can oor Aragonese


/kæn/, /kæːn/, /keən/ Verb, werkwoord, naamwoord
(modal auxiliary verb, defective) To know how to; to be able to.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Aragonese


to be able

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings


Alternative spelling of [i]Can.[/i]

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Aragonese

Geen vertalings nie


The Andean Community of Nations.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Aragonese

Geen vertalings nie


Advanced filtering
It can be used as a disinfectant.
Se puet fer servir como desinfectant.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
If this number cannot be reached, four or fewer workers can form a confederal group.
Si no se plega a iste numero, quatre u menos treballadors pueden formar un grupo confederal.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In mathematics, a closed-form expression is a mathematical expression that can be evaluated in a finite number of operations.
Existe una hierarquización en una expresión matematica que encluye quantas operacions.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
This phenomenon was first analyzed by Catalan sociolinguistics but it can be ascertained in other parts of the world.
Ye la sociolingüistica catalana que ha encomenzau a analizar este fenomeno pero se puet constatar en atras partidas de lo Mundo.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The pathophysiology of allergic responses can be divided into two phases.
Podemos dividir a historia d'a literatura alchamiada en dos etapas.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
From Ordesa, one can also reach the pass, going up through the cirque de Cotatuero or the Carriata.
Dende Ordesa se puede arribar a lo mesmo punto puyando por o circo de Cotatuero u por o circo de Carriata.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A liter of blood can dissolve 200 cm3 of O 2.
Un litro de sangre puet disolver 200 cm3 de O2.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
These products can be bought from the same manufacturer (a replacement part or a newer model), or from a competitor who might also rely on planned obsolescence.
Istos productos se pueden mercar a o mesmo fabricant (una pieza de recambio u un modelo nuevo), u a un competidor que tamién dependa d'a obsolescencia programada.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
American forces can be rapidly deployed by the Air Force's large fleet of transport aircraft, the Navy's 11 active aircraft carriers, and Marine expeditionary units at sea with the Navy's Atlantic and Pacific fleets.
As fuerzas armatas estatounitenses pueden esplegar-se a escape debito a la gran flota d'avions de transporte que poseyen, os once porta-avions activos que tien l'Armata y as flotas y unidatz que poseyen en os ocians Atlantico y Pacifico.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Plants also have respiratory systems but the directionality of gas exchange can be opposite to that in animals.
As plantas tamién tienen un sistema respiratorio, pero a dirección d'intercambeyo de gases puet estar oposata a la d'os animals.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The nests can be shallow or deep.
As corrients ocianicas pueden estar superficials u profundas.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The back muscles can usually heal themselves within a couple of weeks, but the pain can be intense and debilitating.
Os musclos d'a esquena pueden por un regular curar-sen solos en bell par de semanas, pero a dolor puet estar intensa y agotadora.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
For example, the word fisk ("fish") is a noun of common gender (en fisk) and can have the following forms: The definite singular form of a noun is created by adding a suffix (-en, -n, -et or -t), depending on its gender and if the noun ends in a vowel or not.
Por eixemplo, a palabra fisk (peix) ye un substantivo común (en fisk) y puet tener as siguients formas: A forma definida singular d'un substantivo se creya adibindo un sufixo (-en, -n, -et o -t), pendendo en o suyo chenero y en si o substantivo remata u no en vocal.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Hosts can fight infections using their immune system.
Os güespes combaten por un regular as infeccions a traviés d'o sistema immunitario suyo.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Temperatures can drop to -20 °C in the mountainous areas.
As minimas pueden plegar a os —10 °C en as montanyas de Bohemia.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
After long and , an sound can be heard, especially when before , , , , , and .
Una relación temporalidat y una succesión se pueden expresar con d'abord, après, avant, enfin, puis y ensuite.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Penna Littling – A winged Littling who can fly.
A cuca vinatera (Meloe spp.), un escarabachos de gran mida que no puede volar.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The soil borne fungus can persist in the soil for many years.
A cherminación desiche que o suelo siga saturato muitos días.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
This can be applied to a wide variety of topics in science and engineering, such as engines, phase transitions, chemical reactions, transport phenomena, and even black holes.
Isto se puet aplicar a una ampla variedat de temas de sciencia y incheniería, como motors, transicions de fase, reaccions quimicas, fenomens de transporte, y incluso foratos negros.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Although he can teleport from anywhere, he must teleport to a preset teleportation pad.
Dende astí se puet puyar dreitament ta a estación a travíes d'a telecadiera prencipal.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
One can also refer to a specific type of artifact.
Se i pueden trobar tot tipo d'articlos de caracter etnico.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
For example, the letter bet can be pronounced as "b" or "v".
L'apellido se documenta tanto transcrito con «B» como con «V».WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
They can be distinguished from other verbs by their defectiveness (they do not have participle or infinitive forms) and by the fact that they do not take the ending -(e)s in the third-person singular.
Se pueden distinguir d'atros verbos por la suya defectividat (no tienen formas de participio u infinitivo), y por no tener la desinencia -(e)s en la tercera presona singular.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Austrian writer Stefan Zweig described the Viennese Coffee House as an institution of a special kind, "actually a sort of democratic club, open to everyone for the price of a cheap cup of coffee, where every guest can sit for hours with this little offering, to talk, write, play cards, receive post, and above all consume an unlimited number of newspapers and journals."
O escritor austriaco Stefan Zweig describe o café vienés como una institución prou especial, "de feito ye una mena de club democratico, ubierto ta totz por o pre d'una simpla y barata taza de café, a on qualsiquiera se puet posar mientres horas con a suya consumición, y charrar, escribir, chugar a las cartas, recibir o correu, y sobre tot leye un ilimitato numero de periodicos y diarios."WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Coping with Macular Degeneration and Coping with Vision Loss: Maximizing what You Can See and Do.
Ta más detalles, veyer l'articlo Faro de Matxitxakoveyer os articlos ] y ]veyer os articlos ], ] y ]veyer os articlos ], ], ] y ].WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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