be pleasing oor Katalaans

be pleasing

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Katalaans


You'll be pleased to know our mutual friend is doing quite well in Lady Sansa's service.
Us agradarà saber que el nostre amic mutu ho està fent prou bé al servei de la dama Sansa.



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Many matters could be decided one way or another, and Jehovah would still be pleased.
26 de juliol , de modificació del calendari d ' aplicació i dejw2019 jw2019
Father would not be pleased to find out I’d bought a suit instead of a pretty gown.
Dia de la setmanaLiterature Literature
‘I’d have thought you’d be pleased not to be frightened any more.’
Crèdits i llicènciaLiterature Literature
Gradually, a structure emerged that seemed to be pleasing to the audience.
Són rates ballarines, i els somnis no són perillososLiterature Literature
Fanny ought to be pleased, even though it was Bernard.)
Denominació : Mireia .Literature Literature
Will I be pleased when it’s gone?
OrtografiaLiterature Literature
The governor ought to be pleased.
Sigui quina sigui la raó de la seva visita, que tingui molta sortOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He had every reason to be pleased.
Aquesta és una instantània de& krdcLiterature Literature
"And you'll be pleased to know I've never recovered,"" says Plutarch."
Però no de la seua baralla amb LangtonLiterature Literature
"""I know Tommen will be pleased as well."
Premi Nacional de Periodisme : a l ' aportació mé s rellevant delsLiterature Literature
Far from being pleased, Pyke and Mallister had both written back to complain.
Els endollables de visualització són KParts ordinàries que usen kxmlgui per a insinuar-se a la interfície d' usuari del & krita;. Les opcions de menú, els diàlegs, les barres d' eines & mdash; i qualsevol mena d' extensió d' interfície d' usuari pot ser un endollable de visualització. De fet, una important funcionalitat com el suport d' script del & krita; està escrita com a un endollable de visualitzacióLiterature Literature
“You should be pleased—you’re famous!”
Això sí que són uns cavallers jediLiterature Literature
Far from being pleased, Pyke and Mallister had both written back to complain.
Cercle farcit Dibuixa un cercle farcitLiterature Literature
He seemed to be pleased with something.
Això us mostra consells d' utilitat en l' ús d' aquesta aplicacióLiterature Literature
But I’d be pleased to continue our conversation later.
No van rebre l' ordre del General Hayashi?Literature Literature
I’m sure Contessa Lando-Continui will be pleased.’
Escollint una plantilla per a la nova pàginaLiterature Literature
" The sooner you get those things in the better I'll be pleased. "
¿ Com està el seu noi, Senyoreta Cooper?QED QED
Bobby Kennedy would not be pleased if George ended up in jail.
No, fa un dia preciós.M' estimo més caminarLiterature Literature
" Eh! mother will be pleased when I tell her what th'skippin'- rope's done for thee. "
Em mantenia despert tota la nitQED QED
She would be pleased, of course, perhaps even grateful.
Educació secundària obligatòria : 4 unitats de primerLiterature Literature
I would be pleased to teach him Italian: why not try?
M' agrada aquest magatzem, i vostè també m' agradaLiterature Literature
"""I think she'll be pleased to be doing something useful."""
Informació d' autorització no vàlidaLiterature Literature
When they are, they will be pleased to demonstrate their prowess.”
refós , per triplicat , verificat per l ' òrgan que ha atorgatLiterature Literature
There was a schoolhouse for the children, and the town was described as being pleasing in appearance.
Turístics Palamós , SL ( Càmping Benelux ) contra laWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
“I think you will be pleased,” Eric said.
Llavors et vaig veureLiterature Literature
1081 sinne gevind in 120 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.