Rushdie oor Katalaans


British writer of novels who was born in India; one of his novels is regarded as blasphemous by Muslims and a fatwa was issued condemning him to death (born in 1947)

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Salman Rushdie

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Salman Rushdie
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Salman Rushdie


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Rushdie's statement in his book – "the ironic proposition that India's best writing since independence may have been done in the language of the departed imperialists is simply too much for some folks to bear" – created a lot of resentment among many writers, including writers in English.
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The Rushdie File.
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Rushdi was forced to hide and live under police protection for many years.
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He found himself portrayed as "the accountant" in Salman Rushdie's novel The Moor's Last Sigh.
Es trobará la robai es dirigirà a la llibertat...... seguit a distància pels seus homes controlat per la ràdio del cotxe, Càmeres de televisió, llocs de control de trànsitWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
On February 24 Iran places a US $3 million bounty on Rushdie's head.
Directora general del PatrimoniWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
On 19 November 2012 Rushdi Tamimi, a 28-year-old Palestinian protester, was killed by Israeli fire during a demonstration in Nabi Salih in solidarity with the people of the Gaza Strip in light of Israeli Operation Pillar of Cloud offensive.
La Comissió d ’ Urbanisme de Barcelona , en la sessió de 15 de juliol de 1998 , adoptà , entre altres , l ’ acord següent :WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In the wake of the Jyllands-Posten Muhammad cartoons controversy, a group of 12 writers, including novelist Salman Rushdie, signed a manifesto entitled Together facing the new totalitarianism in the French weekly satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo, warning against the use of the term Islamophobia to prevent criticism of "Islamic totalitarianism".
EDICTE de 2 d ' octubre de 1998 , sobre un acord de la Comissió d ' Urbanisme de Barcelona referent al municipi de Manresa .WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
They sit silently, as though unable to shrug off the darkness the traitor Rushdie has cast over them.
centre docent privat Mireia , de Barcelona , en els termes que s ' especifiquen aLiterature Literature
Salman Rushdie's Haroun and the Sea of Stories contains fish characters named Goopy and Bagha, a tribute to Ray's fantasy film.
--3 Comunicar-ho a l ' Ajuntament de Viladecans .WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In 1989, Werner Aspenström, Kerstin Ekman and Lars Gyllensten chose to stop participating in the meetings of the academy, over its refusal to express support for Salman Rushdie when Ayatollah Khomeini condemned him to death for The Satanic Verses, and in 2005, Knut Ahnlund made the same decision, as a protest against the choice of Elfride Jelinek as Nobel laureate for 2004.
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Belying this reputation somewhat, Pynchon has published a number of articles and reviews in the mainstream American media, including words of support for Salman Rushdie and his then-wife, Marianne Wiggins, after the fatwa was pronounced against Rushdie by the Iranian leader, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini.
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He criticizes Kristeva's opposition which juxtaposes "Islamic societies" against "democracies where life is still fairly pleasant" by pointing out that Kristeva displays no awareness of the complex and nuanced debate ongoing among women theorists in the Muslim world, and that she does not refer to anything other than the Rushdie fatwa in dismissing the entire Muslim faith as "reactionary and persecutory".
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Because two other seats were still vacant after the Rushdie affair, this left only 11 active members.
sessió de 21 de maig de 1997 , en la qual , entre altres , es va tractar deWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Kudsi created a coalition of Aleppine intellectuals around himself and Rushdie Kikhia, another lawyer who shared in his views, and the two men nominated themselves for Parliament in 1943, winning with ease.
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She was ten years old when the fatwa was declared against Salman Rushdie.
Si esteu usant una plantilla orientada a text, no podreu canviar la mida del marc primari arrossegant els límits del marc. Si voleu canviar la mida d' aquest, ho haureu de fer canviant els margesLiterature Literature
The views of Salman Rushdie and Amit Chaudhuri expressed through their books The Vintage Book of Indian Writing and The Picador Book of Modern Indian Literature respectively essentialise this battle.
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The Ayatollah Khomeini's 1989 fatwa calling for the killing of Indian-born British citizen Salman Rushdie had international impact.
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Ekman was elected member of the Swedish Academy in 1978, but left the Academy in 1989, together with Lars Gyllensten and Werner Aspenström, due to the debate following death threats posed to Salman Rushdie.
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In the following year, Rushdie's enthusiastic review of Pynchon's Vineland prompted Pynchon to send him another message hinting that if Rushdie were ever in New York, the two should arrange a meeting.
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March 7 – Iran breaks off diplomatic relations with the United Kingdom over Salman Rushdie's The Satanic Verses.
A la Unitat d ' actuació UAII la superfície de referènciaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Chaudhuri feels that after Rushdie, Indian writing in English started employing magical realism, bagginess, non-linear narrative and hybrid language to sustain themes seen as microcosms of India and supposedly reflecting Indian conditions.
Barcelona , 19 de març de 1998WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
After Midnight's Children, Rushdie wrote Shame (1983), in which he depicts the political turmoil in Pakistan, basing his characters on Zulfikar Ali Bhutto and General Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq.
Alcem totes les copes!WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Her first novel, Hullabaloo in the Guava Orchard, was published in 1998 and received accolades from such notable figures as Salman Rushdie.
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Penny’s very good friends with Salman Rushdie.
No s' ha pogut actualitzar la fila perquè no hi ha definida una taula mestraLiterature Literature
Salman Rushdie's novel Midnight's Children (1980), which won the Booker Prize and the Booker of Bookers, wove its narrative around children born at midnight of 14–15 August 1947 with magical abilities.
1995 , de delegació de competències en diversos òrgans delWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
27 sinne gevind in 11 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.