car door oor Katalaans

car door

A door designed for use on a car.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Katalaans


A ghost doesn't rip up a car door.
Un fantasma no arrenca la porta de cotxe.
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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
My mom got in and closed the car door.
URI d' impressoraLiterature Literature
Pete opens the car door and throws out Amelia’s shoes and the gym bag.
Aquesta nit organitzo un acte benèfic per l' escola... i mireu com tinc la casaLiterature Literature
Bunny hopes, in a peripheral way, that Bunny Junior has locked the car door.
Educació secundària obligatòria : 6 unitats de primer cicleLiterature Literature
asks Rose, closing her dad’s car door behind her and joining us.
& Neteja la seleccióLiterature Literature
Wilt got out, slammed the car door with unnecessary violence and marched off down Willington Road.
Arranjament de la taula de llumLiterature Literature
Yuki leaned against the car door.
Establir l'expressióLiterature Literature
Remember the day he slammed the car door on your hand?
Nosaltres no sabem res... ell sap tot el que nosaltres necessitem saberLiterature Literature
Another of him opening a car door.
No té característiques de monstreLiterature Literature
Tom said in French to the taxi driver who opened his car door.
Qui de vosaltres és la filla d' Atila?Literature Literature
Harry jerked open the car door and the frozen rubber seal groaned.
Aquest polígon no conté el puntLiterature Literature
When I dropped her off at her apartment on Côte-des-Neiges, Solange lingered at the car door.
Crèdits i llicènciaLiterature Literature
From far off the sound of car doors slamming, dogs barking.
Has sentit alguna cosa?Literature Literature
Grabbing his textbook from the floor, Holden reaches for the car door and shoves it open.
de societats agràries de transformació de Catalunya amb elLiterature Literature
She opened the car door and called out to the man, who turned round.
Els comentaris de les línies s' inicien amb el caràcter. Aquestes línies no es tenen en compte en la execució del codi. Aquests comentaris permeten al programador explicar el codi o bé impedir que una seqüència de codi s' executiLiterature Literature
His reaction was a desire to open the car door and throw everything on the ground.
delimitació zona arqueològica, article 25 , de Mataró ,Literature Literature
Halvorsen pulled at the unlocked car door, but it was frozen fast.
No puc moure les camesLiterature Literature
I found him when he was opening his car door; he didn't seem especially glad to see me.
Nombre de premis per bloc : 500 .Literature Literature
Dalida leaped up and opened the car door so quickly that she nearly knocked the old man down.
Al Aukre BRASILLiterature Literature
The car door opened, and Krempel launched me onto the floor with the sole of his shoe.
Totes les opcions escollides poden fer-se predeterminades per a les següents sessions desant-lesLiterature Literature
I was just wondering if there’d be any donkeys on the beach, when Jas opened the car door.
No hi estem obligatsLiterature Literature
Old Sam nervously opened the car door, ready to get out.
Per usar una invitació que heu rebut. & krfb; usa invitacions, i en pot enviar per correu electrònicLiterature Literature
She’s leaning against the car door, maybe waiting until I’m gone to fall over.
Només vull sortirLiterature Literature
He heard her slamming the car door without the neighbour’s dog starting to bark.
Barra d' eines extraLiterature Literature
Another man opened the car door and sat at his side.
Si el fereixesLiterature Literature
"""I just thought I heard a car door in the street."""
Aquest és el mateix text d' exemple per a la nostra cartaLiterature Literature
489 sinne gevind in 29 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.