air exercises oor Bosnies

air exercises

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zračne vježbe


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Well, I always did recommend a little fresh air and exercise.
Pa, uvijek preporučujem malo svježeg vazduha i vježbe.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
So this is the Maestro's famous pavilion, where he practises on hot summer days, getting fresh air and exercise?
Znači, ovo je Maestrov čuveni paviljon, gde on vežba u vrelim letnjim danima, diše sveži vazduh i vežba?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
But, before that, we'd like you to enjoy some fresh air and general exercise.
Ali, prije toga, željeli bismo da uživate u svježem zraku i opštoj vježbi.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Fresh air, plenty of exercise.
Svjež zrak, puno vježbe.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
In Greece, an ongoing joint Greek-Israeli air force exercise was immediately halted, and a high-profile visit by Israel 's air force general staff chief-- who was to have observed the exercise-- has been cancelled
U Grčkoj, tekuća zajednička grčko- izraelska vježba zrakoplovnih snaga odmah je prekinuta, a otkazana je i posjeta na visokom nivou načelnika generalštaba izraelskih zrakoplovnih snaga, koji je trebao posmatrati tu vježbuSetimes Setimes
Well, more bone than flesh... but with all the fresh air here I'll start exercising.
Ali više glavom nego bradom... obećavam da ću, po ovom lepom vazduhu da počnem da se bavim sportom.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
They need to do ship-to-shore gunnery and air-to-ground bombing exercises before they're certified.
Moraju odraditi vježbe brodskog i zračnog gađanja prije nego dobiju certifikat.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
You know, what I need is a little exercise and fresh air.
Znaš, ono što trebam je malo vježbe i svježi zrak.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I'm gonna build you a pen... so's you'll have lots of sunshine and exercise... and fresh air.
Napravit ću ti tor... pa ćeš imati puno sunca i moći ćeš vježbati... i svježeg zraka.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Now, exercise and fresh air, great cures for anything, they say.
Sada, vježba i svjež zrak, veliki lijekovi su za sve, kažu.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Ma'am, I just came off of a 72-hour live-fire exercise short one air-traffic controller.
Gospođo, upravo sam se vratio sa 72-satne vježbe... Nedostaje mi jedan kontrolor zračnog prometa.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
German tank and air-force specialists could exercise in the Soviet Union and German chemical weapons research and manufacture would be carried out there along with other projects.
Njemački tenkovski i zrakoplovni stručnjaci bi bili obučavani u Sovjetskom Savezu, a njemačko istraživanje i proizvodnja hemijskog oružja se izvodila zajedno sa ostalim projektima.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The most important military exercise involving the two air forces is the live shooting at the Sabla training facility in Bulgaria
Najvažnija vojna vježba u kojoj učestvuju dvije zračne snage je gađanje uživo na poligonu Sabla u BugarskojSetimes Setimes
Adding to the challenge, the exercises were set in three different environments-- water, air and land
Dodatno na taj izazov, vježbe su postavljane u različitim sredinama-- voda, zrak i kopnoSetimes Setimes
The last 24 hours have been an exercise in how to air a news programme that is taking place in less than two hours, when one can't discuss, analyse or debate the news.
Poslednja 24 sata bila su primer kako se vodi program, koji počinje za manje od dva sata, u kome vesti ne smeju da se komentarišu niti analiziraju.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Taking to the air helps them to cool down and gives them an opportunity to exercise their wings
Privlačenje u vazduhu pomaže im da se rashlade daje im mogućnost da vežbaju svoja krilaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
" an exercise that would pose an imaginary crisis to North American Air Defense outposts nationwide ".
" vježba koja obuhvaća zamišljenu kriznu situaciju na NORAD-ovim položajima širom države ".OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Admiral, considering how long our pilots have been in the air, I suggest we recall the birds and scrub the training exercise.
Admirale, s obzirom koliko su dugo piloti vani, preporučam da opozovemo lovce i prekinemo vježbu.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
There were also special models which were not solely a marketing exercise, such as the Renault 4 Sinpar 4x4, the Plein Air, a pickup truck, LPG versions and electric versions.
Postojali su mnogi specijalni modeli Renaulta koji nisu bili samo "vježbanje" tržišta, kao što su Renault 4 Sinpar 4x4, Plain Air, pickup, LPG verzija i električna verzija.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In # the two countries decided to establish a direct telephone line between the military chiefs of staff, a hotline between the operational headquarters of the two countries ' air forces and a month 's extension of a moratorium on military exercises in the Aegean
Dvije zemlje su odlučile # ustanoviti direktnu telefonsku liniju između dva vojna generalštaba, dežurnu liniju između operativnih štabova zračnih snaga dvaju zemalja i jednomjesečno produženje moratorija na vojne vježbe u EgejuSetimes Setimes
Croatian Air Force Command 's Operational Department chief Colonel Drazen Scuri was particularly satisfied with Croatia 's involvement in the forces that were opposing NRF in the exercise, attacking surface ships and disturbing NATO operations
Šef operativnog odjela komande Hrvatskog zrakoplovstva pukovnik Dražen Šćuri bio je posebno zadovoljan učešćem Hrvatske u snagama koje su u vježbi bile protivnici NRF- a, te su napadale površinske brodove i ometale operacije NATO- aSetimes Setimes
The exercise areas were the international and Croatian waters of Adriatic Sea, the southeastern part of Croatian island of Zirje, the Lora naval base at Split, Zemunik and Divulje air bases at Zadar and Split, the Eugen Kvaternik Military Range at Slunj and the Red Earth Range at Knin
Zone vježbe bile su u međunarodnim i hrvatskim vodama Jadranskog mora, na jugoistočnom dijelu hrvatskog ostrva Žirje, u mornaričkoj bazi Lora u Splitu, zračnim bazama Zemunik i Divulje u Zadru i Splitu, vojnom poligonu Eugen Kvaternik u Slunju, te poligonu Crvena zemlja u KninuSetimes Setimes
Numerous factors make infants more susceptible to cold than adults: A higher ratio of body surface area (proportional to heat loss) to body volume (proportional to heat production) A higher proportional surface area of the head A low amount of musculature and the inability to shiver A lack of thermal insulation, e.g., subcutaneous fat and fine body hair (especially in prematurely born children) An inability to move away from cold areas, air currents or heat-draining materials An inability to use additional ways of keeping warm (e.g., drying their skin, putting on clothing, moving into warmer areas, or performing physical exercise) A nervous system that is not fully developed and does not respond quickly and/or properly to cold (e.g., by contracting blood vessels in and just below the skin: vasoconstriction).
Brojni faktori čine bebe podložnijim hladnoći nego odrasle: Veći omjer površine tijela (proporcionalna gubitku topline) i volumena tijela (proporcionalan toplotnoj energiji); Veća proporcionalna površini glave; Mala količina muskulature i nemogućnost ili nespremnost za drhtanje; Nedostatak toplinske izolacije, npr. potkožnog masnog tkiva i tanka dlaka na tijelu (posebno kod prerano rođene djece); Nemogućnost da se udalji od hladnog područja, klimatizacijskog strujanja ili materijala za toplotno pražnjenje; Nemogućnost da koriste dodatni načine regulacije tople (npr. sušenje kože, oblačenje odjeće, kretanje prema toplijim područjima ili obavljanje fizičkih vježbi); Nervni sistem nije u potpunosti razvijen da brzo i/ili na odgovarajući način odgovori na hladnoću (npr. kontrakcijom krvnih sudova i neposredno ispod kože: vazokonstrikcija).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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