Black Rhinoceros oor Katalaans

Black Rhinoceros

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black rhinoceros

A species of rhinoceros, Diceros bicornis, in the familia Rhinocerotidae.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Katalaans

rinoceront negre

species of mammal
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Western Black Rhinoceros
Rinoceront negre de l’oest


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The Aberdare National Park also contains a large eastern black rhinoceros population.
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It has substantially increased the populations of the southern black rhinoceros and southern white rhinoceros.
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The name "black rhinoceros" (Diceros bicornis) was chosen to distinguish this species from the white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum).
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While the black rhinoceros has 84 chromosomes (diploid number, 2N, per cell), all other rhinoceros species have 82 chromosomes.
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Eastern black rhinoceros: mainly found around the kopjes in the centre of the park, very few individuals remain due to rampant poaching.
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It is home to a WWF Black Rhinoceros reintroduction project known as "The Black Rhino Range Expansion Project" within the Zululand Rhino Reserve (ZRR).
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Before the Angolan Civil War in the 1970s the area was home to large populations of elephants and black rhinoceros but these have almost completely been removed, mainly by poachers.
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This principle is called competitive exclusion; it is used to explain how the black rhinoceros (a browser) and white rhinoceros (a grazer) exploit different niches in the same areas of Africa.
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For example, the recent disappearance of the Black Rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis) from Cameroon spells not only the local extinction of rhinoceroses in Cameroon, but also the global extinction of the Western Black Rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis longipes).
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Surveys of the rhinoceros horn black market have determined that Asian rhinoceros horn fetches a price as high as $30,000 per kg, three times the value of African rhinoceros horn.
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It was assumed that the three rhinos that were spotted belonged to the northern white rhinoceros subspecies, as black rhinos had not lived in the area for a long time and southern white rhinos never lived in southern Sudan.
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One hypothesis suggests the Sumatran rhinoceros is closely related to the black and white rhinos in Africa, evidenced by the species having two horns, instead of one.
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With the reintroduction of black rhinos and lions, the national park is now home to all of Africa's "big five": lion, leopard, elephant, rhinoceros, and buffalo.
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The decline of the Javan rhinoceros is attributed to poaching, primarily for their horns, which are highly valued in traditional Chinese medicine, fetching as much as US$30,000 per kg on the black market.
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