borrower oor Katalaans


One who borrows.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Katalaans


one who borrows


Languages adapt and borrow words from each other, especially those that live in close proximity.
Les llengües adapten i agafen paraules d'altres llengües, sobretot de les que estan més a prop.



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George Borrow
George Borrow
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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
And now that she was talking about it he was not only listening but asked to borrow it.
Estem molt contents de ser capaços de fer- hoLiterature Literature
The idea is to animate through the borrowed books over time instead of just seeing them all at once.
Causant : Francesc Virgili Ferrer .Literature Literature
Didn’t I borrow your hairbrush last time we went out?
Aleshores, qui és aquest payo amb sort?Literature Literature
Despite that, he was a heavy reader, but as his parents could not afford to buy him books or manga, he had to borrow from his local library.
RESOLUCIÓ de 25 de maig de 1998 , per la qual s ' aprova la constitució i la inscripció de societats agràries de transformació .WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Diddi looks just wonderful in his borrowed hunting clothes and his little felt cap.
No és necessari posar un. kwd al final del vostre nom de fitxer; ja ho farà & kwordLiterature Literature
In fiscal year 2005, 17 consumer loan firms received a combined 4.3 billion yen in suicide policy payouts on 4,908 borrowers – or some 15 percent of the 32,552 suicides in 2005.
Les tasques pendents també es poden arrossegar amb el ratolí per a reordenar la jerarquia o per a intercanviar les tasques pendents amb altres finestres de calendari. També podeu accedir a un resum de totes les operacions arrossega i deixa disponiblesWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Ever since that day, I’ve been living on borrowed time.’
¿ Us en recordeu, que vam parlar del que podia passar mentre la mare fos fora?Literature Literature
He had borrowed from Joseph, he had stolen money from the till.
la seva publicació al DOGC , d ' acord amb el que disposen els articlesLiterature Literature
‘You only borrowed the bag, I know,’ Daniel says.
al conseller d ' Ensenyament , recurs contenciós administratiu , davant laLiterature Literature
The original Metroid was influenced by two other major Nintendo franchises: Mario, from which it borrowed extensive areas of platform jumping, and The Legend of Zelda, from which it borrowed non-linear exploration.
Família d ' administració : cicle formatiu de secretariat , amb 1WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
I managed to borrow money, was screwed by slippery partners and lost everything.
reguladora de la jurisdicció contenciosa administrativa ,Literature Literature
Maybe I can borrow the Comet—I’ll go see.”
--1 Aprovar definitivament la Modificació puntual de lesLiterature Literature
I asked where we'd stay, and Ruth said we could borrow a big tent.
Color de primer plaLiterature Literature
Love, to borrow Sylvia Plath’s phrase, set me going.
Generació de codiLiterature Literature
If I was going to beg, borrow, and plead with Blaine to give me more time, I wanted to at least look the part.
Els va assassinar una criatura vil De les profunditats de l' infernLiterature Literature
The term was subsequently borrowed by François-Xavier Verschave as the title of his 1999 criticism of French policies in Africa: La Françafrique, le plus long scandale de la République (ISBN 2-234-04948-2).
Fem una cosa de bona fe i ens l' esguerrenWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The name re-surfaces in late medieval Latin as lacca, borrowed from medieval Arabic lakk in turn borrowed from Sanskritic lakh, meaning lac i.e. a red-colored resin native to India used as a lacquer and used also as a red colorant.
del Conveni de col · laboració subscrit per ambdues empreses .WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Lieutenant, can I borrow your gun?""
No puc matar la Nancy!Literature Literature
Why don't you just take me to the gentleman whose borrowed my car.
Fuegode Petróleo KUWAITOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
“I’d just like to borrow the lady for a while.”
Quan está marcada aquesta caixa i cliqueu en un quadre protegit del vostre document, apareix un cursor. Si no està marcada i cliqueu en un quadre protegit, no es veurà cap cursorLiterature Literature
Virtually any Swiss Standard German word can be borrowed into Swiss German, always adapted to Swiss German phonology.
--1 Aprovar definitivament l ' expedient de modificació de lesWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Partholón comes from Bartholomaeus (Bartholomew) and he is likely an invention of the Christian writers, possibly being borrowed from a character of that name in the Christian pseudo-histories of Saint Jerome and Isidore.
Us paguen per escriure sobre plantes i no us estimeu gens la terraWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
«Would you be willing to let me borrow the Subaru for a bit?
Pujol de Badalona .Literature Literature
I only want to borrow it, and I need it tomorrow.
L' ordre Enganxa insereix una còpia de totes les dades del porta-retalls a la posició actual del cursor. El porta-retalls no es veurà afectat. (De manera que un altra ordre enganxa produirà una altra còpia de les dades en el documentLiterature Literature
Upon which I said, “I want to borrow twenty-five dollars from, you, Eddie.”
201 sinne gevind in 8 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.