ibiza oor Aragonese


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/ɪˈbɪiːθə/, /ˈaɪˌbɪiːθə/ eienaam
One of the Balearic Islands of Spain.

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Many of these DJs use Ibiza as an outlet for presenting new songs within the house, trance and techno genres of electronic dance music.
Muitos d'istes Djs fan servir Ibiza como plataforma de presentación de nuevas cantas y temas de mosica house, trance y techno.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The kingdom included the Balearic Islands: Majorca, Menorca (which was still under the rule of Muslims until 1231 when its sovereignty was surrendered to James I), Ibiza and Formentera.
O reino yera formato por as islas Balears: Mallorca, Menorca (encara baixo lo poder d'un rei musulmán encara que heba de pechar treudos dende 1231), Ibiza y Formentera.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Ibiza is considered to be a popular tourist destination, especially due to its well-known and at times riotous nightclub-based nightlife centred on two areas: Ibiza Town, the island's capital on the southern shore and Sant Antoni to the West.
Ibiza ye considerada un destín turistico muit popular, especialment por a suya vida nocturna, centrada en dos zonas, por un costau en a ciudat d'Ibiza y por l'atro en Sant Antón Abat.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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