doctor oor Aymara


/ˈdɑk.tɚ/, /ˈdɒk.tə/, /ˈdɒktə/ werkwoord, naamwoordmanlike
A person who has attained a doctorate, such as a Ph.D. or Th.D. or one of many other terminal degrees conferred by a college or university.

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The title of a doctor (whether medical or academic) used before the doctor's name. Abbreviation: Dr, Dr.

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Yet, would you blame a physician for a patient’s illness if the patient failed to stick to the doctor’s prescription?
Sañäni, mä usut jaqitï jan doctoran iwxtʼataparjam qullaskaspa ukhaxa, ¿doctoraw juchanix sisnati?jw2019 jw2019
Although his condition was serious and some doctors felt that to save his life, blood transfusion was necessary, the medical staff was prepared to honor his wishes.
Pablo jilatajj sinti usuchjatänwa ukat yaqhep doctoranakajj ‘jan jiwañapatakejj wila uchañaw wakisi’ sasaw sapjjäna, ukampis kuntï jilatajj amtkäna ukarjam qollañatakiw doctoranakajj amtapjjäna.jw2019 jw2019
“He wouldn’t have died,” they convince themselves, “if only I had made him go to the doctor sooner” or “made him see another doctor” or “made him take better care of his health.”
“Nayatï doctoramp qullayasir saram siriskäyätxa janiw jiwkasapänti jan ukax ‘yaqha doctoranakan ukar sarasma’ jan ukax ‘sum uñjasiñamawa’ sas siriskäyätxa janiw jiwkasapänti” sasa.jw2019 jw2019
Suppose doctors say that he must have a blood transfusion or he will die.
Doctoranakaxa, janiti wil uchayaskätaxa jiwätawa sapxaspa ukhaxa, ¿kamachaspasa?jw2019 jw2019
Doctors can now use specialized equipment and techniques to look at a patient’s heart while it is pumping, thus gaining information about its condition.
Doctoranakat amuytʼañäni, mä jaqen chuymapajj kunjamäskisa ukat maymurupajj kunjamsa wil qʼomachaski ukanakjja maquinanakampiw uñjapjje.jw2019 jw2019
His skull was fractured, and the doctors were not sure that they could save his life.
Ukat jupax jakaskakiniti janicha uk doctoranakax janiw yatipkänti.jw2019 jw2019
As they are able, they preach to doctors and staff, visitors, and others who come in to them.
Yaqhipax usutanakaru ukat chuymaninakar uñjapki uka utanakanwa jikxatasipxaraki.jw2019 jw2019
At times, she felt so bad that she had to see a doctor.
Awisajj llakimp sinti aynachtʼat uñjasisajja, doctorar kunaw sarañapäna.jw2019 jw2019
This could be likened to a patient who loses out on the benefits of a treatment because he does not like something about the doctor.
Ukajja, mä qollerit jan wal amuyasaki jupat qollanak jan katoqañ munksna ukhamäspawa.jw2019 jw2019
Because the methods of applying these techniques can vary from physician to physician, a Christian should find out what his doctor has in mind.
Ukampis qullirinakax mayj mayjwa lurañ yatipxi, ukhamasti cristianonakax janïr operayaskasax kun lurañsa qullirix amtpacha uk jisktʼañapawa.jw2019 jw2019
No doubt you would express thanks for the cure and then follow the doctor’s instructions carefully, perhaps even telling others of your choice.
Jan ukasti doctorar wal yuspärasma ukat kuntï jupax siskani ukarjamaw qullasiñatak phuqasmaxa. Ukat mayninakarusa uka qullamp qullasipxañapatakix arxayarakismawa.jw2019 jw2019
“Good hygiene in and around the house must be observed by all members of the family,” continued the doctor.
Ukat akham saskakiwa: “Familianxa taqiniw uta anqäxsa manqhäxsa qʼumachañ yanaptʼapxañapa.jw2019 jw2019
A periodic checkup by your family doctor might be in order.
Ukatxa hospitalar uñjayasiris sarañamapuniwa.jw2019 jw2019
