ballet master oor Katalaans

ballet master

a man who directs and teaches and rehearses dancers for a ballet company

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mestre de dansa


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Diaghilev also worked with dancer and ballet master Léonide Massine.
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The celebrated ballet master Jules Perrot began staging ballet at Her Majesty's in 1830.
Si ha sortit al bosc, ja te' n pots oblidarWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
María de Ávila (born 1920), Ballet master, was the creator of the Ballet de Zaragoza.
Oficial de la Generalitat de Catalunya a l ' efecte de la seva executivitatWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Another major contributor to the music scene during the Golden Age was August Bournonville (1805–1879), the celebrated ballet master.
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Nicola Guerra (2 May 1865, Naples – 5 February 1942, Cernobbio aged 76) was an Italian dancer, choreographer and ballet master.
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Jean D’Auberval, (born Jean Bercher in Montpellier, 19 August 1742 – Tours, 14 February 1806), was a French dancer and ballet master.
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During his long career, he wrote for the original works and numerous revivals staged by the renowned Ballet Masters Arthur Saint-Léon and Marius Petipa.
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In relation to music, the Golden Age covers figures inspired by Danish romantic nationalism including J. P. E. Hartmann, Hans Christian Lumbye, Niels W. Gade and the ballet master August Bournonville.
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After briefly heading the Cairo Ballet in 1977–78 he worked as the chief ballet master at the Leningrad Music Hall (1979–92) and then as the artistic director of the Vaganova Ballet Academy.
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Other ballet masters created works for the ballet of Her Majesty's Theatre throughout the period of the romantic ballet, most notably Paul Taglioni (son of Filippo Taglioni), who staged ballets including Coralia, ou Le Chevalier inconstant (1847) and Electra (1849, the first production of a ballet to make use of electric lighting).
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After 20 years of solo work (1942–62) he became a chief choreographer of Maly Theatre (1962–73), artistic director of Kirov Ballet (1973–77), artistic director of Cairo Ballet (1977–78), chief ballet master at the Leningrad Music Hall (1979–92), and artistic director of the Vaganova Academy of Russian Ballet.
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Since 1961, she spent much time in Tokyo, where she mastered Japanese and was instrumental in establishing the Tokyo Ballet.
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