federation oor Aragonese


/ˌfɛdəˈreɪʃən/ naamwoord, adjektief
Act of joining together into a single political entity.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Aragonese


union of partially self-governing states or territories, united by a central (federal) government that exercizes directly on them its sovereign power



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Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
Iberian Federalism
Federated States of Micronesia
Estatos Federatos de Micronesia
Russian Federation
Federazión Rusa


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International Bobsleigh and Skeleton Federation profile.
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The Federated States of Micronesia is governed by the 1979 constitution, which guarantees fundamental human rights and establishes a separation of governmental powers.
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His generals launched a campaign against the Suebic Kingdom in northwest Hispania, defeating them at the battles of Lucus Augusti and Scallabis and reducing them to federate status as well.
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The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), also known as the Agriculture Department, is the U.S. federal executive department responsible for developing and executing federal laws related to farming, forestry, and food.
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The declaration was made in an attempt to legitimize a referendum on the status of Crimea where citizens were to vote on whether Crimea should apply to join Russia as a federal subject of the Russian Federation, or remain part of Ukraine.
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Such recognition has not only never been formally pronounced by the Federal Republic of Germany but on the contrary repeatedly explicitly rejected.
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Although there is no official language at the federal level, some laws—such as U.S. naturalization requirements—standardize English.
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The canton is officially referred by the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina as Canton 10/County 10 (Kanton 10 or Županija 10).
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Bruno Kreisky, the federal chancellor at the time, suggested in a letter dated November 30, 1977 to Leopold Gratz, the mayor of Vienna, that Hundertwasser be given the opportunity to realize his ideas in the field of architecture by allowing him to build a housing project, whereupon Leopold Gratz, in a letter of December 15, 1977, invited Hundertwasser to create an apartment building according to his own ideas.
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In different German federal states (Bundesländer) there are different laws and administration rules about when exactly a town can obtain this status but they do not differ very much.
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The federal courts, such as the Federal Court, Federal Court of Appeal, and Tax Court, each have their own reporter series.
Makichik aentskesh chícham iina nugkeniatik umiktin , nuníashkush tikich nugkanmaya chicham umiktin aidaun betek umikchamtai suimak sunasti tusa chicham najatmaitsui yama nuniamu wainmawaik tichau ayatku , tsawan nagkaemakiu aig imapamak .WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Clovelly is located 8 kilometres south-east of the Sydney central business district, in the local government area of the City of Randwick, within the Federal Division of Wentworth.
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The most important all-embracing organisations for sports in Switzerland are the Federal Office of Sport, and the Swiss Olympic Committee (Swiss Olympic).
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It is a federal republic and a representative democracy.
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In early 1998, with the economy performing better than expected, increased tax revenues helped reduce the federal budget deficit to below $25 billion.
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To clean up pollution, the federal and local governments implemented numerous plans including the constant monitoring and reporting of environmental conditions, such as ozone and nitrogen oxides.
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The Realm of New Zealand is not a federation; it is a collection of states and territories united under its monarch.
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The different industry and various posts unions of a particular municipality constitute the local federation of unions that are coordinated by means of a local committee which has the same characteristics and powers as the union committees.
Ashí aentsnak ajawai aents wainka waitkamaitsuí tusa agagbauwa awi ayamjumka pujamu .WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The states and the Federal District that make up the Mexican federation are collectively called "federal entities".
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Majorian then attacked the Burgundian Kingdom, defeating them at the Siege of Lugdunum, expelling them from the Rhone valley and reducing them to federate status.
A enciclopedia libre en aragonés.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Federal representation and taxation in Washington, D.C. Elections in the District of Columbia
Wikipedia ye una enciclopedia libre y multilingüe. O prochecto en aragonés escomenzó lo 21 de chulio de 2004. Bi ha Wikipedias en muitas atras luengas d'o mundo, y entre ellas, bell unas relacionatas con l'aragonés:WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Mexico is a federation of 31 free & sovereign states.
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The Federated States of Micronesia is served by four international airports.
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When the Federal District was created in 1824, the urban area of Mexico City extended approximately to the area of today's Cuauhtémoc borough.
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The flag's original design (with a six-pointed Commonwealth Star) was chosen in 1901 from entries in a competition held following Federation, and was first flown in Melbourne on 3 September 1901, the date proclaimed as Australian National Flag Day.
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