TEJO oor Katalaans


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The Tejo Power Station manufacturing plant (classified as an Asset of Public Interest since 1986), with the low pressure and machinery room structures (1914-1930), high pressure and water room structures (1938-1951), and the plant's numerous workshops, whose set of buildings (which once belonged to the old sugar refinery and date back to the end of the 19th-beginning of the 20th century) are today the Museum's Documentation Centre and Storage.
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Nonetheless, the Tejo Power Station operated without interruption between 1951 and 1968, except for in 1961.
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The entire complex that makes up the Tejo Power Station constitutes an old thermoelectric plant that supplied power to Lisbon and its surrounding area.
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Its facades and interiors were cleaned, its iron structure reinforced, thousands of bricks were replaced and the museographic content was altered, as is visible today and can be confirmed by visiting the space, the old Tejo Power Station, now an Electricity Museum.
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After approximately fifteen years undergoing construction and expansion, in its Low Pressure phase, the Tejo Power Station finally had three large manufacturing areas: boilers, machinery and substation, located parallel to the river.
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In the background, the broad blue Tejo river, as blue as the sky, gave off a glitter of finely powdered light.
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From that moment on, the Tejo Power Station became a reserve plant, limiting its operation to years of drought or complicated water situations, and as a support system for the national electric grid.
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In 1938, dismantled and without use, demolition began on what remained of the old original power plant to build in its place the new Tejo Power Station manufacturing space.
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In the summer of 1909, the Tejo Power Station was officially inaugurated despite undergoing important alterations in its interior until 1910, such as the acquisition of new turbo-alternators or the expansion of the boiler room, which involved building a new 36 meter-high chimney in the shape of an inverted pyramidal stem.
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The Tejo Power Station has huge heritage value, not only in architectural or archaeological terms, but also from a historic, social, anthropological and economic perspective.
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During the two years that followed, two new boilers were installed (numbers 3 and 4) which, along with 5 and 6, exceeded the output that the old generators from the original Tejo Power Station could withstand.
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The power station's former workers that had been summoned, some already retired, with all their knowledge and experience, got the Tejo Power Station working once again, feeding coal into boiler number 15 for the last time.
El valor de color es refereix a com de brillant o d' obscur és un color. Colors amb un valor baix són més negres en aparença. Colors amb un valor més alt són colors més ricsWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Thus, in 1912, when all this equipment was in place, the original Tejo Power Station had fifteen small Belleville boilers and five generating sets that supplied the city of Lisbon's electric grid.
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The Tejo Power Station’s working conditions (as in any thermoelectric power station at the time) were in fact not easy: the work was very hard, which meant a poor quality of life for the workers.
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After nationalising the Portuguese electricity sector in 1975, the CRGE's assets were integrated into the new company established in 1976, EDP – Electricidade de Portugal, and the question arose regarding what to do with the old Tejo Power Station, where there was still a large amount of machinery tied to the impressive structure.
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1953 was an especially difficult year due to a lack of water supply, which meant the Tejo Power Station had to work for almost the entire year, often overburdened in order to satisfy demand not only from its own distribution network but also to support the national grid.
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The Tejo Power Station was built between 1908 and 1951, thereby undergoing several stages of expansion throughout this period.
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In January 1863, he decided to meet with U.S. military leaders at Fort McLane (Apache Tejo), in southwestern New Mexico.
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Recovery of the condensed steam for reuse as water to feed the boiler closes the water/steam cycle in a thermoelectric station, and as such, the Tejo Power Station was no exception.
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With the construction of the low pressure boiler building and the new machinery room, the Tejo Power Station began to consolidate itself both in terms of production and on an architectural level, with the use of brick on the visible facades of the entire industrial complex.
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Construction was carried out on property previously occupied by the original Tejo Power Station, which was demolished in 1938 to make way for construction of this new high pressure boiler building, the facility's most impressive structure.
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Aside from the boilers, this large space also tells the story of the construction of the Tejo Power Station and gives a first approach to the difficult working conditions endured by its workers.
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At the Tejo Power Station, the main fuel was coal, which arrived by river and was unloaded into the square with the same name in order to then be deposited in the crusher and sent to the mixing silos.
I quan Ram va ser al bosc, va sentir cantar aquests dos nois, que no sabia qui eren però ell es va acostar i ell era com justaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It was the end of 1935 when the new turbo-alternator number 2 was installed and inaugurated; it was also at this time that installation of the new voltage transformation equipment was concluded, allowing the Tejo Power Station's substation to supply the Lisbon and Tejo Valley region all the way to Santarém.
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In 1971, the finances and administration of TEJO were fully integrated into those of UEA.
Quan està seleccionada, & kword; convertirà automàticament dues majúscules seguides (un error comú d' escriptura), a una sola lletra majúscula. Li podeu dir a & kword; en quins casos no ha de fer aquest canvi. Per a més detalls, mireu la secció titulada Excepcions a la correcció automàticaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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