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A little farther along there was a bench.
M' agradaria tindre la teua forçaLiterature Literature
If she wants to bring her husband along, there’s no problem.
Déu meu Senyor, EricLiterature Literature
Come along, there’s a hotel in Rue Victor-Massé which is clean . . .’
Quantitat concedida : 200.000 pessetes .Literature Literature
A car was stopped just up along there.
& OrientacióOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
‘If it’s Herbier you’re after, you won’t find him along there.
el curs d ' orientació universitària ( aquest nivell quedaràLiterature Literature
Farther along there’s a dog – a spaniel, recently dead.
Oculta la & barra lateralLiterature Literature
‘If it’s Herbier you’re after, you won’t find him along there.
Recompte dels & sense llegirLiterature Literature
“If a herd of buffaloes had passed along, there could not be a greater mess.
Només he ditLiterature Literature
It’s the only photography studio anywhere along there, and there’s some kind of a sign, and photographs in the window.
CodificacióLiterature Literature
Here, the coast-line is like anywhere else; but along there I can’t tell you what charm it has, what softness.’
& kword; no us permetrà eliminar l' estil de taula NormalLiterature Literature
When you had a child happily dragging you along, there was little that could be done other than follow, which I did.
Vireu a la dretaLiterature Literature
It must go in, because by the time a moment like that comes along, there's a part of you that's been waiting.
Traductor de la documentació: & credits. Antoni. BellaLiterature Literature
With minimal instructions of "There's fire along that hedgerow there.
Política per mostrar la icona de la safata del sistemaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
If you want, you can come along, but there are hardly any pakeha and certainly no large houses.”
Selecció de plantillaLiterature Literature
And you’ve maintained all along that there wasn’t anyone, that you couldn’t remember anyone.
Entitat beneficiària : centre d ' acollida La Panera , de Lleida .Literature Literature
And you've maintained all along that there wasn't anyone, that you couldn't remember anyone.
Crea una nova capaLiterature Literature
That the other guardians had been right all along, and there was no excuse for my art being so rubbish...”
Tots els treballs fora de la jornada laboral hauran de ser autoritzats pel Gerent a proposta del Coordina dor de l ’ àrea corresponent .Literature Literature
There has been terror, yes, but along with it, there’s been a kind of joy I didn’t know existed.
Llívia ,Literature Literature
If two chords connect opposite vertices of C to vertices at distance four along C, there is again a 4-cycle.
Em va donar la feina per això?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
You see, along with me there are two other inmates hurrying along, and this other guard here—he’s named Guidi, I think.
Càrrega de la bateriaLiterature Literature
Middens developed where the people lived along rivers, but there is limited evidence of Archaic peoples along the coastlines prior to 3000 BC.
Configura la barra d' eines del & klettresWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Along that trail, there are several viewing spots.
Envia la finestra un escriptori avallWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
I turned and glanced back there along Lakeview to see if a bus might be along.
Mostra la & notificació de la finestra emergent passiva blocadaLiterature Literature
Often in the faces along the streets there was the desperate look of hunger and of loneliness.
fonaments que s ' hi exposen , aquesta Comissió per delegació delLiterature Literature
Everyone from Broken Wheel was there, along with many people from Hope.
El paràgraf segon de l ' article 25.2 quedarà redactat amb elLiterature Literature
634 sinne gevind in 41 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.