Die gewildste vrae in die woordeboek.

Dit is 'n lys van die 1 - 200 navrae in die English - Official Aramaic (700-300 BCE) woordeboek.

Dit word maandeliks bygewerk.

4: love
5: amen
6: yes
7: god
8: God
9: heaven
10: jesus
11: father
12: mother
13: faith
14: hope
15: hello
16: sun
17: freedom
18: the
19: rose
20: dog
21: fish
22: death
23: bread
24: you
25: horse
26: heart
27: star
28: truth
29: air
30: one
31: flower
32: I
34: devil
35: salt
36: lion
37: blood
39: man
40: peace
41: life
42: snake
43: wine
44: a
45: moon
47: fire
48: Jesus
50: Satan
51: rainbow
52: silence
53: angel
54: liberty
55: house
57: bird
58: white
59: no
60: cat
61: woman
62: spirit
63: abdomen
64: water
66: blessed
68: king
69: ABC
70: of
71: i
73: light
75: all
76: black
77: brother
78: donkey
79: hell
80: gold
81: hand
82: wolf
83: lord
84: is
85: me
86: my
87: 100
88: honey
89: cow
90: baptism
91: thief
92: lioness
93: sky
94: in
95: earth
96: rock
97: good
98: camel
100: door
101: tree
102: dove
103: human
104: word
105: family
106: uncle
107: and
108: elephant
109: Rachel
110: satan
111: rope
112: home
113: eight
114: soul
115: tiger
116: church
118: finished
119: grace
120: book
121: war
122: what
123: rain
124: see
125: farmer
126: son
127: brain
128: help
129: will
130: smoke
131: blue
132: child
133: there
134: doctor
135: accident
136: christ
137: school
138: Aramic
139: mirror
140: michael
141: fear
142: free
143: five
144: egg
145: forest
146: sleep
147: red
149: Aramaic
151: Lord
152: more
153: great
154: kingdom
155: be
156: Father
157: sin
158: hill
159: to
160: this
161: come
162: can
163: sister
164: sand
165: with
166: well
167: bull
168: Africa
169: night
170: I am
171: abba
173: messiah
174: believe
175: olive
176: year
178: eye
179: are
180: name
181: now
182: rise
183: protect
185: Hello
186: he
187: if
188: john
189: hammer
190: cross
191: morning
192: but
193: zero
195: wife
196: i am
197: Christ
198: wisdom
199: John
200: queen