beach oor Katalaans


/biːtʃ/ werkwoord, naamwoord
A horizontal strip of land, usually sandy, adjoining water.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Katalaans


sandy shore
I, I was down at the cottage on the beach the other day.
L'altre dia vaig anar a la caseta de la platja.



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A surname.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Katalaans


To a field camp north of Utah Beach.
A un campament al nord de la platja Utah.
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Soortgelyke frases

Long Beach
Long Beach
black sand beach
platja de sorra negra
Long Beach Grand Prix
Circuit de Long Beach
Palm Beach
Palm Beach
golden sand beach
platja d'arena daurada
beach soccer
futbol platja
Sword Beach
Sword Beach
beach wagon
Omaha Beach
Omaha Beach


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
It was the site of the Battle of Largs in 1263, in which parts of a Scottish army attacked a small force of Norwegians attempting to salvage ships from a fleet carrying the armies of King Magnus Olafsson of Mann and the Isles and his liege lord King Haakon IV of Norway, beached during a storm.
EDICTE de 17 de novembre de 1998 , sobre un acord de la Comissió d ' Urbanisme de Girona referent al municipi de Maçanet de la Selva .WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Unlike surfing, skimboarding begins on the beach by dropping the board onto the thin wash of previous waves.
Sigui quina sigui la raó de la seva visita, que tingui molta sortWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The beach was deserted at this point.
El mode IDEAl és el mode MDI per defecte, i us pot ser familiar d' altres aplicacions del & kde;. En aquest mode, es mostra una única finestra filla maximitzada cada cop a la finestra principal del & kexi;. Una barra de pestanyes, que té una pestanya per a cada finestra filla, permet de visualitzar altres finestres filles simplement clicant a la pestanya corresponentLiterature Literature
There are over two hundred events held throughout the year in the borough, including firework festivals, dragon boat racing, beach volleyball, handball and motocross, and the annual carnival in mid-August, which attracts around 70,000 people each year.
d ' aquesta Resolució s ' ajusten al que disposen el Reial decret 1776 / 1981 ,WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
This section of the beach was small and seemed secluded.
Fitxer de registreLiterature Literature
Some lakes have resort bars and hotels, such as Jambo Beach on Lake Muhazi, which can offer a pleasure cruise to their customers in their own speed boat.
Les normes són les normesWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Just as he had done on the beach that day, he straightened up.
Accions EditaLiterature Literature
“Inspector, how can you be so sure that the horse you found dead on the beach was Rachele’s and not mine?
rellevant dels professionals del cinema i de l ' audiovisual en el camp de laLiterature Literature
There was nothing they did not know about beaches and the seas that changed even as you looked at them.
Que bé que seuLiterature Literature
"Urban beach" is a new coastal destination concept in which the natural attractions of sun and sand are complemented by a series of added values related to the area, such as its history, inhabitants, traditions, customs, cultural heritage and a wide-ranging offering in terms of leisure, tourism and services.
Manual de & kigWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Was there an echo or was there a nun on the beach somewhere?
I on la posarem, la gent que s' espera?Literature Literature
The objective was to capture intact two road bridges in Normandy across the River Orne and the Caen Canal, providing the only exit eastwards for British forces from their landing on Sword Beach.
Aviam, em sent, oi?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
I turned around and looked at the path to the beach.
& Ajusta el giny a les funcions trigonomètriquesLiterature Literature
Bulgaria has emerged as a travelling destination with its inexpensive resorts and beaches outside the reach of the tourist industry.
d ' autorització de cessament d ' activitats , es va instruir l ' expedientWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In the summer the beach towels were spread out so close together that you could hardly see the sand.
Controls de volumLiterature Literature
Over the reluctance of the naval commanders, exit routes from the drop zones were changed to fly over Utah Beach, then northward in a 10 miles (16 km) wide "safety corridor", then northwest above Cherbourg.
Compara MD# amb el porta-retallsWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It is frequently ranked as one of Norway's most popular beaches.
A Rússia, ara només hi ha dues classes de personesWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
For on the beach my canoe is broken, my house is burned, and in the brush a dead man lies.
Aquest complement té per objectiu respectar " ad personam " les diferències salarials existents entre el personal , en aquells conceptes que no es poden incloure en cap dels complements salarials del personal laboral abans enumerats .Literature Literature
Mary Anning and I are hunting fossils on the beach, she her creatures, I my fish.
-- 5 Els bitllets guanyadors seran aquells en què el símbol i el nom de la flor que aparegui sota la menció " La seva flor / Su flor " coincideixin amb el símbol i el nom d ' una o diverses de les que apareguin sota les cinc caselles rascades .Literature Literature
Both the German and French areas where Compsognathus specimens have been preserved were lagoons situated between the beaches and coral reefs of the Jurassic European islands in the Tethys Sea.
Marqueu el centre de control i el diàleg Configura Konqueror si la configuració de l' intermediari encara és allíWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The clear green water broke on a beach of white sand so perfect it seemed unreal.
Estem temporalment aïllats del món exteriorLiterature Literature
It was when my body was starting to fill out a bit and some guys on the beach had whistled at me.
Tancant una finestra d' objecteLiterature Literature
Almayer was the last to leave the boat, and together with Ali ran it higher up on the beach.
Les cel· les protegides en un full protegit no es poden editar sense desprotegir tot el full, i qualsevol canvi al full restarà deshabilitat. Per exemple, ningú podrà inserir files o columnes, canviar l' amplada de la columna o crear diagrames encastatsLiterature Literature
People were milling about on the flatter part of the beach, prepping some things for tomorrow’s event.
Neteja tot el text des de la finestra de la sessióLiterature Literature
"""A dragon has just flown over the tree-tops and lighted on the beach."
Canvia la & identificació del navegadorLiterature Literature
201 sinne gevind in 29 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.