Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia oor Bosnies

Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

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Bivša Jugoslovenska Republika Makedonija




Republika Makedonija


Бивша Југословенска Република Македонија

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former yugoslav republic of macedonia

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former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

A provisional designation (pending resolution of a naming dispute with Greece) used by many international organizations of the Republic of Macedonia, a country on the Balkan Peninsula, abbreviated FYROM.

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Athens argues that CoE resolutions require the provisional name " Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia " to be used instead
Slažeš se s tim?Setimes Setimes
Instead, Greece refers to the country as the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM); most international organisations officially do so as well
Sa srećom u potrazi da sami nađete mestoSetimes Setimes
The interim agreement stipulates Macedonia can become a member of international organisations under the UN provisional reference 'the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia '
Da li ces doci?Setimes Setimes
Athens insists on calling its northern neighbour the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM), the name under which it joined the UN in
Šta je to bilo?Setimes Setimes
Macedonia, which was admitted to the UN under the name " Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, " says changing its name would deny its national identity
Pokusaj osjetiti Vjetar u srcu, i umiri njegovu demonsku stranuSetimes Setimes
To compromise, Macedonia was admitted to the United Nations under the provisional name of "the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia" on 8 April 1993.
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" Pending agreement, Skopje should use its provisional name, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, in all multilateral forums, and Athens should drop its veto threats, " the group said
Taj kauč je grubSetimes Setimes
That article stipulates that Greece " agrees not to object " to Macedonia 's membership in international organisations and institutions that refer to it as the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
Srasteš sa formularimaSetimes Setimes
Greece insists that its neighbour must only be referred to as the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM), the name under which it was admitted to the UN in
Hej.. kako si... popravio si gaSetimes Setimes
" Our proposal brings truly good news to the people of the Western Balkans, in particular to the citizens of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, of Montenegro and Serbia
Vidi, ovo je dobar materijalSetimes Setimes
" The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia ' is not an international name but a temporary reference only for use in the UN system for the state whose name is Macedonia
Pokušavamo da spasimo živote, neki Ijudi misIe da može da spre#i toSetimes Setimes
The accord between the two countries stipulates that Greece would not block Macedonia 's membership in international organisations if done under the UN provisional designation " the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia "
DezodoransSetimes Setimes
The accord between the two countries stipulates that Greece will not block Macedonia 's membership in international organisations if done under the UN provisional designation " the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia "
Previše si patetičan da bi te ubiliSetimes Setimes
" We agreed that an invitation will be extended to the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia as soon as a mutually acceptable solution to the name issue has been reached, " the statement of December # th added
To nisu bili samo izduvni gasoviSetimes Setimes
Instead, it refers to it as the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM), the name under which the country was admitted into the UN in # and insists that all other states must do so, too
Prvo R- # a sada i ovoSetimes Setimes
Bentler: KFOR has very good co-operation with the neighbouring countries [ including ] the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Albania, Montenegro, but also a very good technical co-operation with Serbia, concerning the administrative boundary line
Oh, mama.Mirise mi na mog sinaSetimes Setimes
Greece insists that Macedonia must only be referred to as the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM), the name under which it was admitted into the UN in # and the name used by most international organisations
Dolazim na razgovor za njenu pomoćnicuSetimes Setimes
During Gligorov 's two terms as president, between # and # acedonia became a member of the UN under the temporary reference " the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia ", accepted the # nterim Accord with Greece and underwent a controversial economic transition
To je ono što govorimoSetimes Setimes
The name battle, which has dragged on for more than # years, since Greece allowed its northern neighbour to adopt the name the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia-- derisively known as FYROM in Greece-- is far from being resolved
Predomislio sam se.Uzmi slobodnu noćSetimes Setimes
Although more than # countries recognise the Balkan nation by its constitutional name, the Republic of Macedonia, international organisations, such as the UN, NATO and the EU, officially refer to it as the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM
Sta, probudila si se jedno jutro i odlucila protraciti svoj talent?Setimes Setimes
The impending conflict has been building since # when Macedonia became a member of the UN under a reference-- the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM)-- rather than its constitutional name-- the Republic of Macedonia-- due to pressure from Greece
Uključiću spikerfonSetimes Setimes
As part of the deal, Greece agreed " not to object " to Macedonia 's membership in international organisations and institutions that refer to it as Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM)-- the name under which it was admitted into the UN in
Davitelj je imao " potpis " kako vezuje povez u petljuSetimes Setimes
Canada 's decision to use Macedonia 's constitutional name in bilateral dealings with the Balkan nation was welcomed by Skopje on Thursday, but not by Greece, which objects to its neighbour being called anything but the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM
Ono sto sam htio da kazem, s obzirom da si aktivni direktor, ne smijes biti uplasena da stajes na repoveSetimes Setimes
" The EC fully respects the UN resolution for solving the rights to the name and that is why we will continue to use the temporary reference 'FYROM ' or 'the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia ' until a mutually acceptable solution is found, " EC spokesperson Peter Stano said
On je tako dobar otac, nije li?Setimes Setimes
" As far as the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia is concerned, I stressed to our allies that, unfortunately, the policy that was followed by the government of our neighbouring country... does not allow us to take the same positive stance, " Greek Foreign Minister Dora Bakoyannis told reporters after a meeting
Nemoj mi umreti sada, maleniSetimes Setimes
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