colour oor Aragonese


/ˈkʌlɚ/, /ˈkʌlə<sup>r</sup>/, /ˈkʌlə/ adjektief, werkwoord, naamwoord
(uncountable) The spectral composition of visible light

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Aragonese


An attribute of things that results from the light they reflect, transmit, or emit in so far as this light causes a visual sensation that depends on its wavelengths.

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings


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Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration , without distinction of any kind , such as race , colour , sex , language , religion , political or other opinion , national or social origin , property , birth or other status .
Ashi aentsun ajawai nii anentaibau yupichu dutikmain , tuja agkan tikich waitkascham pujamushkam etsejamui , ima aents pujunukechu , aishmagnukechu , tikich chichaman chichaku , tikich apajuin etsagkin , niish anentaimkau , tikich nugkanmaya , ujunauch , wiyakush , yaja akidau akushkam , ashi betek agkan ainawai .Universal Declaration of Human Rights Universal Declaration of Human Rights
The glacial feed to the lakes gives them a distinctive blue colour, created by glacial flour, the extremely finely ground rock particles from the glaciers.
L'alimentación glacial d'os lacos les da una color azul distintiva, creayada por a farina glacial, que son particlas de roca a-saber-lo finas d'as cheleras.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
And when they saw our fleet come up, (bis) They for quarters call'd without delay, And their colours they that moment struck O! how we did rejoice and sing, (bis) To see such prizes we had took, For ourselves and for George our King.
Ye decir: si se imachina una recta que pasa por o centro d'a Tierra y por a nuestra situación en a suya superficie, o cenit se troba sobre ixa recta, por dencima d'o nuestro tozuelo.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Colour: plain caramel.
Caramelo: carambelo.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The liquors are lighter in colour.
O briente el solen tener de color más clara.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Īnanga pounamu takes its name from a native freshwater fish (Galaxias maculatus) and is pearly-white or grey-green in colour and varies from translucent to opaque.
O īnanga pounamu prene o suyo nombre d'un peix d'augua dulza (Galaxias maculatus) y ye de color blanca-perla u verda-grisa, variando de translucido a opaco.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In the early period, the various drinks had no names, and customers would select the mixtures from a colour-shaded chart.
En os primers anyos as diferents variedatz de café no teneban nombres, y os clients heban de trigar a bebida que quereban prener con una carta de colors.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The nitrous fumes have a characteristic yellow-brown colour.
Los oxidos de fierro dan una color amarillenca caracteristica.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
An area of colourful sinter terraces is still visible on the western shore of the lake.
Una zona de terrazas de colors de toba ye encara visible en on canto occidental d'o laco.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It uses black, white and red as national colours of New Zealand.
Fa servir as colors negra, blanca y roya como colors nacionals de Nueva Zelanda.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Light coloured individuals are rarely encountered.
As luengas iliricas son poco conoixitas.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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