documentation oor Aragonese


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The oldest extant document regarding Pardubice comes from 1295.
Existe una forma documentada d'o toponimo como Fraxeno en 1295.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Anglo-Norman was never the main administrative language of England: Latin was the major language of record in legal and other official documents for most of the medieval period.
L'anglo-normando nunca no estió a principal luenga administrativa d'Anglaterra: o latín estió a luenga principal de rechistro en documentos legals y atros documentos oficials en a mes gran part d'o periodo medieval.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The bridge first appears in a document of 996.
Pontons ye citato por primera vegata en documentos de 966.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
This birth date is maintained in his School Leaving Certificate, his extensive tsarist Russia police file, a police arrest record from 18 April 1902 which gave his age as 23 years, and all other surviving pre-Revolution documents.
Ista calendata ye tamién en o suyo diploma escolar, en a suya ficha signaletica d'a Policía zarista, en un chudicio por una detención o 18 d'abril de 1902 en a qual diz que tien 23 anyadas, y tamién en totz os documentos anteriors a la Revolución rusa.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
As his primary sources, Paul used the document called the Origo gentis Langobardorum, the Liber pontificalis, the lost history of Secundus of Trent, and the lost annals of Benevento; he also made free use of works by Bede, Gregory of Tours, and Isidore of Seville.
Pavlo Diacono fació servir como fuents l' Origo gentis Langobardorum, o Liber pontificalis, a historia perdita de Secundus de Trento, y os anals perditos de Benavent; Interpretó librement elementos d'as obras de Beda, Gregorio de Tours y Isidoro de Seville.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
There are no documents in order to date the Romanization of Valerian.
En o interior no existe cosa que pueda remerar o pasato romanico d'a ilesia.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Translation of documents.
Traducción de Textos Especializatos.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The document specifically mentioned Kosovo as a precedent in the lead part.
O documento d'a declaración d'independencia nombraba especificament a Kosovo como precedent d'a suya decisión.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
After linguistic analysis, Ukrainian scholars in the Austrian Empire declared that the document contained transitional language between a) earlier fragments of the language of Rus' propria (the region of Chernihiv, eastward through Kiev, and into Halych) and, b) later fragments from the Halych-Volynian era of this same region in the centuries immediately following the writing of the document.
Os investigadors ucrainians de l'Imperio Austro-Hongaro sinyaloron dimpués de realizar as suyas analises lingüisticas que o documento conteneba un luengache de transición entre: fragmentos antigos d'o luengache de Rutenia (rechión de Chernihiv a l'este de Kiev y amán de Halych) y fragmentos posteriors d'a epoca de Halych-Volynia en a mesma rechión entre os sieglos que seguiban a la producción d'o texto.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The document is currently Manuscript 852 in the Cathedral of León.
Actualment, se'n alza una copia con o nombre de Manuscrito 852 en os archivos d'a seu de Leyón.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
When Nieves asked for documentation of any crimes, Bernal did not have any but a SEBIN officer created the documents needed to persecute López, with Nieves stating, "They made up those facts in the moment."
Quan Nieves pidió a documentación sobre as prebas d'os crimens, Bernal declaró que no teneba garra, manimenos, un oficial SEBIN s'encargaría de fabricar os documentos necesarios ta enchuiciar a López.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Zaguán provides access to a broad range of digitized documents from the library’s archives including scholarly articles, books, dissertations, reports, preprints, and personal archives bequeathed or donated to the library, like those of the poet Miguel Labordeta.
En l'actualidat se composa d'una ampla colección de copias dichitals d'o fundo antigo d'a Biblioteca d'a Universidat, treballos academicos, libros, tesis, informes, pre-impresión d'articlos e fundos personals recibitos por legación u donación, como ye o d'o poeta Miguel Labordeta.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Statute of the International Court of Justice, similar to that of its predecessor, is the main constitutional document constituting and regulating the court.
O Estatuto d'a Cort Internacional de Chusticia ye o principal documento constitucional que regula as actividatz d'a Cort.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The government is regulated by a system of checks and balances defined by the U.S. Constitution, which serves as the country's supreme legal document.
O gubierno ye regulato por un sistema de deseparación de poders definito en a Constitución, que ye o documento legal supremo d'o país.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
La Tinença de Benifassà was documented as a comarca in the map Comarques naturals del Regne de València made by Emili Beüt in 1934.
La Tenencia apareixe como una comarca natural en lo mapa de comarca d'Emili Beut i Belenguer, Comarques naturals del Regne de Valencia, de l'anyo 1934.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In 1517, it is documented that there were two innkeepers on the Tauern, referring to the houses of Schaidberg and Wisenegg.
En 1517, son decumentadas dos posadas en o Tauern, fendo referencia a las casas de Schaidberg y Wisenegg.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
On September 23, 1433, the name Ilha da Madeira (Madeira Island or "island of the wood") appears in a map, by the first time, in a document.
O 23 de setiembre de 1433, o nombre Ilha da Madeira (isla de Madeira, u literalment "isla d'a fusta") apareixe en un mapa, por primera vegata, adintro d'un documento.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The oldest document corresponds to Livy (59 BC - AD 17), who in a brief passage of his work about the 76 BC Sertorian War relates how after crossing the Ebro and the city of Calagurris Nasica, they crossed the flatlands of the Vascones, or Vasconum agrum until reaching the border of their immediate neighbors, the Berones.
La mención historiografica més antigua corresponde a Livio (59 a. C. - 17) qui, en un breu pasache de lo fragmento XCI de la suya obra sobre la campanya de l'anyo 76 a. C. de la guerra sertoriana, relata como dimpués de remontar lo río Ebro y la civitas de Calagurris Nasica, se trescurza lo territorio plan de los vascons u Vasconum agrum dica las mugas de lurs vecins, los berons.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The documents record two closely related languages, called Tocharian A ("East Tocharian", Agnean or Turfanian) and Tocharian B ("West Tocharian" or Kuchean).
Formato por dos idiomas, tocario A (turfanio, arsi u tocario oriental) y tocario B (kucheu u tocario occidental).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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