flow of goods oor Bosnies

flow of goods

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They've been the place where the flows of people, the flows of money, the flows of goods have coalesced.
Grade se tamo, gde dolaze ljudi, gde dolazi novac, gde pristiže roba.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The head of Kosovo 's negotiating team, Edita Tahiri, told Radio-Televizija Srbije television that the " breakthrough agreement " will enable free flow of goods
Šefica pregovaračkog tima Kosova Edita Tahiri izjavila je za Radio- televiziju Srbije da će taj " sporazum koji označava napredak " omogućiti slobodan protok robaSetimes Setimes
" The revenues which will come [ from the gates ] and the flow of goods from Serbia to Kosovo will be paid directly to the Kosovo budget. "
" Prihodi koji će doći [ od prijelaza ] i od priliva robe iz Srbije na Kosovo uplaćivat će se direktno u budžet Kosova. "Setimes Setimes
But it had been nicked by Ron Decline, who we'd called in to stop this sort of flow of goods from the building, so that was alright...
Ali to je uradio Ron Nepriznajništa kojeg smo i pozvali da zaustavi nestajanje stvari iz zgrade, tako da je to bilo u redu.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He cited " legislation in northern Kosovo, then the implementation of police protocol in matters of customs and the flow of goods and capital between the two administrative lines "
On je naveo " zakonodavstvo na sjevernom Kosovu, zatim provedbu policijskog protokola u carinskim predmetima i protok roba i kapitala između dviju administrativnih linija "Setimes Setimes
Macedonian companies are readying for the opportunity, and Chamber officials say they are competitive, but suggest the Macedonian government would be well advised to help improve the flow of goods and infrastructure
Kompanije u Makedoniji vrše pripreme za tu mogućnost, a zvaničnici Komore kažu da su one konkurentne, ali sugeriraju kako bi bilo dobro da makedonska vlada pomogne s unaprjeđivanjem protoka roba i infrastruktureSetimes Setimes
He tells SETimes, " The accreditation of four laboratories will overcome technical barriers and [ boost the ] free flow of goods and services, " by increasing confidence in the results of measurements made by the bureau
On za SETimes kaže: " Akreditiranjem četiri laboratorije prevazići će se tehničke barijere i [ intenzivirati ] slobodan protok roba i usluga, " povećanjem povjerenja u rezultate mjerenja koje obavi taj biroSetimes Setimes
Increased demand and higher commodity prices, especially for metals, led to strong growth in the flow of goods from the # countries to the EU and a return to pre-crisis levels by the third quarter of
Povećana potražnja i veće cijene sirovina, posebno metala, doveli su do jakog rasta u prilivu roba iz zemalja # u EU, te do povratka na pretkrizni nivo do trećeg kvartalaSetimes Setimes
They travelled to Kosovo 's border with Serbia to help block the flow of Serb goods into Kosovo. [ Reuters ]
Kreenuli su do kosovske granice sa Srbijom kako bi pomogli u blokiranju dotoka srbijanske robe na Kosovo. [ Reuters ]Setimes Setimes
Even as the flow of black market goods continues across the border, the Serbian government has taken a hard line on legal imports from Kosovo
Iako se protok robe na crnom tržištu preko granice nastavlja, vlada Srbije zauzela je čvrst stav po pitanju legalnog uvoz s KosovaSetimes Setimes
Earlier Saturday, as he first headed towards the Merdar/Merdare crossing, Kurti told reporters that the heavy police turnout would not change his plans, while reiterating that the protest is designed to hinder the flow of Serbian goods into Kosovo, not the freedom of movement of people
Ranije u subotu, prvo krenuvši prema prijelazu Merdar/Merdare, Kurti je izjavio novinarima da prisustvo jakih policijskih snaga neće promijeniti njegove planove, ponovivši da je cilj protesta da se smanji uvoz srbijanske robe na Kosovo, a ne sloboda kretanja ljudiSetimes Setimes
Arterial ultrasound of Jennifer's abdomen shows good flow throughout.
Arterijski ultrazvuk Jenniferinog abdomena pokazuje dobar protok svugdje.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Kosovo Infoglobi reported at the beginning of December that Serbia continues to be the biggest exporter to Kosovo, with the value of goods flowing into Kosovo from September to November exceeding # m euros
Kosovski Infoglobi izvještava početkom decembra da je Srbija i dalje najveći izvoznik na Kosovo, uz priliv robe na Kosovo od septembra do novembra u vrijednosti većoj od # miliona euraSetimes Setimes
However, I meet regularly with Pieter Feith in his capacity as EU special representative, so that there is a good two-way flow of information
Međutim, ja se redovno susrećem s Pieterom Feithom u njegovom svojstvu specijalnog predstavnika EU, tako da postoji dobar dvostrani protok informacijaSetimes Setimes
It was a perfect system of cheap goods and cheap money flowing into America, all controlled by the Chinese Politburo.
Bio je to savršen sistem jeftine robe i jeftinog novca koji se slijevaju u Ameriku, a sve uz nadzor kineskog politbiroa.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
While it is heavily subsidized by governments, good planning of transport is essential to make traffic flow and restrain urban sprawl.
Iako je u velikoj mjeri uz subvenciju vlade, dobro planiranje transporta je osnova za pravljenje toka saobraćaja i smanjenja gužvi.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
As bullion flowed into one country, the supply would increase, and the value of bullion in that state would steadily decline relative to other goods.
Kada bi zlatne poluge otišle u jednu zemlju, ponuda bi se povećala a vrijednost poluga u toj državi bi stalno opadala u odnosu na druga dobra.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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