obtained oor Assamees


Simple past tense and past participle of obtain .

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Sahil Ahmed


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Sahil Ahmed

লাভ কৰা

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Sahil Ahmed

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(Leviticus 17:11) When the Israelites sinned, they could obtain forgiveness by offering an animal and having some of its blood put on the altar at the tabernacle or later at God’s temple.
শৰীৰৰ বৃদ্ধি, আহাৰৰ ওপৰত নিৰ্ভৰ কৰে।jw2019 jw2019
Exporting companies shall submit application through the Agean Exporters Association (EIB) (responsibility given by law) to TMO for obtaining membership of the online System.
ইয়াক সফলতাৰে পাৰ কৰিবলৈ হ’লে আপুনি লগে লগে আৰু দৃঢ় বিশ্বাসেৰে নিজৰ নিৰ্ণয় সহপাঠীসকলক জনাওক।pmindia pmindia
You would be ashamed to know that not one, I repeat not one bullet proof jacket was obtained from 2009 to 2014.
চয়তানৰ এই প্ৰত্যাহ্বানক যিহোৱাই কেনেকৈ উত্তৰ দিলে?pmindia pmindia
Then he declared: “Because I have obtained the help that is from God I continue to this day bearing witness to both small and great, but saying nothing except things the Prophets as well as Moses stated were going to take place, that the Christ was to suffer and, as the first to be resurrected from the dead, he was going to publish light both to this people and to the nations.”
ঈশ্বৰৰ ওচৰলৈ চাপি আহাঁ; তাতে তেৱোঁ তোমালোকৰ ওচৰলৈ চাপিব।”jw2019 jw2019
It meant building scaffolding, making pins or pegs, obtaining tar for waterproofing, procuring containers and tools, and so on.
যিসকলৰ বিবাহ সংগী সত্যত নাই, তেওঁলোকে চৌলে যীচুৰ অনুগামী হোৱা ঘটনাটোৰপৰা কি উৎসাহ লাভ কৰিব পাৰে? (পাঁচ.jw2019 jw2019
“Let us, therefore, approach with freeness of speech to the throne of undeserved kindness, that we may obtain mercy and find undeserved kindness for help at the right time.” —Hebrews 4:16.
যোনাক পানীত পেলোৱাৰ লগে লগে ধুমুহা নাইকিয়া হ’ল আৰু সাগৰ শান্ত হৈ পৰিল।jw2019 jw2019
In such a case, the threatened mate would have to decide whether the only way to “obey God as ruler rather than men” is to obtain a legal separation. —Acts 5:29.
ৰাহাবৰ কথা অনুসৰি সেই লোকসকলে চোৰাংচোৱাকেইজনক ধৰিবলৈ খৰ-খেদা কৰিলে।jw2019 jw2019
In Malachi’s day, many Israelites obtained a divorce for frivolous reasons.
কিন্তু অব্ৰাহামে নিজৰ ল’ৰাক যিহোৱাৰ উপাসনা কৰা এজনী ছোৱালীক বিয়া কৰাটো বিচাৰিছিল।jw2019 jw2019
Or they may make a starving refugee sit through a sermon in order to obtain a ration of food.
আমাৰ উপাসনাৰ সৈতে জড়িত থকা কিছুমান উক্তিক বাইবেলত কিদৰে ব্যৱহাৰ কৰা হৈছে, যাক বিবেচনা কৰাৰ দ্বাৰাই সত্যক বিচাৰি উলিয়াব পাৰিম।jw2019 jw2019
(1 Peter 2:18) Furthermore, you may well become more valuable as an employee, which may increase your chances of obtaining more satisfying employment some day.
যিহেতু যদিও যিহোৱাৰ সাৰ্ব্বভৌমত্বৰ বিষয়টো হৈছে অতি গুৰুত্বপূৰ্ণ, তথাপি তেওঁ কেতিয়াও লোকসকলৰ পৰা আশাহীনভাৱে তেওঁক সেৱা কৰাটো নিবিচাৰে।jw2019 jw2019
Jacob’s concern about obtaining the birthright and his wrestling all night with an angel to get a blessing show that he truly appreciated sacred things.
(১ কৰিন্থীয়া ৮:১) ইয়াৰ অৰ্থ এইটো নহয় যে যথাৰ্থ জ্ঞান লোৱাটো ভুল।jw2019 jw2019
They likely obtained needed items, such as winter clothing, scrolls, and writing tools.
