ministries oor Bosnies


Plural form of ministry.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Bosnies


Bulgarians will be able vote for the new proposals on the transport ministry 's official website
Bugari će za te nove prijedloge moći glasati na službenom vebsajtu ministarstva transporta


Bulgarians will be able vote for the new proposals on the transport ministry 's official website
Bugari će za te nove prijedloge moći glasati na službenom vebsajtu ministarstva transporta

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ministarstvo obrane
Ministry of Magic
Ministarstvo magije
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Bulgarians will be able vote for the new proposals on the transport ministry 's official website
Bugari će za te nove prijedloge moći glasati na službenom vebsajtu ministarstva transportaSetimes Setimes
The Elie Carafoli Institute is the first of its kind in the country, according to the education, research and youth ministry on November # th
Institut Elie Carafoli je prvi te vrste u zemlji, saopćeno je # novembra iz ministarstva obrazovanja, istraživanja i omladineSetimes Setimes
Their use is similar to that of flying carpets, although the latter are banned in Great Britain by the Ministry of Magic.
Njihova je upotreba slična kao i ona letećih tepiha, iako se leteći tepisi ne smiju koristiti u Engleskoj.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
" Turkey in no way accepts different treatment, " the foreign ministry said in a statement
" Turska ni na koji način ne prihvaća različit tretman, " kaže se u saopćenju ministarstva vanjskih poslovaSetimes Setimes
Macedonian diaspora remain culturally and politically linked to the republic, as foreign ministry reforms expand to guide the country
Makedonska dijaspora ostaje kulturno i politički vezana za republiku, dok se u cilju vođenja zemlje proširuju reforme ministarstva vanjskih poslovaSetimes Setimes
This why Ministry of Information... have decide to send me to U.S. and A. - greatest country in the world - to learn-a lessons for Kazakhstan.
Zato je ministarstvo informacija... odlučilo mene poslati u S.A. i D.- - najveću državu na svijetu- - da naučim lekcije za Kazakhstan.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
In a bid to provide affected students with recourse, the Education Ministry in early December set up the nation 's first hotline for reporting cases of school violence
U nastojanju da ugroženim učenicima obezbijedi neko pribježište, ministarstvo obrazovanja je početkom decembra uspostavilo prvu telefonsku liniju u zemlji za prijavljivanje nasilja u školamaSetimes Setimes
The conference, the first of its kind, was organised by the Macedonian Ministry of Culture and the Relations with Religious Communities Committee
Konferenciju, prvu te vrste, organizirali su makedonsko ministarstvo kulture i Komitet za odnose s vjerskim zajednicamaSetimes Setimes
Pristina-based media reported last week that the country is ready to defend its independence declaration at The Hague and that Kosovo 's foreign ministry expects to see broad support for its nation 's secession
Prištinski mediji izvijestili su prošle sedmice kako je zemlja spremna braniti svoju proglašenu nezavisnost u Hagu i da kosovsko ministarstvo vanjskih poslova očekuje široku podršku za otcjepljenje svoje zemljeSetimes Setimes
" It can make suggestions that will be sent to the Ministry for Returns and Communities, to the government or the parliament, through the President 's Office, " he explained
" Ono može davati sugestije koje će se prosljeđivati ministarstvu za povratak i zajednice, vladi ili parlamentu, kroz predsjednički ured, " pojasnio je onSetimes Setimes
The ministry will continue the collaboration with student representatives to find the best solution for their requirements, " she said
Ministarstvo će nastaviti saradnju sa studentskim predstavnicima kako bi pronašli najbolje rješenje za njihove zahtjeve, " izjavila je onaSetimes Setimes
The finance ministry is standing by to transfer the funds.
Ministarstvo finansija je spremno za tfansfer fonda.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The health ministry confirmed at that time that the clinic had no license to work
Iz ministarstva zdravlja je tad potvrđeno da klinika nije imala dozvolu za radSetimes Setimes
The ministry of health, the government of Bucharest 's District # private companies and NGOs provided assistance for the renovation of the hospital
Pomoć za obnovu te bolnice obezbijedili su ministarstvo zdravlja, vlada bukureštanskog okruga # privatne kompanije i nevladine organizacijeSetimes Setimes
In contrast, Montenegro Ministry of Foreign Affairs official Zeljko Stamatovic told SETimes that he ca n't confirm that visa liberalisation has significantly influenced Montenegrins ' travel habits
Za razliku od toga, zvaničnik crnogorskog ministarstva vanjskih poslova Željko Stamatović izjavio je za SETimes da ne može potvrditi to da je liberalizacija viza značajno utjecala na putne navike CrnogoracaSetimes Setimes
" Our expectations are based on the improvements in infrastructure we 've done and the tourism environment in general, " Endri Jorgoni, chief of cabinet in the ministry of culture and tourism said
" Naša očekivanja zasnivaju se na poboljšanjima u infrastrukturi koja smo napravili i na opštem stanju u turizmu, " kaže Endri Jorgoni, šef kabineta u Ministarstvu kulture i sportaSetimes Setimes
Unler is the former deputy head of the directorate general for multilateral political affairs at the Turkish foreign ministry
Unler je bivši zamjenik čelnika generalne direkcije za multilateralne političke poslove u turskom ministarstvu vanjskih poslovaSetimes Setimes
An electronic display showing the time to within two nanoseconds was officially launched in front of the Development Ministry building in Athens last weekend
Elektronski displej koji pokazuje vrijeme u dvije nanosekunde službeno je postavljen ispred Ministarstva razvoja u Atini prošlog vikendaSetimes Setimes
We asked the Ministry of Labour to implement the law on labour, " Nikollaj said, underlining that the court decision stated the miners have the right to strike
Od ministarstva rada smo zatražili da se provede zakon o radu, " izjavio je Nikollaj, podvukavši kako u odluci suda piše da rudari imaju pravo na štrajkSetimes Setimes
He didn't know your address, he sent it to the Ministry of Culture.
Nije znao tvoju adresu pa ga je poslao na Ministarstvo kulture.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Defence Minister Zoran Konjanovski (right) accepts the keys to Camp Able Sentry at a ceremony in Skopje. [ Macedonian Defence Ministry ]
Ministar odbrane Zoran Konjanovski (desno) prima ključeve od baze " Able Sentry " na svečanosti održanoj u Skoplju. [ Ministarstvo odbrane Makedonije ]Setimes Setimes
Two regional defence ministers and several other senior officials attended the meeting in Pec, Kosovo. [ Kosovo Security Forces Ministry ]
Dva regionalna ministra odbrane i još nekoliko visokih zvaničnika prisustvovalo je sastanku u kosovskom gradu Peći. [ Ministarstvo Sigurnosnih snaga Kosova ]Setimes Setimes
The event, organised by the Grigor Prlicev cultural centre in the city, receives financial support from Macedonia 's culture ministry
Ta manifestacija, koju organizira kulturni centar Grigor Prličev u gradu, dobiva finansijsku podršku od ministarstva kulture MakedonijeSetimes Setimes
New office buildings for the ministry of foreign affairs and the state archives, among other government agencies, are in the initial stages of construction
Nove uredske zgrade za ministarstvo vanjskih poslova i državni arhiv, između ostalih vladinih agencija, su u početnoj fazi izgradnjeSetimes Setimes
Officials hope to give entrepreneurs more opportunities with new programmes through the Ministry of Trade and Industry (MTI
Zvaničnici se nadaju da će novim programima putem Ministarstva trgovine i industrije (MTI) poduzetnicima dati više prilikaSetimes Setimes
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