Henry IV of France oor Katalaans

Henry IV of France

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Enric IV de França

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In 1595, when Henry IV of France declared war against Spain, the Spanish government declared bankruptcy again.
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See for example the signature of King Henry IV of France.
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The croquants supported king Henry IV of France against the Catholic League and the nobles who participated in it.
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When King Henry IV of France came to the throne, the royal finances were on the brink of bankruptcy.
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She was collecting materials for a life of Henry IV of France when she died on 9 January 1827.
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But for Christ’s sake, they could have told me it was the German one and not Henry IV of France!
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After the assassination of Henry III of France in 1589, he supported Henry IV of France in his struggles against the Catholic League.
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It changed hands several times until 1589 when the Protestant King Henry IV (of France and Navarre) gave the castle to Duplessis-Mornay.
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With the death of Henry IV of France – a supporter of the war against Spain – a period of instability commenced in the Kingdom of France.
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The first opera for which music has survived was performed in 1600 at the wedding of Henry IV of France and Marie de Medici at the Pitti Palace in Florence.
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His successor, Henry IV of France, the first Bourbon king of France, was a man of great ability, winning key victories against the Catholic League at Arques (1589) and Ivry (1590).
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When his Protestant cousin became King Henry IV of France in 1589, he raised the hopes of Catholics hostile to the League and was a candidate for the crown of France.
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The title came into being when Queen Henrietta Maria, the daughter of King Henry IV of France wished to imitate the way the eldest daughter of the French king was styled (Madame Royale).
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He borrowed freely from plates that had been published before, so that many of those that appeared in the Florilegium had been cultivated in the gardens of King Henry IV of France at the Louvre.
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A descendant of Henry IV of France, she had grown up among the aristocracy; when she was a child, according to Janet Flanner, "peasants on her farm... begged her not to clean her shoes before entering their houses".
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The situation was further complicated by acquisitive desires of Emperor Rudolph II and the Wettin dukes of Saxony — the former particularly worrying to Henry IV of France and the Dutch Republic, who feared any strengthening of the Habsburg Netherlands.
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As a sign of protest, the French prince demanded that his name be removed from the libro d'oro of the Venetian nobility, and that he be returned the armour of Henry IV of France, that was kept at Venice.
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The ascension of Henry IV of France to the throne brought a period of massive urban development in Paris, including construction on the Pont Neuf, the Place des Vosges (called the "Place Royale"), the Place Dauphine, and parts of the Louvre (amongst which the Great Gallery).
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The two sojourns at Grenoble in 1598 and 1600 respectively by Cotton, the Jesuit, later confessor to Henry IV of France, were prolific of some notable conversions from Protestantism; in memory of this the Constable de Lesdiguières, himself a convert in 1622, favoured the founding at Grenoble of a celebrated Jesuit house.
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This was in notable contrast to France, in particular, where smaller portraits remained more typical until Henry IV of France came to power in 1594. image of a copy Waterhouse:19–22, who points out that only very high ranking persons could enter the room where it was when the court was in residence at Whitehall.
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On 17 September 1595, Clement VIII accepted the decision of Henry IV of France to convert to the Catholic Church, which Henry had previously made to secure the French monarchy, and presided over a ceremony of papal absolution that removed the excommunication order placed on him by Sixtus V. The Spanish faction had previously opposed the pope taking these actions, but the French negotiators had talked about the possibility of a schism; this, along with Henry's victories in the French Wars of Religion, overcame Spanish opposition.
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The crown attempted to reduce its exposure to the conflicts, first signing the Treaty of Vervins with France in 1598, recognizing Henry IV (since 1593 a Catholic) as king of France, and restoring many of the stipulations of the previous Peace of Cateau-Cambrésis.
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The cup appears in another inventory of Charles VI in 1400, and then is not recorded until it appears as the property of another royal uncle, and collector, John of Lancaster, 1st Duke of Bedford (1389–1435), son of Henry IV, who was briefly Regent of both France and England for his infant nephew Henry VI.
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Medici was related to Marie de' Medici, Queen of France; the French king Henry IV had spent significant money on his candidacy.
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It systematized such training activity, which had begun informally at the Collège des trois langues; the latter had been created in 1530 by Francis I of France on the initiative of Henry IV's widow, Marie de Medici, to offer a course in Arabic.
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