মাজনিশা তেওঁলোকে শত্ৰু সৈন্যৰ শিবিৰৰ চাৰিওকাষে গোট খালে।jw2019 jw2019
(Malachi 2:13) Those men were obtaining divorces on illegitimate grounds, wrongly leaving the wives of their youth, likely to marry younger or pagan women.
লূক ১:৩০-৩৫; ২:৪৫-৫২jw2019 jw2019
The Commission has held extensive meetings with the stake holders including the State Governments, the State Backward Classes Commissions, various community associations and general public belonging to various Backward Classes and Commissions and also obtained records, caste-wise, of OBCs admitted in higher educational institution as well as similar caste-wise data of recruits in Central Departments, Central Public Sector Undertakings, Public Sector Banks & Financial Institutions.
কিয়নো তেওঁ হৈছে এজন প্ৰেমময় ঈশ্বৰ।pmindia pmindia
Consider, for example, the humble way in which Peter described himself in his second letter: “Simon Peter, a slave and apostle of Jesus Christ, to those who have obtained a faith, held in equal privilege with ours.”
নাম সলনি কৰা হৈছে।jw2019 jw2019
All institutions running Teacher Education Courses such as B.Ed. and D.El.Ed. have to obtain recognition from the National Council for Teacher Education under section 14 of the NCTE Act.
আপুনি নিজকে এইদৰে সুধিব পাৰে:pmindia pmindia
Loans to food and agro-based processing units, and cold chains, are classified under priority sector lending, making them easier and cheaper to obtain.
বন্দীশালত যোচেফpmindia pmindia
God permits the killing of animals to obtain food and clothing or to protect people from danger.
তেতিয়া যিহোৱাই মোচিক পিতলৰ এই সাপডাল বনাবলৈ আজ্ঞা দিলে।jw2019 jw2019
The conscience of others moves them to reject everything obtained from blood (animal or human), even a tiny fraction of just one primary component.
কিয়নো তেওঁ এতিয়া এজন ৩০ বছৰীয় যুৱক।jw2019 jw2019
The Tender documents can be obtained from the office of the undersigned
ফৰৌণে ‘মই যিহোৱাক নাজানো’ বুলি কোৱাৰ অৰ্থ কি?Samanantar Samanantar
obtaining queue details
ইস্ৰায়েলীসকলৰ প্ৰথম বিচাৰক হৈছে যিহোচূৱা আৰু তেওঁৰ পাছত হোৱা কেইজনমান বিচাৰকৰ নাম হৈছে অৎনীয়েল, এহূদ আৰু চম্গৰ।Samanantar Samanantar
Let us, therefore, approach with freeness of speech to the throne of undeserved kindness, that we may obtain mercy and find undeserved kindness for help at the right time. Hebrews 4: 16.
সি ভেড়াবোৰক চৰাইছে।’ দায়ূদক চমূৱেলৰ ওচৰলৈ মাতি অনা হ’ল।Samanantar Samanantar
Paul wrote: Jesus has obtained a more excellent public service, so that he is also the mediator of a correspondingly better covenant, which has been legally established upon better promises.
যুদ্ধৰ ফলত হোৱা ক্ষতিবোৰক কোনে পূৰণকৰিব পাৰে?Samanantar Samanantar
What is wisdom, and how can we obtain it? We would have no spiritual insight at all were it not for the wisdom from above. Wisdom is the ability to use knowledge and understanding to solve problems, avoid or avert dangers, achieve goals, or provide sound counsel.
যিৰূচালেমলৈ লৈ যাবলৈ তেওঁলোকৰ লগত বহুতো সোণ, ৰূপ আৰু মূল্যৱান বস্তু আছিল।Samanantar Samanantar
From these four chapters of Hoseas prophecy, we can obtain further guidance that will help us to walk with God.
২ এজন খ্ৰীষ্টানে যেতিয়া জীৱনৰ ঠেক বাটেদি প্ৰৱেশ কৰে, তেওঁৰ বাবে এই বাটেদি চলাটো এক প্ৰত্যাহ্বানজনক হৈ পৰে।Samanantar Samanantar
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