diplomatic protection oor Bosnies

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diplomatska zaštita


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Now, the Diplomatic Protection Group are going to be facing some pretty tough questions.
Diplomatski Zaštitni Tim će biti suočen s prilično teškim pitanjima.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I was somewhat of a surprise choice for this job leading the Diplomatic Protection Group.
Bila sam pomalo iznenađujući izbor za posao vođe Diplomatskog Zaštitnog Tima.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Constable Ryan Barlow of the Diplomatic Protection Group lost his life in the course of duty, trying to save the lives of the van Buren family.
Pozornik Ryan Barlow iz DZT je izgubio život tijekom dužnosti, pokušavajući zaštititi živote obitelji van Buren.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Serbian President Boris Tadic said his government would take legal and diplomatic action to protect its interests
Srbijanski predsjednik Boris Tadić izjavio je da će njegova vlada poduzeti pravne i diplomatske mjere u cilju zaštite svojih interesaSetimes Setimes
Now, I understand the need to protect your diplomatic position, but more men are dying, sir.
Razumijem potrebu da zaštitite svoj diplomatski položaj, no ljudi umiru.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I am here on a diplomatic mission under the protection of Duchess Satine.
Ja sam ovdje na Diplomatskoj misiji pod zaštitom vojvotkinje Satine.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
If you're gonna tell me that diplomatic vehicles have the same protection as the embassy-
Ako ćeš mi reći da diplomatska vozila imaju istu zaštitu kao ambasada...OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Also in diplomatic news: Macedonia and France sign an agreement on protecting classified information
Također u okviru diplomatskih novosti: Makedonija i Francuska potpisale sporazum o zaštiti povjerljivih informacijaSetimes Setimes
Condemning mob attacks against a number of embassies in Belgrade on Thursday (February # st), the UN and EU have urged Serbia to abide by its obligations to ensure adequate protection to foreign diplomatic missions
Osuđujući napade gomile na niz ambasada u Beogradu u četvrtak ( # februar), UN i EU pozvali su Srbiju da poštuje svoje obaveze u smislu osiguranja adekvatne zaštite stranim diplomatskim misijamaSetimes Setimes
Most recently the European Court of Human Rights has re-iterated that where reliable sources indicate that a state resorts to or tolerates practices which are manifestly contrary to human rights protections, diplomatic assurances do not absolve a government purporting to send a person to that state of its obligation to assess whether the individual would in practice be protected against the risk of prohibited treatment (See Saadi v Italy, 28 February 2008).
Nedavno je Evropski sud za ljudska prava ponovio da u slučajevima u kojima postoje pouzdani izvori koji ukazuju da se neka država služi postupcima koji su jasno protivni zaštiti ljudskih prava, ili ih tolerira, diplomatske garancije ne oslobađaju vladu koja treba da pošalje nekoga u tu državu obaveze da procijeni da li će ta osoba u praksi biti zaštićena od rizika nedozvoljenog postupanja (vidi slučaj Saadi protiv Italije, 28. februar 2008. g.).hrw.org hrw.org
Asked whether the Serbian Army will protect Serbians, Sutanovac said that Serbia 's stand is to fight for Kosovo by peaceful and diplomatic means
Na pitanje hoće li vojska Srbije štititi Srbijance, Šutanovac je izjavio da je stav Srbije da se za Kosovo bori mirnim i diplomatskim sredstvimaSetimes Setimes
These include laws on diplomatic immunity, statehood, establishing a police force, establishing a police inspectorate, travel documents, state symbols, special protected zones, local governance and administrative borders of municipalities
To su između ostalog zakoni o diplomatskom imunitetu, državnosti, osnivanju policijskih snaga, osnivanju policijskog inspektorata, putnim dokumentima, državnim simbolima, specijalnim zaštićenim zonama, lokalnoj upravi i administrativnim granicama općinaSetimes Setimes
The party also says the ruling majority has protected Basescu from being lustrated in the future by adding a provision that says former diplomatic and commercial mission heads are not affected
Ta stranka kaže i to da je većina na vlasti zaštitila Basescua od lustracije u budućnosti, dodavanjem odredbe koja kaže da bivši šefovi diplomatskih i trgovinskih misija nisu pod udaromSetimes Setimes
The report is based on interviews with a number of officials in Sarajevo, including international and national staff members of the War Crimes Chamber, the Special Department for War Crimes in the Prosecutor’s Office, the defense office, the State Investigation and Protection Agency of Bosnia, the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, diplomats, and donor agencies.
Ovaj izvještaj je zasnovan na razgovorima sa velikim brojem zvaničnika u Sarajevu, uključujući i međunarodne i domaće članove osoblja Odjela za ratne zločine, Posebni odjel za ratne zločine pri Tužilaštvu, Ured za odbranu, Državnu agenciju za istrage i zaštitu BiH, Organizaciju za sigurnost i saradnju u Evropi, diplomate i donatorske agencije.hrw.org hrw.org
Stressing " the fundamental principle of the inviolability of diplomatic missions, " Panama 's Ambassador Ricardo Alberto Arias, whose country currently chairs the # nation council presidency, urged the Serbian government to take the appropriate steps to ensure foreign embassies are protected
Naglašavajući " temeljni princip nepovredivosti diplomatskih misija ", ambasador Paname Ricardo Alberto Arias, čija zemlja trenutno predsjedava petnaestočlanim vijećem, pozvao je vladu Srbije da poduzme adekvatne korake u cilju osiguranja zaštite stranim ambasadamaSetimes Setimes
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