑrɑ ne ndzinoɑ d ɛ onyɑ kyɛfɑ wɔ ɔmɑn ɑdɔdɔdze biɑrɑɑ ɔwɔ ne mɑn mu no mu .Akuapem Akuapem
This animal is very clever.
Obiɑrɑ wɔ ndzinoɑ dɛ onyɑ egyɑpɑdzeɑ ɔyɛ no nko nedze , ɑnɑɑdɛ ɔnye nkorɔfo bi bɔ mu nyɑ dɛm egyɑpɑdze no .Akuapem Akuapem
If there was no sun, all the animals would be dead.
Ɔyɛ obiɑrɑ ne ndzinoɑ dɛ wɔmɑ no ɑkɑtuɑ ɑ ɔfɑtɑ n 'edwumɑ ɑ ɔyɛ ɑ , nyimpɑ nyiyimu biɑrɑnnyi mu .Akuapem Akuapem
Man is the only animal that uses fire.
Ɔyɛ obiɑrɑ ne ndzinoɑ dɛ ofi ɔmɑn biɑrɑ mu ( noɑrɑ ne mɑn kã ho ) nɑ ɔsɑn bɑ ne mɑn mu bio .Akuapem Akuapem
You can see many animals in this forest.
Obiɑrɑ wɔ ndzinoɑ dɛ ɔyɛ ɔmɑn bi bɑ .Akuapem Akuapem
Foxes are wild animals.
Obiɑrɑ wɔ ho kwɑn dɛ mbrɑ no bɔ no ho bɑn tsiɑ nyiyimu ɑ obu Dɑwurbɔ yi mu nsɛmpɔw no mu biɑrɑ do no , nye nunu biɑrɑ ɑ wonunu nyimpɑ mɑ ɔyɛ mɑ ɔyɛ nyiyimu no .Akuapem Akuapem
Many animals were drowned in the flood.
Adze ɑrɑ ɑ ɔwɔ dɛ ɑwɑr no gyinɑ do nye ɑsɑkuw ebien ɑ wɔrowɑr no hɔn pɛ ɑ nhyɛ nnyi mu .Akuapem Akuapem
You should free those animals from the cage.
Onnyi dɛ wɔhyɛ obiɑrɑ mɑ ɔdɔm fɛkuw bi .Akuapem Akuapem
A cow is a useful animal.
Ɔyɛ nhyɛ dɛ ɑbofrɑ biɑrɑ nyɑ mbofrɑber mu nwomɑsuɑ .Akuapem Akuapem
He isn't cruel to animals.
Ɔyɛ nhyɛ dɛ ɑbofrɑ biɑrɑ nyɑ mbofrɑber mu nwomɑsuɑ .Akuapem Akuapem
I'm afraid of wild animals.
NHYIAMU KƐSE NO YI ADASA NDZINOA HO DAWURBƆ no kyerɛ dɛ : ɔno nye nhwhɛdodze tsitsir ɑ ɔwɔ hɔ mɑ nyimpɑ nɑ ɑmɑn nyinɑ , ɑmɑ ɑnkorɑnkor biɑrɑ nɑ nyimpɑ kuw biɑrɑ , sɛ wɔdze dɛm dɑwurbɔ yi si hɔn enyim ɑ , wɔɑɑbɔ mbɔdzen eduɑ nkyerɛ nɑ ɑdzesuɑ do ɑmɑ nkorɔfo eedzi ndzinoɑ nɑ fɑhoɑzi ɑhorow no nyi ; nɑ wɔɑɑtɔɑ do ɑfɑ hɔnɑrɑ hɔn mɑn nɑ ɑmɑnɑmɑn nhyehyɛɛ do wɔɑmɑ wɔɑɑgye dɑwurbɔ yi ɑto mu nɑ woeedzi do wɔ Amɑn ɑ wɔdɔm Nkɑbɔmu Kuw no mu biɑrɑ mu nye ɑsɑɑse biɑrɑ ɑ wɔhyɛ hɔn ɑse no so do .Akuapem Akuapem
An elephant is a strong animal.
Nɑ eso onnyi dɛ wɔmɑ obi ntseɑ ɑ ɔbor no mfomdo ɑ ɔɑyɛ no ho ntseɑ do .Akuapem Akuapem
No animal can exist without plants.
Obiɑrɑ wɔ ho kwɑn dɛ onyɑ kyɛfɑ wɔ ɑsetsenɑ ɑnɑɑ ɑmɑnɑmɑn nhyehyɛɛ ɑ okitsɑ ndzinoɑ nɑ fɑhodzi horow ɑ wɔɑdɑ no edzi wɔ dɛm Dɑwurbɔ wɔ Mpɑɑmukã yi mu no mu .Akuapem Akuapem
Humans are the only animals that wear clothes.
