Golden Sun oor Katalaans

Golden Sun

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Golden Sun

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It was a magnificent establishment of stucco in the golden sun.
Crec que és una sort topar- me amb tuLiterature Literature
In 2001, Golden Sun won the Nintendo Power Award for best Game Boy Advance game of the year.
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Golden Sun was ranked 94 on IGN's Readers Choice Top 100 games ever.
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Golden Sun DS was announced.
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I walked out of school and the sky was turquoise and there was a massive golden sun.
Baralla amb miLiterature Literature
The golden Sun moves around the zodiacal circle, thus showing its position on the ecliptic.
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Some throwbacks to older turn-based system did exist such as the Golden Sun series for Game Boy Advance.
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The charges are a golden sun behind two ships, one red and one black, with golden sails above a silver codfish.
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She looked at his tallness, at the dark skin that made her think of olive groves and golden sun on blue waters.
l ' escolarització dels alumnes i escoltades les entitats socialsLiterature Literature
It was chosen as runner-up for "GBA Game of the Month" by IGN for the month of April 2003, behind Golden Sun: The Lost Age.
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As part of the stimulus plan of "Golden Sun", announced by the government in 2009, several developments and projects became part of the milestones for the development of solar technology in China.
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The golden afternoon sun fell between the shutters into her lap.
Pensant que mai tornaríem a trobar- nosLiterature Literature
"'Sun — you called the golden orb the "" sun "" — what else do your people kno w that I do not?'"
O en el terraLiterature Literature
In the sunshine, her light dress and her hair seemed all golden, like the sun itself.
& Exporta model a XHTMLLiterature Literature
There were glorious fields of corn, golden in the sun, waving in the breeze with a wonderful rustling noise.
Guia' m fins a ellaLiterature Literature
He had never seen any as sungolden before, and his first impulse was to send them to May instead of the lilies.
El meu diàlegLiterature Literature
The sun created golden hazes that obscured the Moctezuma now more than a mile below.
55 / 1994 , de 8 de març , sobre el règim d ' autoritzacions delsLiterature Literature
The sun created golden hazes that obscured the Moctezuma, now more than a mile below.
finques .Literature Literature
When she saw me, her face lit up like Golden Cap does when the sun touches it.
De tota manera, el problema no quedava completament resolt amb el calendari julià, atès que la llargària d' un any tropical no és de #, # dies, sinó de #, # dies. D' aquesta manera encara existeix un problema de deriva, el que passa es que triga més en fer-se notable. Pel que, en #, el papa Gregori # instituí el Calendari gregorià, que era més o menys igual al julià, però amb una altra variable per a l' ajust de la deriva: Cada segle (aquells que acaben amb els dígits #) només són bixests si a demés són divisibles entre #. De manera que els anys #, # i # no foren bixests (encara ho haurien estat sota el calendari julià), mentre que l' any # sí que ho fou. Aquest canvi fa que la llargària mitja d' un any sigui de #, # dies. I encara resta una petita deriva, però tan sols és de # dies cada #. # anys! El calendari gregorià s' empra avui en dia com a calendari normal en la major part del mónLiterature Literature
The setting sun is casting golden reflections on the windows and the facades of the buildings outside.
Anar a missa, llegir la Bíblia i tenir fe en Jesús, aquest és el camíLiterature Literature
Slowly the golden memory of the dead sun fades from the hearts of the cold, sad clouds.
EDICTE de 14 de setembre de 1998 , sobre un acord de la Comissió d ' Urbanisme de Girona referent al municipi d ' Alp .Literature Literature
“She said her eyes would be the color of fresh cut grass and her hair will be a golden yellow like the sun.”
Indica com es visualitzen les fotografiesfixa al terreny (omissió) Indica que s' ignora l' especificació d' altitudrelativa al terrenyEstableix l' altitud de l' element amb relació a l' elevació del terreny d' una ubicació particular. absolutaEstableix l' altitud de les coordenades relatives al nivell del mar, encara que l' elevació actual del terreny estigui per sobre de l' elementLiterature Literature
BENVOLlO Madam, an hour before the worshipp'd sun Peer'd forth the golden window of the east,
Joc de l' espaiNameQED QED
The position of the Sun over the curved golden lines indicates the time in unequal hours.
Aprovar definitivament la modificació puntual del Pla parcial la Collada-els Sis Camins , de Vilanova i la Geltrú .WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In chapter 36, a work by the skald Eyvindr skáldaspillir is cited that references Fulla's golden headgear ("the falling sun of the plain of Fulla's eyelashes shone on ").
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