In his speech, Raúl Castro confirmed that medical workers would receive a salary increase, “given that the country’s fundamental income at this time is a result of the work of thousands of doctors offering their services abroad.”
Raul Castro jupax arsunwa, (servicios médicos) ukanakatakix irxattataniwa, kunatix anchhichanakax waranqa waranqa qullirinakaw markasanx irnaqasipki, ukats jupanakatakix anqaxanx akans walt’ataw irnaqañatakix utji sasaw yatiyäna.globalvoices globalvoices
Dardesaraye yek Dampezeshk (Troubles of a veterinary doctor) writes [fa] that we can find positive characterisations of dogs in the words of Imam Ali, the first Shiite Imam, who said believers deserve to have them.
Dardesaraye yek Dampezeshk (prublimanak mä uywa qullirixa), qilqi [fa] kuna sumakax anu tuqit arstan Imam Ali, naryakit aka iman chïta ukax khitinakas tatitur munapxi ukanakax apnaqaspawa.gv2019 gv2019
Such a hospital with a religious name may be the only one equipped to provide the particular treatment needed, or it may be the only hospital where your doctor or surgeon is able to handle cases.
Ukatsti uka hospitalanakwa kunjam qullatäñs muntan ukhamarjam qullistaspa, jan ukaxa doctoramax uka hospitalanakwa qulliristamxa.jw2019 jw2019
Two months later, when he was about eight months old, the doctors’ prediction seemed to come true, for Joel’s condition deteriorated.
Pä phaxsitxa walpun usuntawayi, janiw waliptirjamäkänti, chiqäy tukusxchini sañjamänwa.jw2019 jw2019
These directives must be accepted by the doctor in charge.”
Ukat ukarjamaw doctoranakajj usutanakar qollapjjañapa” sasaw uka Tribunalankirinakajj sapjjarakïna.jw2019 jw2019
Similarly, a person may find it hard to remember exactly what the doctor said after he gave a diagnosis.
Niya ukhamarakiw mä qollayasirejj kuntï doctorajj siskaspa ukjjat jan sumpun amtkaspati.jw2019 jw2019
Suppose the doctor who finds the cure to the disease were to approach the patients in your ward with this offer: Any patient who accepts treatment and follows the prescribed regimen will without fail be cured.
Akham amuytʼañäni, kuna usunïktati uka usu qullañatak qulla jikxatir doctorax kawkïr salanktatix ukar jutaspa ukat jupax aka qullax kʼumaraptayapuniwa, ukampis qullasiñatakixa, kunjamtï sapkäma ukarjamaw phuqapxañama sasin qhanañchtʼaspa.jw2019 jw2019
In January 2011, the Brazilian ambassador in Havana announced [es] that there would be 11,000 Cuban doctors working in the poorest and most remote parts of his country that year.
2011 maran Chinuqa phaxsinxa, Habana markanx Brasil markat (embajador) ukjam utjkki jupax arsunw jichha maranx markajanx cubano qullirinakax 11 waranqa ukhaniw pisin jakasirinakar ukat jan jasak puriñawjanakan yanapt’as irnaqasipkki sasaw qhanañchäna.gv2019 gv2019
Later, his wife, a medical doctor who was also an atheist, studied the Bible as well —initially to prove her husband wrong!
Uka tiemponjja, doctorat trabajiri esposapajj janiw Diosar creykänti, ukatwa esposopan pantjasiskatap uñachtʼayañatakejj Bibliat yateqañ qalltarakïna.jw2019 jw2019
For instance, several doctors had told us that Joel would never be able to walk.
Mä uruxa wali kusiskañaw pasi.jw2019 jw2019
Doctors say awareness is crucial to prevent sickle-cell disease.
Qullirinakax anemia falciforme uka jark'aqañatakix askiw markachirinakar qhanancht'as uñacht'ayaña.gv2019 gv2019
Or would you rather consult a doctor who hears you out, explains what might be wrong with you, and outlines possible treatments?
Jan ukax ¿taqi amuyump istʼaspa, kuna usunïtansa uk sum qhanañchtʼistaspa ukat kunjams qullasiñäni uks sarakistaspa ukampicha?jw2019 jw2019
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