Selina oor Katalaans


A female given name.

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I thought about Selina Day, and Lonny Midas.
Au, noi.Aixeca' tLiterature Literature
Although Selina Day's killers had not been identified, even the birds in the trees called their names.
Eines de seleccióNameLiterature Literature
Five Centuries of Women Singers (Chapter 8, "Anna Selina Storace (27 October 1765 – 24 August 1817)").
conjuntament i solidàriament l ' empresa promotora SPG , SA , elWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
After all, they had both had a hand in the death of Selina Day.
--6 El valor del / s premi / s serà respectivament l ' indicat sota cadascuna de les flors corresponents a les cinc caselles rascades que hagin coincidit amb la flor que apareix sota la casella amb la menció " La seva flor / Su flor "Literature Literature
Selina Goby was all right in both these respects, which was one reason for marrying her.
Diari Oficial de la Generalitat de Catalunya a l ' efecte de la sevaLiterature Literature
A 19th-century biography of Anne by Elizabeth Benger was particularly full of praise for Anne, as was one entitled Star of the Court by Selina Bunbury.
l ' escolarització dels alumnes i escoltades les entitats socialsWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Anna (or Ann) Selina Storace, known as Nancy Storace (Italian: ; 27 October 1765 – 24 August 1817), was an English operatic soprano.
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'And he bears a grudge against William Lagenheimer, because William told the cops what was done to Selina Day?'
Director general d ’ Administració LocalLiterature Literature
He has an Anglo-Irish great-great-great-grandmother, Lady Selina Meade (1797–1872), the daughter of Richard Meade, 2nd Earl of Clanwilliam (1766–1805), who married the Count of Clam-Martinic.
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The company was the first to produce Carmen in English, at the theatre in February 1879, starring Selina Dolaro in the title role and Durward Lely as Don José.
Caixa de missatgeWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Selina's mother made no comment on the apprehension of her daughter's killers.
Doncs no se' n parli mésLiterature Literature
I mentioned the Selina Day case, and the agreement that had been struck with R.
Quan el punter del ratolí canvia, feu clic una vegada amb el & BER; i manteniu premut el botó. Arrossegueu aquesta vora a la nova localització. Quan deixeu anar el botó del ratolí, les vistes canviaran a les noves proporcionsLiterature Literature
Macaulay was born at Rothley Temple in Leicestershire on 25 October 1800, the son of Zachary Macaulay, a Scottish Highlander, who became a colonial governor and abolitionist, and Selina Mills of Bristol, a former pupil of Hannah More.
N' Elvis és dins l' edificiWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Selina Blake is the nicest woman imaginable.
Diuen que estem envoltats d' enemics... que tenim l' enemic a dinsLiterature Literature
'How long had you known each other before you killed Selina Day?'
pròpies de la urbanització del sector i mprescindibles pelLiterature Literature
“What was Selina Day wearing when she died, Mr.
DECRET 176 / 1998 , de 8 de juliol , de modificació del Decret 72 / 1995 , de 7 de març , pel qual es creen els Premis Nacionals de Cultura de la Generalitat de Catalunya .Literature Literature
He may be known best for six children's picture books set in the Alps, A Bell for Ursli and its sequels, written by Selina Chönz, and three that he wrote himself.
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So I began trawling the Internet for details about the killing of Selina Day.
administrativa , el termini de dos mesos per interposar el recursLiterature Literature
He also makes two new acquaintances: a teenage street thief named Selina Kyle who witnessed the Waynes' murder, and Gotham's young assistant district attorney, Harvey Dent, who pledges to help Gordon find the killer.
Encara que la interfície més òbvia de KTemps és la icona en el plafó, hi ha diversos altres llocs des d' on podreu accedir a la informació de KTemps. Aquests són particularment útils si necessiteu visualitzar múltiples estacions meteorològiques. Encara que KTemps us permet visualitzar diverses estacions, la icona del plafó tan sols pot mostrar-ne una a la vegadaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Eva Selina Laura Gore-Booth (22 May 1870 – 30 June 1926) was an Irish poet and dramatist, and a committed suffragist, social worker and labour activist.
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I found myself thinking about Selina Day.
Aquest filtre converteix la vostra imatge a escala de grisos arranjant la saturació de cada color de píxel a zeroLiterature Literature
'And before Selina Day, had you or Lonny ever suggested finding a girl and taking her off somewhere?'
reflectit horitzontal i verticalmentLiterature Literature
One could not look at such an image and not feel grief for those left behind, and anger at the end Selina had met.
la ubicació de la deixalleria , de GranollersLiterature Literature
After Selina's death in 1831, Bond married her older sister, Mary Roope Cranch.
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Evangelicals in the upper classes, such as Sir Richard Hill, the Methodist MP for Shropshire, and Selina Hastings, Countess of Huntingdon, were exposed to contempt and ridicule, and Wilberforce's conversion led him to question whether he should remain in public life.
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34 sinne gevind in 5 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.