be willing to oor Katalaans

be willing to

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Katalaans


We will always do good to them and be willing to share.
Sempre ens portarem bé amb ells i voldrem compartir coses amb ells.

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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
And does being willing to decide mean sticking to our choices no matter what?
Us estaré vigilant, cabronsjw2019 jw2019
I asked her if Zelandonii women would be willing to share their milk.
Per què m' ajuden?Literature Literature
12, 13. (a) How far must we be willing to go to demonstrate our love for one another?
També hi ha una drecera: # fopen, que provoca el mateix efecte que l' anteriorjw2019 jw2019
«Would you be willing to let me borrow the Subaru for a bit?
RESOLUCIÓ d ' 11 de juny de 1998 , per la qual es determina el preu m àxim de la prestació del servei escolar de menjador per al curs escolar 1998-99 .Literature Literature
“I’d be willing to bet the target of the fifth nail was Gus’s larynx.”
Per enganxar una variable d' entorn, primer n' haureu d' haver tallat o copiat una al portapapers. Una vegada fet això l' opció enganxa restarà habilitada. Llavores seleccioneu la carpeta Variables. Finalment, seleccioneu Edita EnganxaLiterature Literature
“You’d better be willing to settle for four out of five,” he said, opening the liquor cabinet.
Per tal de resoldre la sol· licitud presentada a la corresponentLiterature Literature
But there must be someone we know who’d be willing to take her in.
--2 Publicar aquest acord i el d ' aprovació definitiva alLiterature Literature
A might be willing to stand in as mother to little Junie, but Mr.
peu quadratLiterature Literature
What helped men and women of old to be willing to wait on Jehovah?
Vista la proposta de qualificació favorable formulada pel Serveijw2019 jw2019
How much more would he be willing to pay to get hold of my blood?
Tan se val, tampoc serviria de resLiterature Literature
“If you’d be willing to drop that gun, we could talk it over.
Refà la última acció desfetaLiterature Literature
After his violent reaction to Ayla, would Dolando be willing to accept her?
Però, segurament voldràs parlar amb mi?Literature Literature
Would you be willing to accept Vincavec as a co-mate with Ranec?”
--2 No s ' aprecien motius per fer una expressa imposició deLiterature Literature
I'd be willing to risk it.
Ha tingut pares privilegiats que La vigilaven dia i nitOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
'Would you be willing to do it for the ceremony?'
Càrrega de la bateriaLiterature Literature
Would he be willing to share an outcast life with her?
necessari reforçar l ' alimentació elèctrica de lesLiterature Literature
Migrants can share perspectives, if only politicians would be willing to listen.
La Galena i jo volem donar les gràcies a Amèrica per aquesta gran oportunitatted2019 ted2019
Why should anyone be willing to exchange a fertile rice paddy for a handful of useless cowry shells?
& Mou a la papereraLiterature Literature
Well, she seemed quite interested'till I said I'd be willing to work with her at her home.
I si et dic el té un Foot Locker un costat i accessoris a Claire, en l' altreOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
‘Think he’d be willing to drive me somewhere tonight?’
1 / 1990 , de 12 de juliol , l ' expedient de la modificació del Pla generalLiterature Literature
For such a strong, handsome man, Attaroa might be willing to give you Pleasures.
Necessito salLiterature Literature
They must be willing to act as servants to their companions, not masters over them.
Era una dona segura d' ella mateixa que duia una roba entallada.... que suggeria l’ atractiu sexual que amagava el seu cosjw2019 jw2019
You have to be willing to take those risks.
Pregunta a sobre de l' acció a fer després d' arrossegar missatges a una altra carpetaQED QED
Whether he’ll be willing to give it to me is the question.
setembre de 1998 , adoptà , entre altres , els acords següents :Literature Literature
“I would be willing to try, uh, something via video, but I don’t quite get it, do you?”
parcial d ' ordenació del sector industrial núm . 2 que afecta elsLiterature Literature
9740 sinne gevind in 277 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.