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/ˌkeɪpəˈbɪlɪtɪ/ naamwoord
The power or ability to generate an outcome.

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He said the NRIs are not only the Brand Ambassadors of India but also represent its strength, capabilities and characteristics.
৪. পিতৰে বাহিৰলৈ গৈ কিয় কান্দিবলৈ ধৰে?pmindia pmindia
In a series of tweets from his twitter handle the Prime Minister said that the Marshal of the IAF Arjan Singh’s determined focus on capacity building in the IAF added great strength to our defence capabilities.
যিহোৱাৰ গৃহত সেৱা কৰাৰ বাবে ইস্ৰায়েলৰ লোকসকলে তাইক বৰ ভাল পাইছিল।pmindia pmindia
The Prime Minister said that India does not lack in ideas, resources and capabilities, but certain States and regions have lagged behind due to a governance deficit.
১৯ এতিয়া আমাৰ মনলৈ প্ৰশ্ন আহিব পাৰে যে ঈশ্বৰে দুষ্ট আত্মিক প্ৰাণীবোৰক আৰু তেওঁলোকৰ বাবে গোটেই মানৱ জাতিয়ে ভুগী থকা দুখ-কষ্টৰ কিয় অনুমতি দিছে?pmindia pmindia
Since humans are capable of displaying kindness, why is the world such a cruel and harsh place?
(মথি ৭:৬) তাৰ পৰিৱৰ্ত্তে, আমাৰ উত্তম আচাৰ-ব্যৱহাৰৰ যোগেদি আমি নিজকে যিহোৱাৰ সাক্ষী হিচাপে চিনাকি দিম।jw2019 jw2019
The Prime Minister said that India has no shortage of capabilities, capacities and resources.
এই ৰাজ্যই পৃথিৱীৰ চৰকাৰবোৰক ধ্বংস কৰিব।pmindia pmindia
OUR heavenly Father has given us a priceless possession —the gift of life as intelligent humans who are capable of reflecting his qualities.
কিন্তু আমাৰ জীৱন একেবাৰে চুটি।jw2019 jw2019
(Proverbs 11:2; Hebrews 6:15; 3 John 9, 10) If married, he would have to be a loving family head capable of presiding well over his entire household.
তেওঁলোকে এই কাৰ্য্যৰ বাবে কেনে প্ৰতিফল পালে?jw2019 jw2019
They find that we have been endowed with resources and capabilities that far exceed the needs of our 70- to 80-year life span.
সৰু-সুৰা কাৰণৰ বাবে বিয়া কৰাটো কিয় বুদ্ধিমানৰ কাম নহ’ব?jw2019 jw2019
The operationalisation of GSLV Mk-III will make the country self-reliant in the launching capability of 4 tonne class of communication satellites and sustain & strengthen the space infrastructure and reduce the dependence on procured launches from foreign countries.
ইয়াৰ পাছত যিহোৱাই চমূৱেলক ক’লে: ‘এলীক কোৱা যে বেয়া কাম কৰাৰ বাবে মই তেওঁৰ পৰিয়ালৰ লোকসকলক শাস্তি দিম।’pmindia pmindia
I am happy that using the capability of Kochi Refinery to produce propylene after the execution of IREP, BPCL has gone ahead with putting up three world scale plants to manufacture acrylic acid acrylates and oxo alcohol under Make In India.
ইয়াৰ উপৰিও, যিহোৱাক “সৰ্ব্বশক্তিমান” বুলিও কোৱা হৈছে।pmindia pmindia
“I didn’t feel capable.
বিজ্ঞানে?jw2019 jw2019
But if we don’t have any trust in our own strength and capabilities then no one will accept it.
বাইবেল লেখকসকলৰ ভিতৰত কোন দুজন যীচুৰ ভায়েক আছিল?pmindia pmindia
Though supposedly holy, they were capable of deceit and crime.
গাব্ৰিয়েলে ক’লে: ‘হে মৰিয়ম, ভয় নকৰিবা।jw2019 jw2019
It tells us not only that all disciples are required to bear fruit but also that all are capable of doing so, no matter what their circumstances or limitations may be.
সেইবাবে যিহোৱাই তেওঁলোকক কনান দেশত প্ৰৱেশ কৰিবলৈ সুযোগ নিদিলে।jw2019 jw2019
Be it Transport, Power, Ports, Shipbuilding, Housing and Urban Infrastructure, there is huge demand in India while there are strong technological capabilities and capacities in Korea.
