Other Phone oor Katalaans

Other Phone

A button in the Options dialog box, on the Personal tab, that the user clicks to enter a phone number other than his work, home, or mobile phone number.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Katalaans

Telèfon addicional

A button in the Options dialog box, on the Personal tab, that the user clicks to enter a phone number other than his work, home, or mobile phone number.

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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Were there other phone calls?
Què surt a la pantalla d' amenaces?Res? Res de res?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
All the other phone numbers were current ones.
Pot haver-hi hagut un problema amb la configuració de la vostra xarxa, especificament el nom del vostre procurador. Si heu estat accedint a la Internet sense problemes recentment, això és poc probableLiterature Literature
Don’t switch it on until you’re over the frontier, and never when you’re using your other phone.
El meu personatge, la Raven McCoy, havia estat criada de ben petita per actors de circLiterature Literature
The worm then attempts to spread to other phones in the area using wireless Bluetooth signals.
Ara que hi penso, hi ha un exercici que t' aniria béWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
I manage to say, What about the other phones you found?
He fet tot el que he pogut, i encara ho faigLiterature Literature
Following the lead of other phone phreaks such as Captain Crunch, they gave themselves handles.
Arrossegant i amidant la imatgeLiterature Literature
Don’t switch it on until you’re over the frontier, and never when you’re using your other phone.
qtcups era una interfície gràfica per als comandaments de la impressió lp o lpr instal· lats per & CUPS;. Usant qtcups s' obria un diàleg. Aquest us permetia seleccionar còmodament la vostra impressora i les opcions dels treballs d' impressió. qtcups funcionava des de la línia de comandaments o des de les mateixes aplicacions, que disposaven d' un comandament de la impressió configurableLiterature Literature
He dialed the other phone and said, “Pia, put me through to Nemo, quick!”
Mostra els & segonsLiterature Literature
They’d activated a service that allowed them to voluntarily track the othersphones.
Expressió regular per a coincidir amb noms de fitxerLiterature Literature
In the U.K., his media empire remains under fire as investigators continue to probe reports of other phone hacking.
Si acabem d' arribar!WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
But Peter happened to be listening in on the other phone when I got the news of his father’s release.
Informe d' impressoraLiterature Literature
For years and years we wrote to each other, phoned each other, did everything we could to find ways to meet.
aquesta s ' entendrà referida únicament al terreny , i les partsLiterature Literature
Many software and hardware hacks, rooting methods, and other phone and tablet specific tweaks originate from the members of the XDA Forum.
És un cas per a la policia!WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The noises that some people believe to be telephone taps are simply crosstalk created by the coupling of signals from other phone lines.
quarta fase del projecte d ' urbanització del carrer del Rec i va aprovarWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The phones are primarily aimed at developing markets, although they are also available in developed markets as lower-cost options compared to other phones in their classes.
Pengim, penjant, penjat Mira què ha fet el penjatWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Two for Inspector Augello, one for—” “Cat, I don’t give a fuck about other people’s phone calls!”
Amb tots els desitjos satisfets, no tenia cap desigLiterature Literature
They also agreed to call from two other specified phone booths the following day.
El menú punts de & krdcLiterature Literature
He went on to report data showing that other mobile phones had similar problems.
Catalunya als efectes de la seva immediata executivitat , tal com indicaLiterature Literature
In other mobile phone reviews, testers at CNET preferred using XDA Developers' ROMs when carrying out detailed reviews.
El paràgraf segon de l ' article 25.2 quedarà redactat amb elWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
And when I am alone, I read, study the Bible, or preach to others by phone.
Altra impressora Useu-ho per a qualsevol tipus d' impressora. Per a usar aquesta opció heu de conèixer l' URI de la impressora que voleu instal· lar. Consulteu més informació quant a l' URI d' impressora a la documentació CUPS. Aquesta opció es útil principalment per a tipus d' impressora que usin dorsals de tercers que no estiguin coberts per les altres possibilitatsjw2019 jw2019
The company's main goal was to design a smartphone that would balance high-end quality with a lower price than other phones in its class, believing that users would "Never Settle" for the lower-quality devices produced by other companies.
Per un moment inestimable a la història de I' home totes les persones de la Terra s' uneixenWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Because to continue to talk to each other by phone would have been pointless; it might even make things worse.
Premeu Correu... per a enviar els documents seleccionatsLiterature Literature
While he waited for the others, he phoned the worried husband, who was desperate and begged the police for help.
M' agradaria fer- te una preguntaLiterature Literature
"""You're listening on the only other free phone in the house, and you have the gall to tell me-"" ""Gary, you're depressed."
Per obtenir més detalls, consulteu les traces de depuracióLiterature Literature
But it turns out to be there are just few applications they use regularly, for example the Seoul Bus, Restaurant Search, Weather, Twitter and etc,.which you can do as well from other phones. (and I cannot really feel the difference of the touch screen’s quality between iPhone and Omnia phone.
Estem molt contents de ser capaços de fer- hogv2019 gv2019
235 sinne gevind in 49 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.