bathroom oor Katalaans


/ˈbaːθˌruːm/, /ˈbaːθˌruːmz/, /ˈbæθɹuːm/, /ˈbɑːθɹuːm/ naamwoord
A room containing a bath where one can bathe.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Katalaans


a room with a bathtub
Oh, and there's not even a bathroom on set.
I ni tan sols hi ha un bany al plató.


Because you clogged up her bathroom like a radioactive monster!
Perquè vas embussar el seu lavabo com un monstre radioactiu!
Open Multilingual Wordnet


a room containing a toilet

En 4 vertalings meer. Besonderhede is ter wille van die beknoptheid verborge

vàter · servici · cambra de bany · quarto de bany

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bathroom tissue
paper higiènic
go to the bathroom
anar al lavabo


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However, Furbottom did not allow intermissions in the theater, and after an untold amount of time watching the show, he died after "pooping himself to death on the way to the bathroom."
Furbottom no permetia que hi hagués interrupcions durant les obres, i després d'incomptables hores gaudint de les actuacions, va morir, literalment, "després de defecar fins a la mort direcció al lavabo més proper".WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
If we're having anchovies on the pizza, we can't take it out of bathroom time.
Si prenem anxoves en la pizza, no podem treure el temps del bany.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I even have to go to the bathroom when I worry about something.
Fins i tot he d'anar al lavabo, quan em preocupa alguna cosa.Literature Literature
"""We have a connecting bathroom,"" Eleanor said absurdly."
—Tenim un bany compartit que connecta les habitacions —va comentar l’Eleanor absurdament—.Literature Literature
Before you go into the next stressful evaluative situation, for two minutes, try doing this, in the elevator, in a bathroom stall, at your desk behind closed doors.
Abans de que passeu la propera situació d'avaluació estressant, durant dos minuts, intenteu fer això, a l'ascensor, al quarto de bany, al vostre escriptori a portes tancades.ted2019 ted2019
“You’ve seen the bathroom,” he says, opening the door next to it.
—Ja has estat al lavabo —diu, mentre obre la porta que hi ha al costat—.Literature Literature
No student is to use the bathroom unaccompanied by a teacher.
Ningú podrà anar al lavabo sense que l’acompanyi un professor.Literature Literature
I signaled that I had to go to the bathroom and apologized for disturbing her.
Vaig indicar-li que havia d’anar al lavabo i li vaig demanar disculpes per la molèstia.Literature Literature
I thought of the towels hanging in Gideon’s bathroom.
Vaig pensar en les tovalloles que hi havia penjades al lavabo d’en Gideon.Literature Literature
I excused myself to go to the bathroom, remembering to ask the way.
Em vaig excusar per anar al lavabo, sense oblidar de demanar com arribar-hi.Literature Literature
Francis, young and ghoulish, asked, ‘What about the bathroom?
En Francis, jove i truculent, va preguntar: —I què passa amb el lavabo?Literature Literature
It was ten minutes before she realized that her mother was hiding in the bathroom, not intending to come out.
Van passar deu minuts fins que va entendre que la seva mare s’havia amagat al lavabo i no tenia intenció de sortir-ne.Literature Literature
Katrine took the phone, as Harry slipped out of bed and vanished into the bathroom.
La Katrine va agafar el telèfon, va veure que en Harry s’aixecava del llit i anava al lavabo.Literature Literature
He looked at Catrin, who got up and went into the bathroom.
En Mikael va alçar els ulls cap a la Catrin, que es va aixecar i va entrar al lavabo.Literature Literature
Half an hour later, I heard her go into the bathroom.
Al cap de mitja hora vaig sentir que anava al lavabo.Literature Literature
Chapter Seven The fluorescent light in the bathroom shines on my crime.
El dia que no em va creure. 7 El fluorescent del lavabo il·lumina el meu delicte.Literature Literature
Or maybe you're the only one who had to go to the bathroom."
O potser és l'única que havia d'anar al servei".ted2019 ted2019
Did those other women like sharing their communal bathroom with a prostitute?
¿A aquelles altres dones els agradava compartir el lavabo amb una prostituta?Literature Literature
she asks me as I lead her into the bathroom to wash her face and brush her teeth.
—em pregunta mentre l’acompanyo al lavabo per rentar-li la cara i les dents.Literature Literature
‘Found these in the bathroom cabinet,’ he says.
—L’he trobada a l’armariet del bany —diu.Literature Literature
His bedroom door’s open, but across the hall the bathroom door’s closed.
La porta de la seva habitació és oberta, però la porta del quarto de bany del final del passadís és tancada.Literature Literature
As it happens, there's even more money than that hidden in Max Reles's bathroom at the Adlon.
Resulta que hi ha fins i tot més diners dels que hi ha amagats a la cambra de bany de Max Reles a l’Adlon.Literature Literature
We were standing at the far end of the bathroom, under the window.
Estàvem al fons de tot del lavabo, sota la finestra.Literature Literature
And I'm standing in my bathroom getting ready to step into the shower, and I could actually hear the dialogue inside of my body.
I mentre estava al bany, preparant-me per entrar a la dutxa, podia realment sentir el diàleg que hi havia dins el meu cos.ted2019 ted2019
We take him into our room and show him where we want our bathroom.
L'acompanyem a la nostra habitació, li mostrem on volem la cambra de bany.Literature Literature
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