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OT-38 (1937), flamethrower-equipped version.
Sr Hanson, que va trobar un cotxe </ i > l' altre dia. </ iWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
An adjectival example can be given by the various forms of yop, "pliable, soft", in Aka-Bea: A cushion or sponge is ot-yop "round-soft", from the prefix attached to words relating to the head or heart.
% kdekillall kdesktop o millor l' antic % killWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Some of the OT supervisors were sadistic.
Vostè coneix la teoriaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The king endowed the bride with income from Berga, Burriana, Tortosa, Morella, Torroella de Montgri, and Pals, and her brother Ot with the locations of Seròs and Mequinensa.
Quan escriviu en el document, el text nou és analitzat i marcat al vol, de manera que si esborreu un caràcter que marca el començament o el final d' un context, l' estil del text adjacent canviarà en conseqüènciaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Mauricio Valiente Ots (born 1966) is a Spanish lawyer, activist and politician, member of United Left (IU) and the Communist Party of Spain (PCE).
Cos del missatgeWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
"CSKA Moscow claims its seventh Euroleague crown after OT thriller". euroleague.net.
És un bugader- i quan la notícia que arriba a RamWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Both al and ote are placed immediately in front of the finite verb form.
Les tabulacions es poden esborrar de dues maneresWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Following two research contracts with the European Space Agency (ESA) in the domain of planetary protection and space-based solar power stations, IDEST won two major projects for the European Union: The European Twinning Project UA/06/PCA/OT/05 Boosting Ukrainian Space Cooperation with the European Union, resulting in a series of meetings organized in Kiev between June 2008 and February 2010; and the Collaborative Project Consent (the 7th Framework Programme) relating to the protection of personal data in social networks.
Aquesta és una instantània de la finestra principal de & kstarsWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
“’Ot work for you and a cool seat for me.
RESOLUCIÓ de 5 d ' octubre de 1998 , per la qual es fa pública la Sentència dictada per la Sala Contenciosa Administrativa del Tribunal Superior de Justícia de Catalunya en el recurs contenciós administratiu núm .Literature Literature
She saw the man pause, and she saw the nib of the pen hovering over the d otted line, waiting.
Executa a terminalLiterature Literature
This was highlighted in a number of popular sayings in Russian, including "From Ilyich to Ilyich ... without heart attack or stroke!"(Ot Ilyicha do Ilyicha bez infarkta i paralicha).
& Propietats principalsWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Jean-Marc was the only one ot her children who believed in God.
Si continuo llegint aquestes revistes acabaré idiotaLiterature Literature
"Ot" was also added to signify "other races", with space for a race to be written in.
Última pàginaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Institute offers professional training programs for Spokespersons, Educators, Leaders (also referred to in Hebrew as madrikhim/ot or in Yiddish as vegvayzer), and Rabbis, in addition to its publications, public seminars and colloquia for lay audiences.
RESOLUCIÓ de 6 de juliol de 1998 , per la qual es fa pública la renúncia d ' una beca al Massachusetts Institute of Technology ( MIT ) i se n ' autoritza la substitució .WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Maybe it will be as easy to let him sho ot me as it was in the fear landscape, as it is in my dreams.
l ' ordenació de les illes I i H , de MataróLiterature Literature
He told us we ought to think ot Jesus as our buddy and all.
Contra l ' acord anterior , que no exhaureix la via administrativa ,es potLiterature Literature
The first assumption we're going to make is that the production of these Coconuts is increasing, but Concave ( Ot=( √Lt ) ( √Mt )).
Allí està Pearl!QED QED
The thief: always trying to steal something from Ot's house or from another place, but Ot or his wife are always there to stop him.
DescripcióWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Among its most notable events are Bishop Felix's adoptionist revolt, the coup of Bishop Esclua and the overthrowing of the bishop by members of aristocratic families (namely Salla i Ermengol del Conflent, Eribau i Folcs dels Cardona, Guillem Guifré de Cerdanya and Ot de Pallars) between the years 981 and 1122.
D ' acord amb el que disposa l ' article 2.b ) de la Llei 4 / 1988 , de 28 deWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Before the conference, while hailing the postive advances made in terms of government measures taken with respect ot civil liberty and national reconciliation, NGO Human Rights Watch had published its recommendations for participants in an article entitled Burundi: Human Rights Recommendations for Geneva Conference:
Seleccioneu un punt pel qual ha de passar el nou cerclegv2019 gv2019
But a I ot of this course is not going to just be about what happened, a lot of this course is going to be about why, why things happened the way they did.
Arranjament del teclatQED QED
She has continued her Scientology training and, as of 2007, has attained the level of OT VII (Operating Thetan Level 7).
Com altres aplicacions del & koffice;, en iniciar, el & kivio; presenta un diàleg d' inici. EL diàleg ofereix escollir entre crear un nou document, obrir un document desat o escollir un document d' una llista de fitxers desats recentmentWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The castaway: he is always on a tiny island wishing for something, which Ot gives him as he flies by on his broom.
Fitxer ExportaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The town's patron saints are Saint Ot of Urgell, Saint Sebastian, and the Virgin of Urgell.
Li agrada cantarWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
This is Robin Good-fellow, bringing you a message from America, land ot the.. .’
--1 Aprovar definitivament el Pla especial d ' ordenació de laLiterature Literature
30 sinne gevind in 10 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.