blossom oor Katalaans


/ˈblɑ.səm/, /ˈblɒ.səm/ werkwoord, naamwoord
A flower, especially indicative of fruit as seen on a fruit tree etc.; taken collectively as the mass of such flowers.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Katalaans


flowers on trees
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have or open into blossoms
When they're in full blossom... from the hayloft it looks like one single sheet.
Quan floreixen... des de l'herbera, sembla un full en blanc.
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state or season for such flowers

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A hamlet in New York.

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apple blossom weevil
blossom out
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peach blossom
flor de presseguer
orange blossom
in blossom
en flor
blossom forth
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in full blossom
en flor
Halmahera Blossom Bat
Ratpenat llenguallarg d’Halmahera
cherry blossom


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Before dropping the idea entirely, I decided I’d talk to Abe Blossom, a guy I knew.
Abans d’abandonar definitivament aquesta idea, vaig decidir de parlar amb Abe Blossom, un conegut meu.Literature Literature
The seed which Sara’s words had planted would soon blossom into full-blown madness.
La llavor que la Sara havia plantat aviat floriria a una escala completament forassenyada.Literature Literature
The dead men were buried in a common grave, and the cemetery blossomed every night with numerous will-o'-the-wisps.
Els morts foren enterrats a la terra de les fosses comunes i el cementiri produí cada nit una gran munió de focs.Literature Literature
In the Viking colony of Iceland, an extraordinary vernacular literature blossomed in the 12th through 14th centuries, and many traditions connected with the Viking Age were written down for the first time in the Icelandic sagas.
A la colònia vikinga d'Islàndia, una literatura vernacla extraordinària va començar a florir entre els segles XII i XIV, i moltes tradicions lligades a l'Era vikinga van ser escrites i registrades per primer cop a les sagues islandeses.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The petals were purple, but the center of the blossom was like a drop of blood.
Tenia els pètals de color porpra, però el centre de la flor era com una gota de sang.Literature Literature
You remember about the cherry blossoms?
Recordes els cirerers florits?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Those held his attention even less than the tiny blossoms of mould that bloomed between the covers of books.
Tot això li importava menys que les petites boletes de molsa que creixien entre les cobertes del llibre.Literature Literature
From this point the book's reputation spread and sales blossomed throughout 1956 and 1957.
Des d'aquest moment va créixer la reputació del llibre i les vendes van augmentar al llarg de 1956 i 1957.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It is as though the garden blossomed especially for the birth of our daughter.”
És com si el jardí s’hagués engalanat especialment per rebre la nostra filla.Literature Literature
Thus the fragrance of the blossoms had been transferred to yet another medium.
D'aquesta manera el perfum de flors havia passat a un altre medi.Literature Literature
Just you wait till you see th'gold- colored gorse blossoms an'th'blossoms o'th'broom, an'th'heather flowerin', all purple bells, an'hundreds o'butterflies flutterin'an'bees hummin'an'skylarks soarin'up an'singin'.
Només espera que vegis th ́de color daurat flors de gatosa una ́ th th ́o flors ́ escombra, una ́th ́ bruc flowerin, totes les campanes de color porpra, un ́papallones centenars o ́ 'Una ́ flutterin abelles un " Hummin aloses Soarin ́fins a un ́ Cantant'.QED QED
Mellyrn they are called, and are those that bear the yellow blossom, but I have never climbed in one.
Mellyrn, en diuen, i són els que fan la flor groga, però mai no m’hi he enfilat.Literature Literature
It is like a bud which untouched, blossoms.
És com un brot que, sense tocar-lo, floreix.Literature Literature
Amidst this recitation is a gay love blossoming between the two cadets, Sam Singleton / Romeo played by Seth Numrich and Glenn Mangan / Juliet played by Matt Doyle.
Enmig d'aquesta versió, neix un amor homosexual entre els dos cadets: Sam Singleton (Romeu), interpretat per Seth Numrich, i Glenn Mangan (Julieta), interpretat per Matt Doyle.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
These authors were generally published in either newspapers or in the literary magazine Květy (Blossoms) published by Josef Kajetán Tyl.
Aquests autors generalment publicaven en periòdics o en la revista literària Květy («Flors») publicada per Josef Kajetán Tyl.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Ah, how does the cold earth know when the sun at spring-tide draws out her heart into blossoming?
Com sap la terra en quin moment el sol de primavera s’introdueix al seu cor per a fer-la florir?Literature Literature
Fidelia gives an awakening Edgar a sprig of almond blossoms, but leaves when she sees Tigrana approaching.
Fidelia li dóna un ram d'ametller florit, però el deixa quan veu que s'acosta Tigrana.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Through my classroom window I watched drenched blossoms falling like wet snow.
Des de la finestra de la meva aula, contemplava com queien les flors xopes com neu humida.Literature Literature
Snow in the branches Shall float as sweet as blossoms.
La neu que hi ha damunt la branca surarà dolçament com les poncelles.Literature Literature
They wore magnolia blossoms in their hair.
Duien flors de magnòlia als cabells.Literature Literature
Thus the fragrance of the blossoms had been transferred to yet another medium.
D’aquesta manera el perfum de flors havia passat a un altre medi.Literature Literature
When he has stripped all the veils away, he finds an incandescent bud, which blossoms to reveal Mark and Jenifer.
Quan ha retirat tots els vels, troba un brot incandescent que floreix per revelar a Mark i Jenifer.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The blossoms had disappeared, leaving no trace on the grass.
Les florescències havien desaparegut, sense deixar cap rastre damunt l'herba.Literature Literature
In a few weeks, it’ll be in full bloom, and the city will be bursting with pink blossoms.
Falten poques setmanes perquè estigui en plena floració i la ciutat s’ompli de flors roses.Literature Literature
The period from 1600 to 1650 was the blossoming time in Dutch literature.
El període de 1600 a 1650 va ser el temps de floració de la literatura neerlandesa.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
201 sinne gevind in 16 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.