wealthy oor Assamees


/ˈwɛlθ.i/, /ˈwɛlθɪ/ adjektief, naamwoord
Possessing financial wealth; rich.

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We do not have to be wealthy to help out.
ব্ৰিটেইনত বাস কৰা এজন বুৰঞ্জীবিদে এইদৰে লিখিছিল: “গোটেই ইতিহাসৰ ভিতৰত বিংশ শতাব্দী হৈছে আটাইতকৈ ৰক্তপাতৰ শতাব্দী। . . .jw2019 jw2019
Sooner or later, wealthy Christians need to use their wealth well.
ইস্ৰায়েলী লোকসকলক সাপে কিয় খোঁটিলে বাৰু?jw2019 jw2019
7 If rich unbelievers with gold rings and splendid garments came to a Christian meeting as well as poor unbelievers in filthy clothing, the wealthy got special treatment.
কাহিনী ১১২jw2019 jw2019
One such woman was Abigail, wife of the wealthy Israelite landowner Nabal.
আপোনাৰ সন্তানক সুধক:jw2019 jw2019
Wealthy ones were exacting heavy interest, and their poorer brothers, in order to pay debts as well as the Persian tax, had to give up their land and even sell their children into slavery.
৯৩ বহুতোলোকক আহাৰ দিয়াjw2019 jw2019
Even if nothing outrightly illegal was done, many have felt that these company officials, as stated in Fortune magazine, “were getting immensely, extraordinarily, obscenely wealthy.”
২. প্ৰমোদবনত জীয়াই থকা লোকসকলৰ বাবে বাইবেলে কি প্ৰতিজ্ঞা কৰিছে?jw2019 jw2019
For instance, both men lived in the land of Judah. They were wealthy landowners, and both had a special opportunity to display loving - kindness toward someone in need.
(যোহন ১:১৪, ১৮) তেওঁৰ এই পুত্ৰই পৃথিৱীত থাকোঁতে পিতৃৰ গুণবোৰ প্ৰদৰ্শন কৰিছিল। পুত্ৰৰ কাৰ্য্য আৰু বাক্যবোৰৰপৰা এনে লাগিছিল, যেন যিহোৱাই নিজেই এইবোৰ কৰিছে।Samanantar Samanantar
Not Wealthy
যুক্তৰাষ্ট্ৰৰ বাইবেল চোচাইটিৰ পৰা পোৱা ৰিপোৰ্টৰ অনুসাৰে, আন কোনো কিতাপ ২,২০০ তকৈ অধিক ভাষাত প্ৰকাশ পোৱা নাই।Samanantar Samanantar
One such woman was Abigail, wife of the wealthy Israelite landowner Nabal.
ইয়াৰ পাছত তেওঁলোকে ‘শুভবাৰ্ত্তা’ ঘোষণা কৰি থাকিল।Samanantar Samanantar
Be wealthy, not greedy
কাহিনী ৩০Samanantar Samanantar
Many of the wealthy in Christendom have oppressed the poor. More and more, religious leaders condone practices that are expressly condemned in the Bible.
কেনেকৈ বাৰু?Samanantar Samanantar
Sadly, many wealthy Israelites ignored those words. For this and other wrongdoing, Jehovah God gave the Israelites various warnings through his prophets.
১. আদিপুস্তক ৪১:১-৫৭ পঢ়া।Samanantar Samanantar
( b) How did David desire to use his wealth? There is no indication that David came from a prominent background or that his family was wealthy.
২০, ২১. (ক) বহিষ্কাৰ কৰা ব্যৱস্থা কিয় এক প্ৰেমৰ ব্যৱস্থা?Samanantar Samanantar
Wealthy ones were exacting heavy interest, and their poorer brothers, in order to pay debts as well as the Persian tax, had to give up their land and even sell their children into slavery.
