Prieto oor Katalaans


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José Joaquín Prieto
José Joaquín Prieto Vial
Manuel García Prieto
Manuel García Prieto
Indalecio Prieto
Indalecio Prieto


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In 1916 (in the middle of World War I), the Conde de Romanones named him president of the executive committee of the Central Board of Subsistencies, which regulated the production, the level and the price, of commerce, but he resigned in 1917 because of differences with the government that later elevated García Prieto to the same post.
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By 1907, when President Rafael Reyes Prieto created the Naval Academy, through decree 783 of July 6, 1907 only to be closed off yet again by his successor, Ramón González Valencia on December 28, 1909.
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Shortly after their arriving in Guaymas, the company, under the command of Colonel Domingo Elizondo were sent to fight against the rebel natives of Pima and Seri, and participate in a campaign in Cerro Prieto.
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Cladogram after Prieto-Marquez and Norell (2010).
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The political crisis brought about by this disaster led Indalecio Prieto to say in the Congress of Deputies: "We are at the most acute period of Spanish decadence.
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And the Socialist said that it was not out of the question that Prieto would end up forming a government.
Missatge amb assumpteLiterature Literature
During his term, an ambitious program of urban reform was instigated, for example the urbanisation of a part of the centre of the city that was blocking the urban expansion, creation of new ways of communication, increasing the construction of schools, and a project to urbanise the beach at San Juan, which counted on the support of the Minister of Public Works, Indalecio Prieto.
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Prieto is too soft on the bourgeoisie.”
A les notícies de lesLiterature Literature
This is puzzling; perhaps only another intervention from afar by Indalecio Prieto can explain it.
Aquest diàleg de configuració permet modificar l' arranjament només per a la finestra o aplicació seleccionada. Trobeu l' arranjament que voleu afectar, habiliteu l' opció marcant-la, seleccioneu de quina manera s' ha d' afectar l' arranjament i a quin valorLiterature Literature
But they made one plot you know to kill me, to kill Walter, to kill Modesto and to kill Prieto.
Així que aquest nadó és el fill del Greg Salter... un dels nostres tècnicsLiterature Literature
Muck them to hell together, Largo, Prieto, Asensio, Miaja, Rojo, all of them.
Ets molt bo, JuJuLiterature Literature
For example, the Museu Nacional medals collection features works by such outstanding 18th-century master engravers as Tomás Francisco Prieto and Gerónimo Antonio Gil.
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Shortly after he participated in the coalition government of Antonio Maura as Minister of Instruction and of Justice and in the government of Manuel García Prieto as Minister of State (1918), and he presided a brief government in December 1918, which was toppled by the autonomist agitation in Catalonia and the labour conflicts.
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The set up of Boards of Defense and a military union movement not covered by the legislation, was a clear challenge to the liberal government of Manuel Garcia Prieto, who, powerless to control, was forced to resign.
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An indiscretion would be the stone of an international scandal It was decided that the President of the Republic should not know about it, who was at the time in a truly pitiful spiritual state; thus, the decision was only known by the President of the Council of Ministers (Largo Caballero himself), the Minister of Finance (Negrín), and the Minister of the Navy and the Airforce (Indalecio Prieto).
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Several other locations reported over 3 inches (76 mm), including 4.02 inches (102 mm) in Cerro Prieto, which was the maximum amount in the state of Nuevo León, and 3.42 inches (86.8 mm) in Monterrey, where 30 people were injured.
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Lubezki wanted to be sure that this was a decision Rodrigo Prieto, cinematographer of all four of Iñárritu's feature films, was comfortable with, but after receiving his blessing, the two headed into pre-production.
La Comissió d ' Urbanisme de Barcelona , en la sessió del 25 deWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Francisco Darío Villanueva Prieto (born 5 June 1950) is a Spanish literary theorist and critic, and is the director of the Royal Spanish Academy (Spanish: Real Academia Española) as of 11 December 2014.
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It was created in 1986 by the Foundation José Celma Prieto and it is awarded every two years.
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Bello has also done numerous translations, especially of Portuguese authors, and has collaborated on magazines such as Clarín, Adréi and Zimbru, having co-founded the last two with Berta Piñán and Esther Prieto, respectively.
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His wife, Magdalena de Ulloa, took charge of his education, assisted by the Latin teacher Guillén Prieto, the chaplain García de Morales and the squire Juan Galarza.
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“Yes, there are differences of course, but not as many as there are between Prieto and the Spanish Communist Party.
Crea un document buit amb marges amples per a documents d' aspecte professionalNameLiterature Literature
She has a younger half-brother: Cristian Prieto Medianu, a cinematographic director.
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During July and August 1966, he attended the courses ‘Corsi estivi di Pintura en la Scola di Belli Arti Prieto Vanucci’ in Perugia (Italy).
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One was that the Negrin-Prieto Government was planning to compromise the war.
Les biblioteques & kde; han estat compilades sobre exec_ prefixLiterature Literature
30 sinne gevind in 5 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.