shortfall oor Bosnies


An instance of not meeting a quota or of having an insufficient amount.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Bosnies


If you need additional funds to cover any shortfall, execute a wire transfer from Barbados.
Ako ti trebaju dodatna sredstva da pokriješ manjak, napravi transfer s Barbadosa.


My associates are going to be extremely unhappy about this shortfall.
Moji saradnici će da budu nezadovoljni zbog nedostatka.


" We have a big problem with energy shortfalls which have caused a trade deficit
" Imamo veliki problem s nestašicom energije, što je dovelo do trgovinskog deficita

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discontinuance shortfall
manjak zbog prekida


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" The [ shortfall ] in revenues is about # billion euros, " he said
" Taj [ manjak ] u prihodima iznosi oko # milijardi eura, " izjavio je onSetimes Setimes
But they left abruptly after a row over the size of the country 's budget shortfall and its cause
Međutim, oni su naglo otišli nakon spora oko obima budžetskog manjka zemlje i njegovog uzrokaSetimes Setimes
Republika Srpska 's (RS) fiscal and public fund deficit amounts to about # m euros, however, the entity government intends to take on more debt through new loans to cover the budget shortfall
Deficit u fiskalnom i javnom fondu Republike Srpske (RS) iznosi oko # miliona eura, međutim, entitetska vlada namjerava se dodatno zadužiti putem novih kredita kako bi pokrila manjak u budžetuSetimes Setimes
It is already clear that BiH will end up with a shortfall this year in covering its social services, especially those related to pension and health insurance systems, but " nobody is dealing with this, " says economist Izudin Kesetovic
Već je jasno da će BiH ove godine imati manjak kad je u pitanju pokrivanje socijalnih službi, posebno onih vezanih za penzijski i zdravstveni sistem, ali " niko ne radi na tome ", kaže ekonomista Izudin KešetovićSetimes Setimes
As governor he faced severe short-term budget shortfalls and a long-term state debt, all in the context of the worst national economic slump since the Great Depression of the 1930s.
Kao guverner, suočio se sa velikim kratkoročnim deficitom budžeta i dugoročnim državnim javnim dugovima, u kontekstu najteže nacionalne ekonomske krize u Illinoisu od 1930tih.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The policy change was a tough call, but our schools are besieged with budget shortfalls.
Pravilo promjene je bila teška odluka, ali naše škole su opsjednute sa uštedama proračuna.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
They arrived for a review of the Balkan country 's implementation of the terms of the bailout accord on September # nd, but the talks broke down after a row over the size of the country 's budget shortfall and its cause, and the mission left Athens earlier than expected
Oni su # septembra stigli da izvrše pregled kako zemlja provodi uslove iz sporazuma za paket spasa, ali su se razgovori prekinuli zbog spora oko veličine manjka u budžetu zemlje i njegovog uzroka, te je misija napustila Atinu ranije nego što je očekivanoSetimes Setimes
But in June, Sofia revised the planned deficit for # to # % of GDP, up from the original target of # % of GDP approved late last year, citing a revenue shortfall worth nearly # billion euros, largely owing to lower tax collection in the first few months of the year
Međutim, u junu, Sofija je revidirala planirani deficit za # na # % BDP- a, što je veće od ciljanog iznosa od # % BDP- a odobrenog krajem prošle godine, navodeći manjak prihoda od skoro # milijardu eura, u velikoj mjeri zbog manje naplate poreza u prvih par mjeseci godineSetimes Setimes
We think Jeannie Hearne was skimming off your heroin and making up the shortfall with milk powder, knocking out the difference to students for a bit of bunce.
Mislimo da je Džini Hern mažnjavala tvoj heroin i razliku pokrivala mlijekom u prahu. Maznuto je valjala studentima i tako zarađivala sa strane.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Republika Srpska to take on more loans to cover shortfalls
Republika Srpska uzima nove kredite da pokrije manjkoveSetimes Setimes
Revenues are expected to help the country cover a # billion-euro shortfall in its budget targets
Očekuje se da će prihodi pomoći da zemlja pokrije manjak od # milijarde eura u ciljanim budžetskim iznosimaSetimes Setimes
The public, critics argue, will end up paying for the shortfall in the form of increased excise taxes
Na kraju će građanstvo, kažu kritičari, biti to koje će plaćati taj gubitak u obliku povećanih akcizaSetimes Setimes
Due to financial shortfalls and other issues, production of certain drugs has decreased and the supply is becoming scarce
Zbog finansijskih manjaka i drugih problema, proizvodnja određenih lijekova je smanjena i vlada njihova nestašica u prodajiSetimes Setimes
Should that fail, analysts warn, revenue shortfalls could be in store
Ako to ne bi uspjelo, upozoravaju analitičari, moglo bi doći do manjka prihodaSetimes Setimes
My associates are going to be extremely unhappy about this shortfall.
Moji saradnici će da budu nezadovoljni zbog nedostatka.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
" The technical and commercial losses account for about # % of the produced amount. [ Shortfalls ] are also the [ result of the ] weak distribution network, which does not have the power to transmit the whole amount necessary for consumers, " Rexhepi told SETimes
" Tehnički i komercijalni gubici predstavljaju oko # % proizvodnje. [ Manjkovi ] su također [ rezultat ] slabe distributivne mreže, koja nema snage da prenosi cjelokupnu količinu potrebnu za potrošače, " izjavio je Rexhepi za SETimesSetimes Setimes
Maybe he's planning to use the ransom money- - minus what he's giving to the kidnappers- - to cover all the shortfalls at work.
Možda planira iskoristiti novac od otkupnine - umanjeno za ono što će dati otmičarima - da umanji gubitke koje je imao.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
What-What shortfalls?
Kakve-kakve dugove?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
But I also know that this country has a shortfall of 26,000 doctors.
Ali isto tako znam da ova zemlja ima manjak od 26.000 ljekara.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
If you need additional funds to cover any shortfall, execute a wire transfer from Barbados.
Ako ti trebaju dodatna sredstva da pokriješ manjak, napravi transfer s Barbadosa.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Stressing at a news conference on Sunday that the government had no other option but to take every step needed to cover the budget shortfall, Venizelos was also quoted as saying that the next two months would be " hellish " for Greeks
Naglašavajući na novinskoj konferenciji u nedjelju da vlada nije imala nikakve druge opcije nego da poduzme svaki korak potreban za pokrivanje budžetskog manjka, Venizelos je, kako se navodi, također izjavio da će naredna dva mjeseca za Grke biti " paklena "Setimes Setimes
According to President Boris Tadic, the shortfall was the fault of the previous government
Prema riječima predsjednika Borisa Tadića, za tu omašku kriva je prethodna vladaSetimes Setimes
Because of poor forecasting and overestimation of passenger numbers by planners, there is frequently a benefits shortfall for transport infrastructure projects.
Zbog loše prognoze i precenjivanja broja putnika od strane planera, postoji često i korist deficita za transport infrastrukturnih projekata.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He acknowledged, however, the need to boost revenues, as the country still lags behind in meeting the set target, but indicated that media reports about a shortfall of around # billion euros are highly exaggerated
On je međutim potvrdio potrebu za jačanjem prihoda, jer zemlja još uvijek zaostaje za ispunjavanjem postavljenih ciljanih iznosa, ali je naznačio da su medijski izvještaji o manjku od oko # milijardi eura preuveličaniSetimes Setimes
The government hopes the programme would help plug a funding shortfall of about # billion euros next year
Vlada se nada da će taj program pomoći da se popuni manjak u finansiranju od oko # milijardi eura naredne godineSetimes Setimes
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