disgusting oor Aymara


/dɪslgʌstɪŋ/ adjektief, werkwoord
Repulsive, distasteful.

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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Disgusted and frustrated from the lack of coverage to the anti government protests on Bahrain TV, many protesters wondered if they will start covering the martyrs’ march on Friday.
Ukatwa Tinglar phunchawix apasini jaqinakar yatiyañataki tortuganak tuqita, ukhamat phisqha yatiyawinak yatiyasini aka tortuga tuqita:globalvoices globalvoices
My father saw how humble these Bethel overseers were in contrast with the clergymen who had disgusted him years earlier.
Mexicon usuwaryu Twitter tuqin jaqinakax arsuwayapxarakinawa amuyt'äwipanakxa.jw2019 jw2019
The landlord, a prominent businessman, was already disgusted with the conduct of the clergy and did not yield to the pressure.
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Jehovah let Satan strike Job with a disgusting, painful disease.
Ukat ukham sarnaqirinakatxa waljaniw jaljtañar puripxi, ukampis jaqichasiñkam suyirinakax sumaki sarnaqasiñ yatipxaraki.jw2019 jw2019
(Luke 21:20) Thus, “the disgusting thing” is standing where it ought not, in what the Jews consider “a holy place.”
Aka aynachan utjki ukaw uk amuytʼañ yanaptʼistaspa.jw2019 jw2019
I also remembered, though, how annoyed and disgusted my father had been with her, throwing her literature into the rubbish bin.
Garyt parltʼañäni, yatiqir sarañatakixa usutakiw sartxiri.jw2019 jw2019
Just “google” the name of any candidate for the judicial elections and you'll see their “impartiality” How disgusting and what a shame!
Ukat yaqhipax janipuniw yatiqañ utar sarxapxiti.gv2019 gv2019
Because Jehovah puts such liars in the same category as everyone else “whose practices are disgusting in God’s eyes.” —Rev. 22:15, ftn.
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In the larger fulfillment, the “standing” will occur when the United Nations (the modern-day “disgusting thing”) attacks Christendom (which is holy in the eyes of nominal Christians) and the rest of Babylon the Great.
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How does a “disgusting thing” appear, and what events follow its appearance?
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12 Another disgusting practice common in Babylon the Great is the veneration of images and idols.
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This action has generated feelings of disgust within the journalistic community as well as with the colleagues of those fired.
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(1) What was “the disgusting thing . . . standing in a holy place” in the first century, and what decisive action did Christians living in Jerusalem need to take?
Blog ukax ullart’irinakaparux yat’ayaskaniwa kunjamas manq’añanakax lakirataski taqi aukanaka.jw2019 jw2019
Jesus foretold: “When you catch sight of the disgusting thing that causes desolation, as spoken of through Daniel the prophet, standing in a holy place, (let the reader use discernment,) then let those in Judea begin fleeing to the mountains.”
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When they saw “the disgusting thing that causes desolation . . . standing in a holy place,” that is, the armies of Rome surrounding and penetrating Jerusalem, they knew that it was time to flee.
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“Babylon the Great” is responsible for what sort of “disgusting things”?
8 Uk satasti Jesusajj jupar akham sänwa: “Qellqatawa: ‘Jehová* Diosamarukiw adorañama, jupa saparukiw serviñama’ sasa”.jw2019 jw2019
Solomon engaged in the disgusting false worship of the pagan nations that his foreign wives had introduced him to.
Cadenanakas amparanakapat jalaqtjjarakïnwa.jw2019 jw2019
8 Job was disfigured by a disgusting disease and then pressured by his wife to curse God and die.
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One thing that Jesus includes in the sign of his presence is the appearance of “the disgusting thing that causes desolation.”
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While such “fragrance” might be disgusting to unrighteous individuals, it is sweet-smelling to Jehovah and honesthearted ones.
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