যীচুৱে তেওঁৰ শিক্ষাবোৰ ক’ত ক’ত দিছিল আৰু এই কামৰ বাবে তেওঁ কিয় ইমান পৰিশ্ৰম কৰিছিল?pmindia pmindia
The humans and angels whom God created were capable of obeying God perfectly.
যিৰূচালেমলৈ এইবোৰ লৈ যাবলৈ ইজ্ৰাই বাবিলত থকা ইস্ৰায়েলীসকলৰ সহায় বিচাৰিলে।jw2019 jw2019
On the one hand, our soldiers help those who are at the brink of catastrophe with sympathy and empathy and on the other hand they are capable of attacking the enemies with surgical strikes.
ৰাস্তাৰ দুইকাষে ১৪ টা কোঠা থকা চূণেৰে ৰং কৰা বৃহত ভৱন আছিল আৰু সেই ভৱনবোৰৰ ভিতৰত লেতেৰা পানী ওলাই যাব পৰাকৈ সুন্দৰকৈ নলা নিৰ্মাণ কৰা হৈছিল।pmindia pmindia
The Prime Minister asserted that for global peace and regional peace, India should be capable and strong.
৫. হামনৰ কি হ’ল? মৰ্দখয়ৰ কি হ’ল?pmindia pmindia
It will help to establish mutual co-operation and collaboration in the areas of knowledge sharing through joint research, quality support, capability and capacity building, trainee accountant exchange programmes and conducting Continuous Professional Development (CPD) Courses, workshops and conferences.
কিয়নো যিহোৱাই আমাক আমাৰ আৱশ্যকতাৰ প্ৰতি থকা অভিলাষত আনন্দ কৰিবলৈ সৃষ্টি কৰিলে।pmindia pmindia
He announced “Gagan-Yaan” a manned space mission, to be undertaken by India by 2022, using its own capabilities.
তেওঁৰ লগত তীমথিয়ক দেখিছানে?pmindia pmindia
They agree on the need to reform the UN Development System with a view to enhancing its capability in supporting Member States in implementing the 2030 Agenda.
চয়তান আৰু তাৰ ভূতবোৰে মানুহক ভুল পথলৈ পৰিচালিত কৰিছে আৰু ঈশ্বৰৰপৰা দূৰ কৰিছে।—প্ৰকাশিত বাক্য ১২:৯.pmindia pmindia
The Prime Minister commended the courage and commitment of India’s brave soldiers and the talent and perseverance of its scientists, whose untiring efforts transformed the scientific achievement of nuclear tests into establishment of an immensely complex and credible nuclear triad, and dispelled all doubts and questions about India’s capability and resolve in this regard.
নিউয়ৰ্কত থকা আমাৰ ওৱাচ্ টাৱাৰ চোছাইটিৰ দ্বাৰা প্ৰকাশ কৰা যিহোৱাচ্ উইট্নেচেছ—প্ৰক্লেইমাৰ অৱ গড্চ কিংডম নামৰ কিতাপখনৰ ২৪১ পৃষ্ঠা চাওঁক।pmindia pmindia
The MoU will provide an opportunity to the ICAI members to expand their professional horizon and simultaneously ICAI will become an entity to aid strengthen building of local national capabilities.
যিহোৱাই যিহকে আৰু য’তেই যাবলৈ কয় তাক পালন কৰি তেওঁক সেৱা কৰিবলৈ অব্ৰাহাম ইচ্ছূক আছিল, যাতে তেওঁৰ বংশধৰে সেই উত্তৰাধিকাৰক গ্ৰহণ কৰিব পাৰে।pmindia pmindia
Mr. Modi said that India is now confident of finding its own solutions to the problems it faces and this he said is a sign of a New India which is confident and capable of taking issues head on and resolving them.
২৩ আমি নিজকে প্ৰশ্ন কৰা উচিত যে ‘বাইবেলত বৰ্ণনা কৰাৰ দৰে মই ঈশ্বৰক উপাসনা কৰিছোঁনে?’pmindia pmindia
Timely creation of proposed posts in the Cadre Review of Group ‘A’ posts in the Force will enhance its supervisory as well as administrative capabilities.
বেথেলত কাম কৰা লোকসকলে আত্মত্যাগৰ ভাৱনা দেখুৱায়।pmindia pmindia
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