Thu oor Katalaans


Abbreviation of [i]Thursday[/i].

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Katalaans


abbreviation of Thursday

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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
The incumbent, Martti Ahtisaari, refused to run in party preliminaries and thus announced that he would not run for a second term.
Quan ha tocat el terra ja era mortWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Nevertheless, Hitler approved of the changes, thus paving the way for more innovations in the decades to come.
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It thus fell to Moscheles to lead the counter-attack on Wagner after the latter's snide attack on Mendelssohn (and Meyerbeer) in his notorious article Das Judenthum in der Musik ("Jewry in Music"), which he did by requesting the resignation from the conservatory's board of Wagner's editor, Brendel.
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A year later in 507 BCE, Wu defeated Chu's navy once more raising the threat of their extermination and thus decided to move their capital from Ying to the eponymous state capital of Ruo where it would be hidden from the Wu vanguard.
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However, the ecclesiastical affiliation remained unchanged, the Breslau diocese, a cross-border bilateral bishopric since 1742 between – at last – Germany and Austro-Hungary, thus turned into a trilateral Czechoslokian-German-Polish bishopric.
Sala Contenciosa Administrativa del Tribunal Superior de Justícia deWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Thus, on conquest a province would become a procuratorial province until it was decided that it should become either an imperial or senatorial province and thus governed by either a propraetor or proconsul.
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Martin did not screen the excavated earth for all present things, thus destroying potentially significant evidence (the practice of screening became a standard only in the 1970s).
Presentava un programa setmanal a tv... anomenat Payal on explicava la història, els detallsWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Thus, that which gives us the power to work magic, sets the limits of that power.
Era l' única manera de realitzar el seguiment dels vostres movimentsLiterature Literature
Thus, the boundary between each state can be defined based on a change in the soil's behavior.
Pinzells: es poden usar les formes de pinzell del Gimp, tant els pinzells colorejats i d' escala de grisos com els pinzells de tub. Es poden crear pinzells personalitzats, fins i tot des de capes senceres o imatges. Els pinzells de color es poden usar també com a màscaresWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Thus went my thinking— “Malory wrote the stories for and to his time.
Verificar les signatures & smime; sempre implica importar els certificats que contenen. Aquesta opció no efecte sobre això. Tampoc està relacionada amb la característica auto-key-retrieve (recuperació automàtica de claus), a on & gpg; intenta importar les claus desconegudes des d' un servidor de clausLiterature Literature
In the election the party won 13.97% of the national votes and 6 constituencies (it had competed in 183 of the 225 constituencies) and thus 40 parliamentary seats.
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Thus does Yunkai make reply to your offers, ser.
Ells no m’ escolten tampocLiterature Literature
* Oliver Cowdery describes these events thus: “These were days never to be forgotten—to sit under the sound of a voice dictated by the inspiration of heaven, awakened the utmost gratitude of this bosom!
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Thus, in contrast to the grandeur of his composition at Il Gesù, we see Gaulli gradually adopting less intense colours, and more delicate compositions after 1685—all hallmarks of the Rococo.
Agafa' t o et moriràsWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Thus, through the years, the line has continued through either a son or a daughter.
Clicar a roba significa que esteu fora de la màWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Rather than creating a molecule with the halogen substituted with something else, one can completely eliminate both the halogen and a nearby hydrogen, thus forming an alkene by dehydrohalogenation.
No permetré que les visions es facin realitat, mestre YodaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The study of cultural violence highlights the ways the act of direct violence and the fact of structural violence are legitimized and thus made acceptable in society.
Desenvolupador i mantenidorWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Finally, with the capture of Cuauhtémoc, the tlatoani (ruler) of Tenochtitlán, on August 13, 1521, the Aztec Empire was captured, and Cortés was able to claim it for Spain, thus renaming the city Mexico City.
Repeticions a cada pàginaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Each heredium was divided in half along the north-south axis thus creating two jugera: one jugerum, from jugum (yoke), measured 2523 square metres, which was the amount of land that could be ploughed in one day by a pair of oxen.
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It thus benefited British naval power at the expense of Russian as the latter lacked direct access for its navy to the Mediterranean.
--4 L ' empresa ENHER ha de comunicar al Registre d ' establimentsWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Thus, sexual diversity and LGBT rights are used to sustain political stances against immigration, being increasingly common among far-right parties.
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The fossils were recovered in 1903 from a quarry by workmen who did not recognize them as dinosaur specimens, so many of the bones were made into bricks and thus destroyed.
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The juice thus expressed was the most highly prized and kept separate from what would later come from pressing the grape.
Radi verticalWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In 2016, it added the name of the city of Girona to the name of the club thus becoming CEB Girona Marc Gasol and one year later, it changed again its name to simply Bàsquet Girona.
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It was a rainy afternoon and thus the child had been brought inside to wait.
Entitat beneficiària : Ca la Dona .Literature Literature
201 sinne gevind in 9 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.