father oor Aragonese


/ˈfɑː.ðɚ/, /ˈfaː.ðə/, /ˈfɑː.ðə(ɹ)/, /ˈfɑːðə(r)/ werkwoord, naamwoord
A male who sires (and often raises) a child.

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male parent

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eienaam, naamwoord
(Christianity) God, the father of Creation

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He is considered one of the fathers of radio science.
Ye considerato como uno d'os pais d'a sciencia-ficción.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Cursed art thou, and cursed shalt thou be beyond all the sons of Noah, by the curse by which we bound ourselves by an oath in the presence of the holy judge, and in the presence of Noah our father.'
Ta más detalles, veyer l'articlo Historia de Montenegroveyer os articlos ] y ]veyer os articlos ], ] y ]veyer os articlos ], ], ] y ].WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He is also known as the father of village.
Le se conoixeba como o poblador.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
On her father's death, she inherited a large share of his estate.
A la muerte d'o suyo padre heredó buena part d'Asia Central.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He is considered to be one of the founding fathers of the European Union.
Se considera que o tractato ye uno d'os actos fundadors d'a Unión Europea.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
On 24 August 367 he received from his father the title of Augustus.
O 4 d'agosto de 367 fue proclamato Augusto por o suyo pai.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Gaspar Torrente Español, (3 October 1888 in Campo, Ribagorza, Aragon - 21 March 1970 in Barcelona, Catalonia), was one of the early 20th century leaders and a founding father of Aragonese nationalism.
Gaspar Torrente (Campo, Ribagorza, Aragón, 13 d'octubre de 1888 - Barcelona, Catalunya, 21 de marzo de 1970) estió un politico aragonés, líder d'o nacionalismo aragonés a primerías d'o sieglo XX.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
His father is of Irish and Spanish descent.
Lo suyo orichen africán y portugués no ye seguro.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
John however died quite young, followed closely by his father.
Poco dimpués d'o naiximiento de John, su pai albandonó a la familia.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He wants to be the father.
Quereba ser lo caporal.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The cosmogonic genealogies are usually brought to a close by the two names Rangi and Papa (father sky and mother earth).
As chenealochías cosmogonicas son por un regular completadas con os nombres de Rangi y Papa (pai cielo y mai tierra).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
MONOTONE CANTOR: Our Father CHOIR: Who art in heaven, hallowéd be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
Idioma aragonés: Pai nuestro, que yes en o cielo, santificato siga o tuyo nombre; vienga ta nusatros o reino tuyo; y se faiga la tuya voluntat en a tierra como en o cielo.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A year later, his father, who was an electronic engineer, built him his first multi-track tape machine and a vocoder so he could begin experimenting with the possibilities of studio recording.
A la edat de 12 anyos su pai, un incheniero electronico, le construyó a suya primer maquina gravadora multipista, con a quala podió empecipiar a experimentar as posibilidatz de gravar en un estudio.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
His father and mother received Pink Floyd's The Dark Side of the Moon and Donna Summer's Love to Love You Baby, respectively.
Isto empecipió un Nadal quan sus pais le regaloron os discos The Dark Side of the Moon de Pink Floyd y Love to Love You Baby de Donna Summer.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He also the father of musicologue Antoine Duhamel.
Ye o pai d'o compositor Antoine Duhamel.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
When I told my father about this, he was very moved.
El rey quando esto dixo, cayó esmortecido.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Her mother divorced from her father, professional footballer Jean-Luc Le Magueresse, in 1993.
Su mai s'heba divorciato de su pai, o futbolista profesional Jean-Luc Le Magueresse, en 1992.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Rogers was twice married and the father of four children.
Se casó dos vegadas y yera pai de quatre fillos.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He is considered one of the founding fathers of the modern petroleum chemistry in the US.
Ye considerato uno d'os pais d'a quimica muderna.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
When his children eventually return, he gives them the same advice his father had given him.
Por aquesto fazía volenter aquello que sus varones le consellavan.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Shortly after, his father died.
En ixe tiempo morió o suyo pai.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
One should be very proud to play for the country your father is from.
Gosa estar conoixito por a suya obra Oda a la Pàtria.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Joseph's mother and brother having died, his father wanted him to marry and carry on the family.
Dimpués que morioron su mai y o suyo unico chermano, su pai querió que Chusep casase y continase a casa y familia.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
1223 – Louis VIII becomes King of France upon the death of his father, Philip II.
1223 - Loís VIII ye proclamato rei de Francia dimpués d'a muerte d'o suyo pai Felipe II de Francia.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Her father's family was wealthy Armenian nobility.
O suyo pai perteneixeba a una familia d'a nobleza d'Armenia.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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