Greek capital oor Katalaans

Greek capital

the capital and largest city of Greece; named after Athena (its patron goddess); "in the 5th century BC ancient Athens was the world's most powerful and civilized city"

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The rivalry between the clubs and their fans is rather intense, thus this derby has always been a classic for the Greek capital, as well as the whole of Greece, the most prestigious in the country.
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Thus, unlike the majority of modern Greek fonts that retained their own set of design principles for lower-case letters (such as the placement of serifs, the shapes of stroke ends, and stroke-thickness rules, although Greek capital letters do use Latin design principles), modern Cyrillic fonts are much the same as modern Latin fonts of the same font family.
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During his stay in Egypt, Alexander had also laid the foundations for the city of Alexandria, which became the main Greek colony and capital of the country.
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It had served as the capital of the Greek emperors during the period of the Latin Empire from 1204 to 1261.
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In mathematics, the gamma function (represented by Γ, the capital Greek alphabet letter gamma) is one of a number of extensions of the factorial function with its argument shifted down by 1, to real and complex numbers.
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Mainland Greek cities continued to export grain to the capital in order to make up for the land lost to the Seljuks.
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By convention, the word "Demotic" is capitalized in order to distinguish it from demotic Greek.
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Later printings also used the word “LORD” in capital letters in some verses in the Christian Greek Scriptures.
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In 1927 a Greek Orthodox church was built on a Byzantine church, carefully incorporating architectural elements, like columns, lintels, capitals, two fonts, and a fragmentary mosaic pavement with a Greek inscription.
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He conciliated the Egyptians by the respect he showed for their religion, but he appointed Greeks to virtually all the senior posts in the country, and founded a new Greek city, Alexandria, to be the new capital.
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During this new period of Bactrian Greek rule, several dynasties (like Antialcidas) likely ruled from the city as their capital.
S' usa una varietat d' escales de magnitud, cadascuna de las quals serveix per a un propòsit diferent. La més comuna és l' escala de magnitud aparent; això és, la messura de la brillantor de les estrelles (i altres objectes) segons l' ull humà. L' escala de magnitud aparent defineix que l' estrella Vega té una magnitud de #, # i assigna magnituds a tots els altres objectes usant l' anterior equació i una messura de la proporció de flux de cada objecte amb respecte a VegaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Greek legend has it that at Gordium, the capital of Phrygia, the chariot of the city’s founder, Gordius, was tied to a pole with a complicated knot, which could be untied only by the future conqueror of Asia.
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Moreover, between 324 and 330, Constantine moved the capital of the Roman empire from Rome to Byzantium, a former Greek city on the Bosporus.
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Athlitiki Enosi Larissa 1964 (Greek: Αθλητική Ένωση Λάρισας 1964, Athletic Union of Larissa 1964), founded in 1964, is a Greek multi-sport club based in the city of Larissa, capital of Greece's Thessaly region.
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Especially in the earliest Parthian capital of Nisa evidence could be discovered from the early Parthian period indicating the similarities to Greek culture.
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Around 1793, Rigas went to Vienna, the capital of the Holy Roman Empire and home to a large Greek community, as part of an effort to ask the French general Napoleon Bonaparte for assistance and support.
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Most of the consulates (former embassies until 1923, when Ankara became the new Turkish capital) are still in this area; the Italian, British, German, Greek, Russian, Dutch, and Swedish consulates are significant in terms of their history and architecture.
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Use of the Greek language was already widespread in the eastern parts of the Roman empire when Constantine moved its capital to Constantinople, although Latin was the language of the imperial administration.
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The capital of printing in Europe shifted to Venice, where visionary printers like Aldus Manutius ensured widespread availability of the major Greek and Latin texts.
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Important remnants of Buddhist construction are stupas and other buildings with clearly recognizable Greek statues and style elements like support columns which, beside ruins from other epochs, are found in the Gandhara capital Taxila in the extreme north of the Punjab.
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Hermaeus Soter or Hermaios Soter (Ancient Greek: Ἑρμαῖος ὁ Σωτήρ; epithet means "the Saviour") was a Western Indo-Greek king of the Eucratid Dynasty, who ruled the territory of Paropamisade in the Hindu-Kush region, with his capital in Alexandria of the Caucasus (near today's Kabul, Afghanistan).
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Some theories suggest that the Greek word cheir (χειρ) for hand includes the wrist and that the Romans were generally trained to place nails through Destot's space (between the capitate and lunate bones) without fracturing any bones.
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This importance derives from the archaeological site of Aleria, that was not only one of the ancient capitals of Corsica, but that has also been during its history, colony of the Greeks from Phocaea, then of the Carthaginians, then of the Romans and that it has finally been invaded and destroyed by the Vandals in the 5th century.
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His most important work was his first book, Hicrî 835 tarihli Sûret-i defter-i sancak-i Arvanid (Copied of register for A.H. 835 in Sanjak of Albania), which was published at Ankara in 1954 and presented one of the earliest available land register in Ottoman Empire's archives. in English: "The Policy of Mehmed II toward the Greek Population of Istanbul and the Byzantine Buildings of the City" (1968) "Capital Formation in the Ottoman Empire" (1969), The Journal of Economic History, Vol.
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The city of Bursa—a former Ottoman capital of central importance in northwest Anatolia—was also held by French forces for a brief period before the great summer offensive of the Greek army in 1920, at which time that city fell to the Greeks.
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