mining product oor Bosnies

mining product

A product of the mining industry, i.e. ore, a valuable mineral or other geological material, extracted from the earth and ready for further processing.

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mining production
rudarska proizvodnja


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Total taxable values of mining production in Wyoming for 2001 was over $6.7 billion.
Ukupna oporezovana vrijednost rudarskog sektora i proizvodnje u rudarstvu u Wyomingu u 2001. godini iznosila je 6,7 milijardi dolara.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
World tantalum mine production has undergone an important geographic shift since the start of the 21st century when production was predominantly from Australia and Brazil.
Svjetska rudnička proizvodnja tantala doživjela je vrlo važan geografski pomak od početka 21. vijeka kada se većina svjetske proizvodnje dolazila iz Australija i Brazila.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
One of the by-products of mining here and the reason the war started.
Jedan od nuspojava rudarstva rudarstva ovdje i razlog zašto je rat počeo.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Tunisia has a diverse economy, ranging from agriculture, mining, manufacturing, and petroleum products, to tourism.
Tunis ima raznovrsnu ekonomiju, u rasponu od poljoprivrede, rudarstva, industrije, i naftne prerade, do turizma.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Production requires mining of tons of copper and zinc each year.
Proizvodnja zahtijeva iskopavanje tona bakra i cinka svake godine.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The decline was attributed mainly to decreased production in the mining sector
Taj pad se pripisuje uglavnom smanjenoj proizvodnji u sektoru rudarstvaSetimes Setimes
Beginning in 2007 and through 2014, the major sources of tantalum production from mines dramatically shifted to the DRC, Rwanda, and some other African countries.
Počev od 2007. pa sve do 2014. osnovni izvori ruda tantala dramatično su pomjereni u Ruandu, DR Kongo i neke druge afričke zemlje.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Zirconium is a by-product of the mining and processing of the titanium minerals ilmenite and rutile, as well as tin mining.
Cirkonij je nusproizvod u procesu rudarskog dobijanja i obrade minerala titanija: ilmenita i rutila, kao i pri rudarenju kalaja.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Technical Solutions Group had been a defense company in the US that was involved in a range of products, including mine-resistant vehicles based on South African designs.
Firma Technical Solutions Group je bila uključena u niz vojnih projekata SAD-a, uključujući i minsko otporna vozila po uzoru na južnoafrički dizajn.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Since the end of the 19th century, Harrachsdorf has been known for its glass production, textile industry, and mining.
Od kraja 19. stoljeća Harrachsdorf je bio poznat po proizvodnji stakla, tekstilnoj industriji i rudarstvu.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The global production of palladium from mines was 222 tonnes in 2006 according to the United States Geological Survey.
Svjetska proizvodnja paladija iz rudnika bila je 222 tone u 2006. prema podacima Američkog geološkog zavoda.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The largest economic sectors are mining (10.4% of the gross domestic product in 2009), agriculture (5.0%), manufacturing (13.5%), and tourism.
Najveći privredni sektori su rudarstvo (10,4% od ukupnog bruto nacionalnog proizvoda u 2009.), poljoprivreda (5,0%), proizvodnja (13,5%) i turizam.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Iridium is also obtained commercially as a by-product from nickel and copper mining and processing.
Iridij se komercijalno dobija kao sporedni proizvod pri kopanju i preradi ruda nikla i bakra.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
By far, China has the largest production with 120,000 tonnes mined per year; it is followed by the US (about 5,000 tonnes) and India (2,700 tonnes).
Prema izvještajima, Kina je ubjedljivo najveći proizvođač sa oko 120 hiljada tona rude godišnje, a slijedi je SAD (sa oko 5.000 tona) i Indija (2.700 tona).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
For some time, China has been the largest producer of antimony and its compounds, with most production coming from the Xikuangshan Mine in Hunan.
Jedno vrijeme, Kina je bila najveći svjetski proizvođač antimona i njegovih spojeva, a većina proizvodnje dobijala se iz rudnika Xikuangshan u Hunanu.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Today the largest producers of caesium, for example the Tanco Mine in Manitoba, Canada, produce rubidium as by-product from pollucite.
Danas, najveći proizvođači cezija, poput rudnika Tanco, u Manitobi (Kanada) proizvode rubidij kao nusproizvod iz polucita.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
An evaluation of the existing Mine Action Strategy and a new Strategic Plan was made for # guided by the # onvention Banning Production, Use, Stockpiling and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines
Procjena postojeće Strategije za uklanjanje mina i novi Strateški plan načinjeni su za period # uz smjernice iz Konvencije o zabrani proizvodnje, upotrebe, nagomilavanja i prijenosa protivpješadijskih mina izSetimes Setimes
Some mines there are operating and last year had an increase in production
Neki rudnici tamo rade i prošle godine imali su povećanje proizvodnjeSetimes Setimes
In estepes of Soviet Asia, in the new plants and mines of Siberia, the desperate effort more of production of the modern times it was reaching the climax.
U stepama sovjetske Azije, u novim tvornicama i rudnicima u Sibiru najsilovitiji proizvodni napori suvremenoga doba dosegli su vrhunac.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Police searched six houses in the March raids, finding large quantities of arms and military equipment, antitank mines, laser devices, electronic equipment, surprise mines, topographic maps, drawings, manuals for production of explosive devices, detonators, and other items useful to terrorists
Policija je u martovskoj akciji pretražila šest kuća, našla velike količine oružja i vojne opreme, antitenkovske mine, laserske uređaje, elektronsku opremu, mine iznenađenja, topografske mape, skice, priručnike za proizvodnju eksplozivnih sredstava, detonatore i druge predmete koje upotrebljavaju teroristiSetimes Setimes
This production required a large labor force that could handle the mining, refining, and transportation of the necessary copper, tin, and lead ores.
Ovakva produkcija je zahtjevala brojnu radnu snagu koja bi kopala rude, rafninirala i prevozila bakrenu, kalajnu i olovnu rudu.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The company plans to open a mine and build a thermal plant with a capacity of # and annual production of # h of electricity
Kompanija planira otvoriti rudnik i izgraditi termoelektranu kapaciteta # uz godišnju proizvodnju # h strujeSetimes Setimes
Large mines in Colorado (such as the Henderson mine and the Climax mine) and in British Columbia yield molybdenite as their primary product, while many porphyry copper deposits such as the Bingham Canyon Mine in Utah and the Chuquicamata mine in northern Chile produce molybdenum as a byproduct of copper mining.
Veliki rudnici u američkoj saveznoj državi Colorado (poput rudnika Henderson i Climax) te u kanadskoj provinciji Britanska Kolumbija kopaju molibdenit kao svoj osnovni proizvod, dok mnogi porifirni depoziti bakra poput rudnika Bingham Canyon u Utahu i rudnika Chuquicamata u Čileu proizvode molibden kao sporedni proizvod pri dobijanju bakra.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In response, French and Belgian troops occupied the Ruhr region, Germany's most productive industrial region at the time, taking control of most mining and manufacturing companies in January 1923.
Kao odgovor, francuske i belgijske trupe su okupirale Rur, Njemačku najvažniju industrijsku regiju tog vremena, i preuzele kontrolu nad rudarskim i proizvodnim preduzećima u januaru 1922.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
" The supply will be mainly based on the exploitation of lignite and the production of electricity of thermo power plants, " according to a statement by the Ministry of Energy and Mines
" Opskrba će se uglavnom zasnivati na eksploataciji lignita i proizvodnji struje u termoelektranama, " kaže se u saopćenju ministarstva energetike i rudarstvaSetimes Setimes
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