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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
He retired in 2005 due to sciatic nerve inflammation.
Kemmañ ar gerioù-alc'hwezWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Ole Miss would later vacate this win due to NCAA violations.
Da gaout an energiezh hag ar maguzennoù ret e tebront kalz, ha ne vern ar spesad ne zebront ket nemeur a loened, laou-koad ha merien evit an darn vrasañ anezho.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Due to a lack of attention, Imogen developed bulimia nervosa.
Evit gouzout hiroc’hWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It is likely this is due to its close proximity to the St John's area.
Pa’z eus bet divizet sevel aerborzh Kernitron-al-Lann e ranko dizale bezañ pledet a-zevri gant al liammoù etre al Liger-Atlantel, an Il-ha-Gwilen hag ar Mor-Bihan.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Unstressed o was kept in some words due to analogy.
Dizo loiñ ar gêr gozhWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He explained solar energy as due to the thermonuclear reactions of hydrogen.
& Eilgeriañ da &WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It is due to start filming in mid-2019.
& Diskouez an hini a heulWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Tree downed due to a thick layer of glaze in downtown Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Gant bro Vrest hon eus kroget da labourat, rak ur vro skouer eo evit an oberoù lies a c’haller seveniñ evit ar brezhoneg.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Also the bone density decreases substantially due to calcium and vitamin deficiencies.
Testenn el lec'hiadur orinOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Due to a dislocated leg, he left basketball.
Pegañ talvoudoùWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Cremlin fell to the ground with a fractured skull and died due to massive haemorrhaging.
Perc' hennet gant ar & strollad &WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The population of Ireland was 8 million in 1841, but it dropped due to the Irish famine and later emigration.
Bremañ p'emañ deuet ar mare da dennañ patatez,WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Lonka Dieren has been in business over 75 years, and moved from Amsterdam in 1955 due to lack of space.
Arouez chadenn ar yezh etre an dud hag etre ar rummadoù eo.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Canon Tallis is a bald clergyman with no eyebrows, said to have lost his hair due to withstanding torture in Korea.
Kizellet en deus Aimé Millet ivez ar Verkingetoriks dreistmentek en Alise-Sainte-Reine er "Côte-d’Or", en enor da seziz harozel Alesia.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Chávez's popularity dropped due to his relationship with Fidel Castro and Cuba, with Chávez attempting to make Venezuela in Cuba's image.
Kontañ deoc'h ar pezh a ouzer diwar-benn istor an Hollved eo pal al levr-mañ. Kregiñ a raimp gant ar pezh a lakaer da vezañ an deroù, da lavaret eo ar Big Bang, ha kenderc'hel betek an deiz hiziv.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
An application mostly receives the SIGSEGV signal due to a bug in the application. The application was asked to save its documents
Nullañ an distro d'al linennKDE40.1 KDE40.1
An application mostly receives the SIGILL signal due to a bug in the application. The application was asked to save its documents
War-zigresk e oa aet kalz an niver a Stadoù diwar neuze abalamour d’an aloubadegoù, d’an emglevioù ha d’an trevadenniñ muioc’h c’hoazh.KDE40.1 KDE40.1
An application mostly receives the SIGFPE signal due to a bug in the application. The application was asked to save its documents
KumuniezhioùKDE40.1 KDE40.1
This number is believed to have been decreased into 4/5 portion due to the Indian Ocean tsunami on 2004.12.26 on Sunday.
Sekretourez kehentiñ, 1 KILAWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Men and women of full age , without any limitation due to race , nationality or religion , have the right to marry and to found a family .
Emsavadegoù, stourmoù ha krogadoù brudet istor BreizhUniversal Declaration of Human Rights Universal Declaration of Human Rights
2015 As of year end 2015 all windpower in France was onshore, the first 500 MW of offshore windpower is not due to come online until 2018.
Loar vras ar c’hreskWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In contrast, Ryan Newman won eight races that year (22% of the 36 races run in 2003), but finished sixth in points due to DNFs from crashes.
Daremprediñ Sant-Briag, kêr vrudet eus an arvor d'ar c'houlz-se, a rae ar c'hizeller d'an ampoent eo bet savet an delwenn-mañ.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Tholins do not exist naturally on present-day Earth due to the oxidizing properties of the free oxygen component of its atmosphere ever since the Great Oxygenation Event around 2.4 billion years ago.
Kavout boued war ar c'hlasvez ne c'houlenn ket kalz a vont ha dont hag e c'hall al loened chom tost an eil re d'ar re all, er c'hontrol, evit kavout ha dibab ar gwez o frouez h darev strewet er c'hoadeier ha na vezont kavet nemet e mareoù zo, an dra-se a c'houlenn klask pishoc'h, muioc'h a vont ha dont, izili ar strollad ha strolladoù strewet muioc'h da virout ouzh re a gevezerezh etrezo.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In 1936, due to the special political situation in Catalonia, Partit Comunista de Catalunya (the Catalan branch of PCE) was separated from the party to fuse with other socialists to form Partit Socialista Unificat de Catalunya.
Niverenn bellgomz ar pretiWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
On July 2–3 in the United States, Canada and Mexico there were 2 million people that lost power due to a transmission line overheating in Idaho and a 230-kV line between Montana and Idaho tripping.
& Izelaat mentoù an nodrezhWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
31 sinne gevind in 12 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.