implosion oor Bengaals


The inrush of air in forming a suction stop.

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Carl Wieman explained that under current atomic theory this characteristic of Bose–Einstein condensate could not be explained because the energy state of an atom near absolute zero should not be enough to cause an implosion; however, subsequent mean field theories have been proposed to explain it.
এতে তারা বোঝেন যে তুমি তাদের পছন্দ কর।”WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The language also features four implosives.
প্রত্যাখ্যান করোWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Taking advantage of the Soviet Union's implosion, Dzhokhar Dudayev and his supporters acted against the Zavgayev's administration.
আর্গুমেন্টসমূহWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
"In 1942, prior to the Army taking over wartime atomic research, Robert Oppenheimer held conferences in Chicago in June and Berkeley, California, in July at which various engineers and physicists discussed nuclear bomb design issues. A gun-type design was chosen, in which two sub-critical masses would be brought together by firing a ""bullet"" into a ""target"". The idea of an implosion-type nuclear weapon was suggested by Richard Tolman but attracted scant consideration."
হেডার সারণী ছাপাওSamanantar Samanantar
Carl Wieman explained that under current atomic theory this characteristic of BoseEinstein condensate could not be explained because the energy state of an atom near absolute zero should not be enough to cause an implosion. however, subsequent mean field theories have been proposed to explain it.
সংযুক্ত খেলোয়াড়Samanantar Samanantar
This is an implosion.
লগ-ইন তথ্য পাঠানো হচ্ছেSamanantar Samanantar
There was a social implosion.
কে. ডি. ই. পরিচিতিSamanantar Samanantar
"He also said ""A building never collapses like that, unless it's with an implosion."""
চটপট সন্ধান লাইন সম্পাদন প্রদর্শন করোSamanantar Samanantar
Oppenheimer, reviewing his options in early 1943, gave priority to the gun-type weapon, but as a hedge against the threat of pre-detonation, he created the E-5 Group at the Los Alamos Laboratory under Seth Neddermeyer to investigate implosion. Implosion-type bombs were determined to be significantly more efficient in terms of explosive yield per unit mass of fissile material in the bomb, because compressed fissile materials react more rapidly and therefore more completely. It was decided that the plutonium gun would receive the bulk of the research effort, since it was the project with the least amount of uncertainty involved. It was assumed that the uranium gun-type bomb could be more easily adapted from it.
রক্ষণাবেক্ষণকারীSamanantar Samanantar
"To erase all this, with a mechanical action or the implosion of dynamite for sympathetic causes -""cancer cure"" - is perhaps even a greater loss than the stylized grace of the building, which already, those of us who understand its value, defend."
“ঘৃণা উসকে দেয়া এবং রাজনৈতিক পরিবর্তনের জন্য সহিংসতার ডাক দেওয়ার” অভিযোগে অভিযুক্ত শরীফের তদন্ত এখনও চলছে।Samanantar Samanantar
"To erase all this, with a mechanical action or the implosion of dynamite for sympathetic causes -""cancer cure"" - is perhaps even a greater loss than the stylized grace of the building, which already, those of us who understand its value, defend."
প্রাক্‌দর্শন পংক্তিSamanantar Samanantar
The language also features four implosives
নেটওয়ার্ক থামাওSamanantar Samanantar
Maduro, the political heir to the late leftist firebrand Hugo Chavez, has presided over an implosion of once wealthy oil producer Venezuelas economy since taking office in 2013.
স্বাক্ষর % # যাচাই করার জন্য যথেষ্ট তথ্য নেই ।Samanantar Samanantar
The proliferation of fakes in Russian Twitter sometimes causes implosions of hilarious absurdity - yesterday the fake Twitter of Ramzan Kadyrov asked [ru] the Poklonskaya account if it was also fake (the person tweeting said no).
ডায়াল করার গতি (সেকেন্ড/১০০Samanantar Samanantar
Also read: The Imminent Implosion of the Congress-JD(S) in Karnataka Has Happened
পোর্টনয় চিন্তিত যে ‘একদল অনির্বাচিত অভিজাত আর একদল অনির্বাচিত অভিজাতকে নির্বাচন করবে।’Samanantar Samanantar
Taking advantage of the Soviet Union's implosion, Dudayev and his supporters acted against the Zavgayev administration.
ব্রিজের অন্তরালে ইনপুট/আউটপুটSamanantar Samanantar
There was a social implosion.
সমার্থক শব্দ লিখুনSamanantar Samanantar
"""He also said """"A building never collapses like that, unless it's with an implosion."""""""
আবেদন বাতিল করা হয়েছেSamanantar Samanantar
The impracticability of a gun-type bomb using plutonium was agreed at a meeting in Los Alamos on July 17, 1944. All gun-type work in the Manhattan Project was directed at the Little Boy enriched uranium gun design, and almost all of the research at the Los Alamos Laboratory was re-oriented around the problems of implosion for the Fat Man bomb.
কাজ নিচে নামাওSamanantar Samanantar
Taking advantage of the Soviet Union's implosion, Dudayev and his supporters acted against the Zavgayev administration.
আমরা সেখানে যেতে পারে না পানি আনতে.Samanantar Samanantar
"The project succeeded in developing and detonating three nuclear weapons in 1945: a test detonation of a plutonium implosion bomb on July 16 (the Trinity test) near Alamogordo, New Mexico. an enriched uranium bomb code-named ""Little Boy"" on August 6 over Hiroshima, Japan. and a second plutonium bomb, code-named ""Fat Man"" on August 9 over Nagasaki, Japan."
স্ক্রিপ্ট ব্যবহার করোSamanantar Samanantar
"""Carl Wieman explained that under current atomic theory this characteristic of BoseEinstein condensate could not be explained because the energy state of an atom near absolute zero should not be enough to cause an implosion. however, subsequent mean field theories have been proposed to explain it"""
সাইডবার প্রদর্শন বা আড়াল করোSamanantar Samanantar
"On August 6, 1945, the U.S. Army Air Forces detonated a uranium gun-type fission bomb nicknamed ""Little Boy"" over the Japanese city of Hiroshima. three days later, on August 9, the U.S. Army Air Forces detonated a plutonium implosion-type fission bomb nicknamed ""Fat Man"" over the Japanese city of Nagasaki."
বার্তা বন্ধ করোSamanantar Samanantar
"The gun-type and implosion-type designs were codenamed ""Thin Man"" and ""Fat Man"" projects respectively."
AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz#অআইঈউঊঋএঐওঔকখগঘঙচছজঝঞটঠডঢণতথদধনপফবভমযরলশষসহয়ড়ঢ়০১২৩৪৫৬৭৮৯Samanantar Samanantar
The idea of an implosion-type nuclear weapon was suggested by Richard Tolman but attracted scant consideration.
এটা আমার নিজস্ব তথ্য নয়|Samanantar Samanantar
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