interregnum oor Bosnies


/ˌɪntəɹˈɹɛɡnəm/ naamwoord
The period of time between the end of a sovereign's reign and the accession of another sovereign.

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period of discontinuity, such as the period of time between the reign of one monarch and the next





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Ottoman Interregnum
Osmanlijski interegnum


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Conrad's death was followed by the Interregnum, during which no king could achieve universal recognition, allowing the princes to consolidate their holdings and become even more independent rulers.
Nakon Konradove smrti došlo je do interegnuma koji je omogućio kneževima da konsoliduju svoja gazdinstva i postanu nezavisni vladari.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
After a destructive period of interregnum (1301–1308), the first Angevin king of Hungary, Charles I ("Charles the Great") successfully restored royal power and defeated oligarchic rivals known as the "little kings".
Nakon destruktivnog perioda interegnuma (1301–1308), prvi anžuvinski kralj Ugarske Karlo I Robert je uspješno obnovio kraljevsku moć pobijedivši oligarhijske rivale poznate pod imenom "mali kraljevi".WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In 743, they ended the Frankish interregnum by choosing Childeric III, who was to be the last Merovingian monarch, as figurehead king of the Franks.
Franački interegnum se završio 743. godine izborom Hilderika III, koji je bio posljednji Merovinški kralj Franaka.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Soon after Mehmed began his reign, his brother Mustafa Çelebi, who had originally been captured along with their father Bayezid I during the Battle of Ankara and held captive in Samarkand, hiding in Anatolia during the Interregnum, reemerged and asked Mehmed to partition the empire with him.
Odmah nakon što je Mehmed započeo svoju vladavinu, njegov brat Mustafa, koji je bio zarobljen zajedno sa ocem Bajazidom I, se oslobodio i krio u Anadoliji.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
During the interregnum, Austria was the scene of intense persecution of heretics by the Inquisition.
Tokom međuvlade, Austrija je bila poprište intenzivnog progona heretika od strane inkvizicije.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Following Francis R. Shunk's resignation, an interregnum of 17 days occurred before the speaker of the state senate, William F. Johnston, was sworn in.
Nakon ostavke prethodnog guvernera Francisa R. Shunka, dolazi do upražnjene pozicije 17 dana prije nego što je glasnogovornik državnog senata William F. Johnston položio zakletvu.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
King Phraataces and Queen Musa of Parthia are overthrown and killed, the crown being offered to Orodes III of Parthia—the beginning of the interregnum.
Partski kralj Fraatak i kraljica Musa svrgnuti i ubijeni, a kruna ponuđena Orodu čine započinje interregnum.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He was succeeded in Poland by Casimir IV Jagiellon after a three-year interregnum.
Kazimir je naslijedio svoga brata na poljskom prijestolju nakon tri godine dugoga interregnuma.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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