Ɔwɔ dɛ nwomɑsuɑ nyinɑ no botɑe yɛ dɛ ɔhwehwɛ nyimpɑ dɑsɑnyi no mu nyinɑ no mpontu nye enyidzi kɛse ɑ ɔbɛbɑ nyimpɑ mu wɔ ɑdɑsɑ hɔn ndzinoɑ ɑhorow ɑ wɔwɔ no ho .Akuapem Akuapem
Are there many animals in the zoo?
Ɔyɛ obiɑrɑ ne ndzinoɑ dɛ mbrɑno ho bɑn tsiɑ ndzeyɛɛ ɑ ɔtsetse dɛm yi .Akuapem Akuapem
An elephant is an enormous animal.
Onnyi dɛ ɑbɔtsirmu ɑrɑ wɔgye obi n 'egyɑpɑdze fi ne nsɑmu .Akuapem Akuapem
He likes animals.
Ɔyɛ obiɑrɑ ne ndzinoɑ dɛ mbrɑ bɔ no ho bɑn tsiɑ ndzeyɛɛ ɑ ɔtsetse dɛm yi .Akuapem Akuapem
Some people keep rare animals as pets.
Cats are very clean animals.
Obiɑrɑ ho kwɑn dɛ bɑguɑ ɑsɛndzifo ɑ wɔnntɔn hɔn ɑsowɑ nndzi tsenɑ hwehwɛ n 'ɑsɛm mu pefee wɔ ne ndzinoɑ , n 'ɑsɑdze ɑnɑɑ ewudzisɛm ho sombo bi ɑ wɔdze ɑbɔ no ho .Akuapem Akuapem
Animals act according to their instincts.
Obiɑrɑ wɔ ndzinoɑ ɔyɛ edwumɑ. ɔyɛ ne ndzinoɑ dɛ ɔfɑ edwumɑ ɑ ɔpɛ dɛ ɔyɛ , nɑ ɔyɛ ne ndzinoɑ dɛ wɔmɑ no edwumɑyɛ mu nhyehyɛɛ , nɑ wɔbɔ noho bɑn fi fietsenɑ ho .Akuapem Akuapem
I like animals, for example, cats and dogs.
Ɔyɛ obiɑrɑ ne ndzinoɑ dɛ , mbrɑ mu , wobu no dɛ nyimpɑ wɔ beebiɑrɑ .Akuapem Akuapem
Man is the only animal that can make use of fire.
NHYIAMU KƐSE NO YI ADASA NDZINOA HO DAWURBƆ no kyerɛ dɛ : ɔno nye nhwhɛdodze tsitsir ɑ ɔwɔ hɔ mɑ nyimpɑ nɑ ɑmɑn nyinɑ , ɑmɑ ɑnkorɑnkor biɑrɑnyimpɑ kuw biɑrɑ , sɛ wɔdze dɛm dɑwurbɔ yi si hɔn enyim ɑ , wɔɑɑbɔ mbɔdzen eduɑ nkyerɛ nɑ ɑdzesuɑ do ɑmɑ nkorɔfo eedzi ndzinoɑfɑhoɑzi ɑhorow no nyi ; nɑ wɔɑɑtɔɑ do ɑfɑ hɔnɑrɑ hɔn mɑn nɑ ɑmɑnɑmɑn nhyehyɛɛ do wɔɑmɑ wɔɑɑgye dɑwurbɔ yi ɑto mu nɑ woeedzi do wɔ Amɑn ɑ wɔdɔm Nkɑbɔmu Kuw no mu biɑrɑ mu nye ɑsɑɑse biɑrɑ ɑ wɔhyɛ hɔn ɑse no so do .Akuapem Akuapem
One must not abuse animals.
Onnyi dɛ ɑbɔtsirmu ɑrɑ wɔkyer obi , wɔdze no sie , ɑnɑɑ wotwɑ no esu .Akuapem Akuapem
Animals can't tell what's real and what's fake.
Onnyi dɛ wobu obiɑrɑ fɔ nɑ wɔtseɑ no wɔ ndzeyɛɛ bi ɑ ɔnnye ntseɑ nɑm ɑse .Akuapem Akuapem
People shouldn't abuse animals.
Nɑ eso onnyi dɛ wɔmɑ obi ntseɑ ɑ ɔbor no mfomdo ɑ ɔɑyɛ no ho ntseɑ do .Akuapem Akuapem
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