চীনয় পৰ্ব্বতৰ ওপৰৰপৰা ধোঁৱা ওলাবলৈ ধৰিলে আৰু বৰ জোৰেৰে মেঘৰ গৰ্জ্জন শুনিবলৈ পোৱা গ’ল।Samanantar Samanantar
Mic Chapter 2 reveals that the wealthy and powerful are oppressing the weak and helpless.
২. ১ চমূৱেল ১৯:১-১৭ পঢ়া।Samanantar Samanantar
We read: At that time you will see and certainly become radiant, and your heart will actually quiver and expand, because to you the wealthiness of the sea will direct itself. the very resources of the nations will come to you.
পলেষ্টীয়াবিলাকৰ দেশলৈ মই পলাই যোৱাটোৱেই ভাল হ’ব।’Samanantar Samanantar
Money in itself does not bring happiness. A lot of wealthy people are unhappy, while many poor people are very happy.
অৱশ্যেই তেওঁৰ নিজৰ শৰীৰৰ বিষয়ে নহয়; কিয়নো সিদ্ধ মানৱ শৰীৰ হোৱাৰ বাবে তেওঁত কোনো দুৰ্ব্বলতা নাছিল।Samanantar Samanantar
If rich unbelievers with gold rings and splendid garments came to a Christian meeting as well as poor unbelievers in filthy clothing, the wealthy got special treatment.
ইয়াৰ উপৰিও যিহোৱা ঈশ্বৰে আমাক আশীৰ্বাদ আৰু সহায় আগবঢ়ায়।Samanantar Samanantar
How will faith help to put bread on the table? Faith coupled with the application of Bible principles will not make us materially wealthy, but it will help us to put bread on the table.
এইবাৰ যেতিয়া যিহোৱাই চমূৱেলক মাতিলে, তেতিয়া এলীয়ে কোৱাৰ দৰে চমূৱেলে উত্তৰ দিয়ে।Samanantar Samanantar
True, the hard worker may not always become wealthy. Yet, he has peace of mind, self - respect, and perhaps even funds that he can donate to a worthy cause.
স্বৰ্গলৈ যোৱা এই গোটক যীচুয়ে, “তাকৰ জাকটি” বুলি আখ্যা দিছে।Samanantar Samanantar
Because some in the first - century congregation were showing favoritism toward wealthy individuals, the disciple James wrote: My brothers, you are not holding the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ, our glory, with acts of favoritism, are you?
যীচুৰ ৰাজ্যই পৃথিৱীত থকা মানৱজাতি আৰু পিশাচবোৰৰ শাসনক শেষ কৰিব আৰু এই ৰাজ্যই অকলে হাজাৰ বছৰৰ কাৰণে স্বৰ্গৰ পৰা শাসন কৰিব।Samanantar Samanantar
But attitude is only half the battle. Sooner or later, wealthy Christians need to use their wealth well.
ইয়াকে দেখি দায়ূদে কেইজনমান সৈন্যক সুধিলে: ‘সেই পলেষ্টীয়াটোক বধ কৰি যিজনে ইস্ৰায়েলৰপৰা অপমান দূৰ কৰিব, তেওঁক কি দিয়া হ’ব?’Samanantar Samanantar
Think, for example, of someone who claims to follow Jesus but whose real goal in life is to become wealthy or whose real trust is in himself and his own ideas.
(মথি ৬:৭) যদি ঈশ্বৰে আমাৰ প্ৰাৰ্থনা গ্ৰহণ কৰাটো বিচাৰো, তেনেহ’লে আমি তেওঁ সমৰ্থন কৰা অনুসাৰে প্ৰাৰ্থনা কৰিব লাগিব।Samanantar Samanantar
So whether we are wealthy or poor, let us pursue a course in life that will make us rich toward God.
কাহিনী ২৯Samanantar Samanantar
Only wealthy families could afford a teacher.
যীচুয়ে তেওঁৰ দুজন শিষ্যক ক’লে: ‘তোমালোকে ওচৰৰ গাঁৱখনলৈ যোৱা আৰু তাত বান্ধি থোৱা গাধ পোৱালি এটা পাবা।Samanantar Samanantar
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