blotting oor Katalaans


naamwoord, werkwoord
Present participle of blot.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Katalaans



Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

màcula · taca · tacar · tintar · transferència
blotting paper
paper assecant
Western blot
Western blot
blot out
enfosquir · fosquejar · obscurir


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
“Really, thank you,” she says, then blots her eyes with a tissue from her apron before returning to the dishes.
En cap cas l ’ aplicació d ’ aquest Conveni no suposarà una modificació o pèrdua de les condicions col · lectives més beneficioses existents amb anterioritat .Literature Literature
Beyond the dark blot of Goat Island were the scattered pinpricks marking Point Richmond.
interposar recurs ord inari davant el conseller de Política Territorial iLiterature Literature
Blot sweat from my face with a towel, then sling it over my shoulder as I walk to the table.
Grup D : Auxiliars administratius i personal especialitzat ; títol de graduat escolar , formació professional de primer grau o equivalent o capacitació provada en relació amb el lloc de treball .Literature Literature
Darkening the light and blotting out the sun;
I els carrers, les carreteres, el trànsit?QED QED
They are also used in immunoprecipitation to separate proteins and anything bound to them (co-immunoprecipitation) from other molecules in a cell lysate, in Western blot analyses to identify proteins separated by electrophoresis, and in immunohistochemistry or immunofluorescence to examine protein expression in tissue sections or to locate proteins within cells with the assistance of a microscope.
Per exemple, quan li he preguntat sobre les seves capacitats... he notat orgull en la seva resposta sobre la seva precisió i perfeccióWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
She glanced at clouds blotting out the stars in the west, and she hoped it would not rain again.
He de dir que conparteixo totalment l' opinió del Sr Deniker, els alienígenes van venir en diverses ocasions al nostre planetaLiterature Literature
Saint Francis Xavier, in a 1545 letter to John III of Portugal, requested the Goan Inquisition, which is considered a blot on the history of Roman Catholic Christianity in India, both by Christians and non-Christians alike.
Obrir i desar fitxersWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The old man rises and comes forward, with another blot-headed candle in his hand.
Els espais de color implementa la classe purament virtual KisColorSpace. Hi ha dos tipus d' espais de color: aquells que usen lcms per a transformacions entre espais de color, i aquells que són massa estranys per a que els gestioni lcms. Exemples dels primers són are cmyk, rgb, yuv. Un exemple de l' últim és l' aquarel· la o wet & sticky. Els espais de color que usen lcms poden ser derivat de KisAbstractColorSpace, o d' una de les classes base especialitzades per a un cert número de bits per canalLiterature Literature
The oblong white ceiling, with this scarlet blot in the midst, had the appearance of a gigantic ace of hearts.
Delimitació del sòl urbà , pel que fa a la part posteriorLiterature Literature
When this was done, and he knew that all was in train, he blotted out his traces, as he thought, by murdering his agent.
El germà de Domi, que ha escrit l' algorisme per calcular el centre d' un cercle donats tres puntsLiterature Literature
Intense mental concentration has a curious way of blotting out what has passed.
Quedi' s els dinersLiterature Literature
At moments, images of himself and Adriana from the night before came into his mind, and he immediately blotted them out.
S' ha desconnectat de tots els dispositiusLiterature Literature
Is there a speck on it for miles, save that one foul black blot that has fallen there?
Emili Pons i CarrerasLiterature Literature
He put his fingers inside the cuff of his shirt and carefully blotted the sweat from his eyes.
La Comissió d ' Urbanisme de Tarragona , en la sessió d ' 11 deLiterature Literature
The news daily published details of the incident, including the fact that the police report had had the driver's name and vehicle tags blotted out; that the man, David Klapenbach, was a member of the right-wing paramilitary group, the Argentine Patriotic League; and that Klapenbach himself had committed numerous murders.
Rebeu la imatge de TV, Houston?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Coal-colored shadows spread, and the thick collapse of night blotted the desert.
RESOLUCIÓ de 28 d ' agost de 1998 , per la qual es deneguen les s ol · licituds de dissolució de l ' agrupació de Verges i Ultramort i de l ' Ajuntament d ' Ultramort d ' exempció de l ' obligació de mantenir el lloc de treball de secretaria intervenció .Literature Literature
I had the impression of a steel curtain coming down and blotting out the real woman.
Copia la secció seleccionada i la posa al porta-retalls.Si hi ha cap text seleccionat en el camp d' edició, aquest serà copiat al porta-retalls. D' altra manera, les frases seleccionades en l' historial (si n' hi ha cap) seran ubicades en el porta-retallsLiterature Literature
All the women around were weeping and blotting their eyes with pocket squares and handkerchiefs, myself included.
grup amb capacitat per a 30 llocs escolars .Literature Literature
The labeled probe is first denatured (by heating or under alkaline conditions such as exposure to sodium hydroxide) into single stranded DNA (ssDNA) and then hybridized to the target ssDNA (Southern blotting) or RNA (northern blotting) immobilized on a membrane or in situ.
Mida màx. de la paleta de matrius de barreja de vèrtexsWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
However, the moment Horst mentioned the word barges, the villagers' cries of ire and discontent blotted out his voice.
A les ordres Desfés i Refés s' hi pot accedir des de la barra de menú (com en els exemples anteriors), usant les dreceres de teclat o des de la barra d' einesLiterature Literature
The letter has been written in great haste; there are blots of ink, and the letters are ill-formed.
Manual de & kpercentageLiterature Literature
The next sense to disconnect is my hearing, which blots out the sounds of the forest and whatever Ross is saying.
Minimitza el nombre de passos en signar correus, usa els valors predeterminats, excepte que es detectin problemesLiterature Literature
he said, turning round, while he distractedly blotted the prescription dry.
superior , i de supressió d ' altres nivells i ensenyaments , es va instruirLiterature Literature
The alleged poetry, which was such a blot on the young mans character, was almost entirely dramatic poetry.
Tots els que escollim dedicar la nostra vida al servei de Déu tenim alguna cosa en comúLiterature Literature
It blots out all that life of mine!""
Tipus de fitxerLiterature Literature
162 sinne gevind in 10 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.