aspect of music oor Katalaans

aspect of music

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Katalaans

aspecte de la música

characteristic, dimension, or element taken as a part or component of music

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In pursuing this goal, Rosen often appealed to technical aspects of musical description, including the theories of harmony and musical form.
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In her words, "I automate whatever can be automated to be freer to focus on those aspects of music that can't be automated.
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They said in a statement, "This subgroup will aim to grab the attention of fans with all aspects of music, performance, and fashion styles.".
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His first column, Basic Truths, provided a critical examination of musical aspects of the time.
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She developed a series of lectures on music history and performance as well as separate teaching lectures on composition, harmony, orchestration and other technical aspects of music that she offered to organisations and clubs throughout London.
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The sessions are a key aspect of traditional music; it is the main sphere in which the music is formulated and innovated.
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Rodgers and Hammerstein's Oklahoma! (1943) completed the revolution begun by Show Boat, by tightly integrating all the aspects of musical theatre, with a cohesive plot, songs that furthered the action of the story, and featured dream ballets and other dances that advanced the plot and developed the characters, rather than using dance as an excuse to parade scantily clad women across the stage.
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All in all, he could discern only two personal aspects of Martin Vanger’s life: music and cooking.
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During the 20th century there was growth in the historical and artistic, archival and musical aspects of the Chapel.
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Another cultural aspect of the Saml nori music tradition includes a variety of the dancing movements in diverse forms of performers.
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Bouhmouch worked on every aspect of the film except for music, as a result, the film cost less than US$200.
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This influences a lot of musical aspects that characterize the funaná, such as the fact that, in its most traditional form, the funaná uses only diatonic scales, and not chromatic ones.
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He was in charge of R.E.M.'s visual aspect, often selecting album artwork and directing many of the band's music videos.
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In 2010, Nunn directed a revival of the Andrew Lloyd Webber musical Aspects of Love from July to September 2010 at the Menier Chocolate Factory and the play Birdsong, which opened in September 2010 at the Comedy Theatre, based on the Sebastian Faulks novel of the same title.
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It embraces study of instruments' history, instruments used in different cultures, technical aspects of how instruments produce sound, and musical instrument classification.
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The story and emotional content of a musical – humor, pathos, love, anger – are communicated through the words, music, movement and technical aspects of the entertainment as an integrated whole.
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The Khmer kingdom became the Khmer Empire and the great temples of Angkor, considered an archeological treasure replete with detailed stone bas-reliefs showing many aspects of the culture, including some musical instruments, remain as monuments to the culture of the Khmer.
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The band continued in the alternative country style of Uncle Tupelo on its debut album A.M. (1995), but has since introduced more experimental aspects to their music, including elements of alternative rock and classic pop.
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Neuroscientists have explored these issues, but so far, they have found that the artistic and aesthetic aspects of learning to play a musical instrument are different from any other activity studied, including other arts.
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In his latest two books The Sirens Chant –which has become a non-fiction bestseller in Spain– and The Sonorous Imagination Trias held that there is a need of a musical turn in the philosophy of the 21st century to make thought change its gravity center, to musical aspects instead of language, since the former represents the most perfect synthesis of beauty and knowledge.
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Beyond this technical aspect his work also focused on the social and political consequences of music, through what came to be called the ethos theory.
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While aspects of the field can be highly theoretical, much of modern music psychology seeks to optimize the practices and professions of music performance, composition, education, and therapy.
Aquest diàleg us permet de reamidar la capa actual. Sota Dimensions de píxel, podeu arranjar quina mida voleu que tingui la capa. La mida original es dóna com a referència. La nova mida es pot arranjar tant en píxels com en percentatge, amb el # % com a mida original. Si seleccioneu Conserva la proporcionalitat, les noves amplades i alçades s' arranjaran sempre amb el mateix percentatge. Per exemple, si teniu una capa de # x # píxels i seleccioneu una amplada de # píxels, l' alçada serà automàticament de # píxels. Amb aquesta caixa deseleccionada, també podeu reamidar la capa de manera no proporcional. La llista desplegable Filtre es pot usar per a seleccionar un algoritme diferent per a reamidar la capaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The free lectures take an interesting look at the chemical aspects of a wide range of topics from curry to the enjoyment of music.
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He went on to mix in aspects of apala percussion and vocal songs and brooding, philosophical sakara music and emerged with a new style of music he dubbed fuji.
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British literature, music, cinema, art, theatre, comedy, media, television, philosophy, architecture and education are important aspects of British culture.
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38 sinne gevind in 13 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.