Selim II oor Katalaans

Selim II

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Selim II


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In the 16th century, the Turkish Sultan Selim II attempted to build a canal here.
Fa molts anys va començar a pispar paper de cartes de l' hotel MarberryWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
After the death of Suleiman in 1566, Selim II posed less of a threat to Europe.
EDICTE de 14 de setembre de 1998 , sobre un acord de la Comissió d ' Urbanisme de Girona referent al municipi d ' Alp .WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Selim II Mausoleum with has a square plan and is one of the best examples of Turkish mausoleum architecture.
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Esmehan Sultan Mosque was constructed in 1575 by its namesake, Esmahan, the daughter of Ottoman Sultan Selim II and wife of Ottoman Grand Vizier Sokollu Mehmed Pasha.
Decret 324 / 1996 , d ' 1 d ' octubre , pel qual s ' aprova el Reglament del RegistreWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Hürrem gave birth to her first son Mehmed in 1521 and then Selim (future Sultan Selim II) in 1524, destroying Mahidevran's status of being the mother of the Sultan's only son.
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Sinan became responsible for over three hundred monuments throughout the empire, including his two masterpieces, the Süleymaniye and Selimiye mosques—the latter built in Adrianople (now Edirne) in the reign of Suleiman's son Selim II.
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Until the 16th century, boza was drunk freely everywhere, but the custom of making the so-called Tartar boza laced with opium brought the wrath of the authorities down on the drink, and it was prohibited by sultan Selim II (1566–1574).
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Both he and his brother, Mahmud II, were the last remaining male members of the house of Osman I after their cousin, the reformist Sultan Selim III (1789–1807).
A conseqüència dels incendis forestals esdevinguts durant l ' any 1998 a Catalunya s ' ha produït una acumulació de fusta afectada pel foc que té valor comercial i que convé extreure dels boscos en un període de tem ps relativament curt , la qual cosa produeix un increment substancial del volum d ' oferta d ' aquest producte amb els consegüents desequilibris en el mercat .WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Selim's Grand Vizier, Mehmed Sokollu, a native of what is now Bosnia and Herzegovina, controlled much of state affairs, and two years after Selim's accession succeeded in concluding at Constantinople a treaty (17 February 1568) with the Habsburg Holy Roman Emperor, Maximilian II, whereby the Emperor agreed to pay an annual "present" of 30,000 ducats and granted the Ottomans authority in Moldavia and Walachia.
110 / 95 , interposat pel senyor Emilio Urmeneta García contra laWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
9 sinne gevind in 4 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.