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beach run

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Beach Run


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They are suddenly forced to turn right and come to a beach that runs parallel to a road.
elèctrica a 132 kV , d ' alimentació de la subestació deLiterature Literature
The normal beach where we’d run into one another the first time wasn’t good enough.
És que Allende era un home molt simpàticLiterature Literature
The man on the beach had started running.
Nom d' usuariLiterature Literature
In addition to Weston Beach Race the Amateur Motor Cycle Association run the Skegness Beach Race, this event attracts 25,000 spectators over the weekend.
Preposa el separador a la signaturaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
"""All the guys at the beach will want to run away with you."""
La Galena i jo volem donar les gràcies a Amèrica per aquesta gran oportunitatLiterature Literature
Among the GGNRA's attractions within the city are Ocean Beach, which runs along the Pacific Ocean shoreline and is frequented by a vibrant surfing community, and Baker Beach, which is located in a cove west of the Golden Gate and part of the Presidio, a former military base.
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I run up the beach, lifting my feet like a prancing horse to get out of the water.
14 de juny , pel qual s ' estableixen els requisits mínims dels centres queLiterature Literature
Joan saw himself running along the beach to offer the bastaixos Bernat’s waterskin.
Besar un enemic del poble!Literature Literature
They started running up the beach.
Ningú més... que joLiterature Literature
The other pavement runs along the beach and the bath houses.
Atraparem aquests fugitius en un termini de # horesLiterature Literature
Lily had left them that morning to go for a run along the beach.
immediata tal com indica l ' article 89 del text refós de laLiterature Literature
I could walk to Ocean Avenue and see the homeless people—I could run on the beach.
del Codi ci vil , en relació amb l ' article 278 de la compilació delLiterature Literature
I've gone hunting on Didymus; I've run along the beaches of Troezen, places as poor and as wild as myself.
Desplaçament esquerra d' un bitLiterature Literature
Half walking, half running down the beach from the hotel I saw three people, a man, a woman and a small boy.
Protegeix el & fullLiterature Literature
Half walking, half running down the beach from the hotel I saw three people, a man, a woman and a small boy.
S' han trobat sortides d' àudio en el sistema. Seleccioneu el dispositiu que desitgeu de sortida de soLiterature Literature
Portland is unusual as it is connected to the mainland at Abbotsbury by Chesil Beach, a tombolo which runs 29 kilometres (18 mi) north-west to West Bay.
Comandaments del ratolíWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
On the right-hand side of the beach there is a small marina run by the Cala Canyelles Yacht Club.
Oculta la barra de pestanyes si tan sols n' hi ha una d' obertaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Children were scattered here and there on the beach, bundled in jackets, climbing the rocks, running on the sand.
Copia del PC a l' agendaLiterature Literature
“I can still see her running away that night, on the beach.
Inicialitza la impressora abans d' imprimirLiterature Literature
Jaschiu and the other children run away, leaving Tadzio on the beach alone with Aschenbach.
Sé què sona una mica increïble, però aquesta conclusió està basada en... els resultats del nostre bessó de computadoraWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Holly was running from the ocean to the beach, wearing the red bikini that had long been Ted’s favorite.
D' acord, parlaré, ho diré totLiterature Literature
It takes about fifteen or twenty minutes to run to the other end of the beach.’
Aprofitarem la barra per servir, tambéLiterature Literature
When she brought the bill, he said, “We could run away together and live in a beach hut.”
Article 16Literature Literature
I saw myself as a child as running barefoot over the shingle on Brighton beach.
adossi amb la mateixa alineació que aquesta última .Literature Literature
Manresa State Beach hosts the junior lifeguard program which runs two sessions each summer, teaching lifesaving, fitness and water safety to children in Santa Cruz County.
M' enduré el noi perquè li porti la medecinaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
36 sinne gevind in 18 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.