advisory board oor Katalaans

advisory board

a board appointed to advise the chief administrator

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Katalaans

òrgan consultiu

body providing strategic advice to organisation
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He is on numerous educational, private, and public sector advisory boards, including the editorial board of Encyclopædia Britannica.
Ho sento, vaig anar un idiotaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
INPUT is supported by an International Advisory Board, consisting of public service broadcasters from around the world.
Domicili : c. de França , 50 , 3r 2a , el Catllar , comarca delWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
She is a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the UN Secretary-General, Mr Ban Ki-moon.
Quina és la seva conclusió?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The federal government created the National Science Advisory Board for Biosecurity which promotes biosecurity in life science research.
no s' ha trobat l' objecteWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He is also a member of TTI/Vanguard's advisory board.
Tenia por, ¿ d' acord?Així I...- Jo no he dit res sobre </ i > una arma de merda, maleïda siguiWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In 2003, she became a member of the advisory board of Glam Media (now Mode Media).
Per què hauria de tenir gran consideració un milionari?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
That the government establish an "Afrikaner Council", as an advisory board to the government.
Obre el & fitxerWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He is a member of the Wikimedia Foundation's advisory board.
Llavons, com éix que la seva dona no si' n ve a viure aquí, amb vostè?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
I was trying to build up an advisory board and tap into future sources of data.
Es mou cap a la següent aparició del text que s' està cercantLiterature Literature
The ICG was constituted as an external advisory board for FIFA by the Executive Committee on 17 December 2011.
Alternativament, podeu simplement prémer Ctrl; S. Els afegits o canvis no estaran actualment en acció fins que es realitzi aquesta accióWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In 1998, two organizations were established: the Domain Resolution Body, to determine domain disputes, and Norpol, a political advisory board.
Temps de vidaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The move proved controversial, since the Agency's own scientists and advisory board had recommended lowering the standard to 60 nmol/mol.
Què tal Rei Gero?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In addition to its advisory board of Bishops, members of the Council included laypeople, especially married laypeople "from all over the world."
Es l’ estàrterWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
She retired in 1982, but continued to serve on panels for the Intelligence Community, including President Clinton’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board (appointed 1993).
& PropietatsprincipalsWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Wilks assembled an advisory board for the journal that included major figures in statistics and probability, among them Ronald Fisher, Jerzy Neyman, and Egon Pearson.
Aquí s' estableix el reajustament de la brillantor de la imatge finalWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
This assembly functioned as an advisory board to the president, and in February 1938, it adopted a new constitution that granted the president even greater powers.
inclourà en tot cas la comunicació diària de lesWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The exact dates cited may also differ, because of leaders arriving before the students, and at more recent IMOs the IMO Advisory Board arriving before the leaders.
Capa Rota Rota en sentit trigonomètricWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
His recent work has focused on transgender and intersex youth, and he has served as chair of the medical advisory board for Intersex Society of North America.
Amb un refractòmetre es determina l' índex de refracció d' un medi òptic. Si es coneix l' índex de refracció d' una substància química, pot ser utilitzat després d' una síntesi per tal de determinar la puresa de la mostra o bé per valorar l' èxit de la síntesiWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Barbara Simons, a member of the advisory board of the United States Election Assistance Commission, said such attacks could affect electronic voting for overseas military or civilians.
passen tres mesos sense que hi hagi cap res olució expressa iWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
She is an advisory board member for the first intersex human rights fund and participated in the first intersex hearing on human rights before the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights.
Opcions vàriesWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Moreover, since 2001 he is a member of the supervisory board of ams AG and since 2004 a member of the advisory board of the Inter-University Department for Agrobiotechnology (IFA-Tulln).
Contra els acords anteriors , que no exhaureixen la via administrativa , es potWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The decree specified that in order to achieve official status, an advisory board would be created with the mission of collaborating with the Generalitat of Catalonia in coordinating and regulating Catalan sports.
Vaig enviar a Ted Dret per recollir- vosWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It has an external scientific advisory board which makes an independent evaluation every 4 years (2012, 2016), with an obligation to implement its recommendations, and an overarching supervision by the Parliament of Catalonia.
del General Vives , 16 , d ' Igualada , promoguda i tramesa per l 'Ajuntament .WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Like some other European countries, Norway has an official "advisory board"— Språkrådet (Norwegian Language Council)— that determines, after approval from the Ministry of Culture, official spelling, grammar, and vocabulary for the Norwegian language.
És cridanerWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He was a founding member and chairman of the editorial Ambito, a member of the editorial board of Spanish newspaper El Mundo century, and a member of the advisory board of the journal Historia16.
d ' educació primària amb capacitat per a 100 llocs escolars , ambWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
56 sinne gevind in 15 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.