Bea oor Katalaans


Short form of the female given name Beatrice

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British European Airways

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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
She felt the way she had when Bea tried to teach her to skate on the pond at Ashford.
ChartreusecolorLiterature Literature
It was not just Bea’s family and Boy’s inheritance that were in danger.
Estic segura, doctor... que tinc un problema amb la vàlvula aòrticaLiterature Literature
Despite all the fuss over Dodo, they all knew the truth, that Dodo was only a rehearsal for Bea.
Atès que l ' Ajuntament de Lloret de Mar ha ofert a la Generalitat deLiterature Literature
Two weeks after the premiere, Bea was ejected for aggressive behaviors towards Melania.
ensenyaments del curs d ' orientació universitària , es va instrui rWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The tapes were transcribed by the Bureau d'Enquêtes et d'Analyses pour la sécurité de l'Aviation Civile (BEA) in Paris in the presence of representatives from Japan, The Russian Federation, South Korea, and the United States.
Contrasenya d' usuariWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He was watching Bea watch Marcus.
Hauria d’ haver estudiat aquests deliciosos directorisLiterature Literature
“These are the native shambas—farms,” Bea translated.
Aquest diàleg de configuració permet modificar l' arranjament només per a la finestra o aplicació seleccionada. Trobeu l' arranjament que voleu afectar, habiliteu l' opció marcant-la, seleccioneu de quina manera s' ha d' afectar l' arranjament i a quin valorLiterature Literature
An adjectival example can be given by the various forms of yop, "pliable, soft", in Aka-Bea: A cushion or sponge is ot-yop "round-soft", from the prefix attached to words relating to the head or heart.
Estira la imatgeWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
I heard Bea’s footsteps approaching and felt her hands on my back.
Quin és el meu lloc entre els homes?Literature Literature
I had no idea what I was going to say or do when I came face to face with Bea and that man.
Ha fallat la pujada de les dades del missatgeLiterature Literature
But then he looked back at Bea again, and the moment was lost.
contra les resolucions de la Junta de Sanejament i del conseller de MediLiterature Literature
Bea rolled her eyes but complied.
No heu seleccionat una clau de xifrat per algun dels destinataris; aquestes persones no podran desxifrar el missatge si el xifreuLiterature Literature
She didn’t, couldn’t, believe he would have been so cold-blooded as to hurt Bea—at least, not intentionally.
quedarà aleshores oberta la via contenciosa administrativa .Literature Literature
We’ll never get her back in time,” said Bea.
Les noies feu el paper d' Annie, d' acord?Literature Literature
From 1951, Jersey Airlines flew BEA associate scheduled services to Southampton at weekends using Rapide eight-seat biplane airliners.
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Bea took him in her arms and murmured a melody in his ear as she gently rocked him.
Si t' haguera volgut allà, estaries allàLiterature Literature
“It’s Señorita Alicia Gris,” Bea explained behind him.
Apuja’ t el collLiterature Literature
Bea seemed rather unconvinced.
No va a passar gensLiterature Literature
The BEA would subsequently release its final report on the accident, and Appendix 1 contained an official cockpit voice recorder transcript that did not include groups of words deemed to have no bearing on flight.
Barcelona , 5 d ' octubre de 1998WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It boggled the mind to think that if Bea had lived, she would have been old now, too.
Els meus pares van fer el que van fer fa molt de temps,Es van enllitar i em van tindre a mi, I ara a la gent li importa el que porto. I on vaigLiterature Literature
Bea had been in a sparkling mood: she would have liked a royal party every week.
Què ens tractarien com els seus alliberadors?Literature Literature
There’s nothing like the feel of a tiger rug beneath your skin—isn’t that right, Bea?”
Aquesta vegada no us escapareuLiterature Literature
It wasn’t that she didn’t trust her; it was just that Bea tended to be ... a bit effusive sometimes.
El telèfon que et vaig donar?Literature Literature
“Daniel is an old friend of the family,” Bea explained.
l ' afectació al Departament de Governació , en aplicacióLiterature Literature
Taking off his cap, he gave a deep bow and said in Russian: “You must be the princess Bea.”
de Clubs de natació ( codi conveni 7901305 ) per a l ' any 1997 , subscritLiterature Literature
201 sinne gevind in 8 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.