advocacy oor Katalaans


/ˈæd.vəˌkə.si/ naamwoord
the act of arguing in favour of, or supporting something

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Katalaans


We represent a victim's advocacy group who's trying to keep Vanch locked up.
Representem a un grup de defensa de la víctima que tracta de mantenir en Vanch rere les reixes.
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advocacy group
grup de defensa
war advocacy


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William F. Schreiber, who was director of the Advanced Television Research Program at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology from 1983 until his retirement in 1990, thought that the continued advocacy of interlaced equipment originated from consumer electronics companies that were trying to get back the substantial investments they made in the interlaced technology.
Portem molt de temps en el marWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Gynocentrism refers to a dominant or exclusive focus on women in theory or practice; or to the advocacy of this.
On és, la teva família?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Neo-Malthusianism is the advocacy of population control programs to ensure resources for current and future populations.
Cada aplicació del & koffice; està dissenyada per a omplir necessitats molt específiques. Per exemple, el & kspread; és un programa per a manipular fulls de dades, mentre que el & kword; és un programa per a processar textos. Enfocant sobre una àrea específica, cada programa cerca la perfecció en exactament la aquesta àrea. Malgrat tot, i depenent del que feu amb el & koffice;, sovint voldreu aprofitar la funcionalitat d' aplicacions diferents, però en el mateix documentWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
By the late 19th century, after the work of Karl Marx and his collaborator Friedrich Engels, socialism had come to signify opposition to capitalism and advocacy for a post-capitalist system based on some form of social ownership of the means of production.
Escolliu el moviment que voleu fer clicant a la línia blavaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Both sisters have publicly expressed their advocacy of LGBT rights.
Carrega fitxers. kget que han estat creats amb Fitxer Exporta la llista de transferènciesWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Advocacy by human rights NGOs and the LGBT community helped secure his release from police custody.
La paral· laxi és el canvi aparent de la posició d' un objecte observat produïda per una variació en la posició de l' observador. Com a exemple, poseu la vostra mà al davant vostre amb el braç estès i observeu un objecte que es trobi al costat de l' habitació i que quedi al darrere de la vostra mà. Ara moveuel cap a la vostra espatlla dreta, i ara la vostra mà apareixerà a l' esquerra de l' objecte distant. Porteu el vostre cap cal a l' espatlla esquerra per a comprovar que en aquesta ocasió la mà apareixerà a la dreta de l' objecte distantWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
For Global Voices Advocacy director Ellery Biddle, conspiracy theories should not be censored per se, unless they fall under illegal speech, such as a clear incitement to violence.
Posicionamentglobalvoices globalvoices
Although he admired the charisma of Martin Luther King Jr. he did not agree with MLK's advocacy for non-violent resistance.
Esperi.EscoltiWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The term has been used by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), an American legal advocacy organization, to describe several fringe religious groups in the United States.
El marc que conté les dades encastades es pot manipular de la mateixa manera que qualsevol altra marc de & kwordWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Shaun Walker of the National Alliance, a United States white power advocacy group, wrote: "... just having her in front of the camera helps our Cause.
Política de contrasenyesWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
She stood her ground and the rebels left within a week, following pressure from local residents, the UN and other advocacy groups.
Estem temporalment aïllats del món exteriorWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Steven Best writes, in bold contrast to the limitations of the animal advocacy movement (AAM) and all other reformist causes, Takis Fotopoulos advances a broad view of human dynamics and social institutions, their impact on the earth, and the resulting consequences for society itself.
Un al• licient, com si diguéssimWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Transgender Education and Advocacy (TEA) is "a human rights organisation working towards ending human rights violations against transgender / transsexual people.
Ella en va protagonitzar un que es va quedar en no resWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Navajo Language Academy (NLA; Navajo Diné Bizaad Naalkaah) is a non-profit educational and advocacy organization which focuses on the Navajo language.
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In 2008, Ibrahim was presented the International Women of Courage Award for her advocacy work.
Aquestes accions corresponen a entrades del menú FitxerWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Autistic self-advocacy organizations, which are led and run by autistics, are a key force in the movement for autistic acceptance and autistic pride.
Emparelleu la bandera amb la provínciaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Konkin's agorism, as exposited in his New Libertarian Manifesto, postulates that the correct method of achieving a voluntary society is through advocacy and growth of the underground economy or "black market" – the "counter-economy" as Konkin put it – until such a point that the State's perceived moral authority and outright power have been so thoroughly undermined that revolutionary market anarchist legal and security enterprises are able to arise from underground and ultimately suppress government as a criminal activity (with taxation being treated as theft, war being treated as mass murder, et cetera).
als col · legis d ' educació primària i artística , per alWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In 1894, Ruffin organized the Woman's Era Club, an advocacy group for black women, with the help of her daughter Florida Ridley and Maria Baldwin, a Boston school principal.
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Burma Partnership, a network of democracy and human rights advocacy organizations, monitored that the suspicious votes benefited the ruling party:
Intentant fer- me parlar d' això en els meus somnisglobalvoices globalvoices
Critics interpreted the Church's advocacy for the poor as fomenting a socialist revolution and targeted the clergy for assassination.
Powell, John?Mare, no vaig voler fer- hoWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Linked to this was his advocacy that khadi (homespun cloth) be worn by all Indians instead of British-made textiles.
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GRAIN began doing research, advocacy and lobbying work under the auspices of a coalition of mostly European development organisations.
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It has been claimed since the late 1970s under the advocacy of Benjamin Feingold that Sunset Yellow FCC causes food intolerance and ADHD-like behavior in children but there is no scientific evidence to support these broad claims.
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Roh's pre-presidential political career was focused on human rights advocacy for student activists in South Korea.
L' illa dels somriures al seu benefactorWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Carl Laemmle startled the film industry with his use of and advocacy for women directors and producers, including Weber, Ida May Park and Cleo Madison.
Moure i copiarWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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